XC- Mad Scientist

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Switched Bodies:
(S) = Smoker's Body
(T) = Tashigi's Body

A battle was raging in front of Caesar Clown's laboratory between Smoker's Marines and Caesar's soldiers.

Tashigi, who had been put into Smoker's body, but Law earlier, was fighting, and noticed something flying towards the Marines.

Tashigi (S): Hey, look at that!

Marines: Something's flyin' over here! A huge cannonball!! Huh? No, wait.

Upon closer inspection, the flying object was revealed to be an inflated Luffy with Robin, Franky, and (Y/N) sitting on him.

Luffy and Franky collided with a Marine battleship, while (Y/N) and Robin jumped off at the last second.

Robin created wings, while (Y/N) turned his lower body into storm clouds so he floated in the air.

The four Straw Hats landed on the ground and took fighting stances.

Luffy: Come on out, Master!!! We've come to kick your butt and then kidnap you!!!

Franky: <laughs> That was quite a shortcut.

Robin: That was a secret, Luffy.

(Y/N): So we're fighting everyone I guess...

Marines: It's the Straw Hat crew!!!

Caesar's Soldiers: Take them down!!!

They started screaming and charging at the pirates. Franky grinned.

Franky: Strong Right!!!

His right fist launched forward, taking down the incoming soldiers. It reeled back into his arm with a chain.

Luffy: Well, now we're here. But where's the Master?

Robin: He's not going to be waiting outside. Let's go in the laboratory.

Some more soldiers approached, but (Y/N) blew them back with a gust of wind coming from his hands.

Tashigi, in Smoker's body, glared at Luffy.

Tashigi (S): Straw Hat Luffy!! What are you plotting on this island?!

Luffy: Hey, Smokey! You're all right! I was worried after I saw you on the ground earlier!

Tashigi (S): How dare you humiliate me!

She launched her sword forward at Luffy with a puff of smoke, but the pirate caught it and pinned her to the ground.

Luffy: What happened to you?! You're all weak now!

Tashigi (S): <grunting> N-No... I'm not who you...!

(Y/N): I don't think that's Smoker, Luffy. It might be the swordswoman that Zoro likes.

Tashigi (S): Huh?! Roronoa doesn't like me!!

Luffy: What do you mean, (Y/N)? That's Smokey underneath me!

(Y/N): No, look. Smoker doesn't usually have a sword. And look behind you.

Smoker, in Tashigi's body, jumped at Luffy, wielding his Seastone club.

Smoker (T): Oh, come on. I don't wanna see myself losing to that guy!!

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