XCI- Raising Some Hell

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Switched Bodies:
(S) = Smoker's Body
(T) = Tashigi's Body
(Sa) = Sanji's Body

Everyone watched as a giant slime, in the shape of an axolotl, chomped down on the huge piece of candy. Ahead of it, some of Caesar's men were running away from it.

Caesar: Smiley took the bait!!! Shurororo! And now he will be reborn!! Show everyone, Smiley!!

The prisoners braced themselves for something bad to happen.

Luffy: Man, that frog is huge!

Smiley let out a loud bellow. He began to bubble and steam rose from him. He started chasing Caesar's men.

Caesar: Very good, Smiley. May we meet again! And now, be reborn!! As the weapon of mass murder, Land of the Dead!!! Transform this island entirely!!

Just then, Smiley turned into a huge wave of purple smoke-like gas. It reached some of Caesar's men who became encased in an ash-like substance, trapping them in place.

Caesar laughed maniacally and celebrating the weapon's success.

Smoker (T): What is that?!

Luffy: All those people...freezing solid...

(Y/N) squinted his eyes as he looked at the few remaining people running from the purple gas. His eyes widened.

(Y/N): Holy shit! It's Zoro and the others! They're being chased by the gas!

Franky: What are they doing out there?! And why are they running that way?

Robin: Oh, the samurai is whole again.

Luffy: You're right! I guess he probably won't give me his legs, then. Hey! That's not what's important right now, Robin! <yelling> Watch out, guys!! That smoke is dangerous!! You gotta run...

He started panting, feeling weakened from the Seastone shackles.

(Y/N): I don't think they'll be able to hear you, Luffy.

Caesar: Friends of yours? Shuroro... No wonder they're so tough to kill! But their lungs will give out eventually, and then the gas will get them! In mere minutes, the island will be a true Land of the Dead in which nothing can survive!! Not a single soul outside this lab will be left alive!! And that includes you!!!

Just then, the cage the Straw Hats, Law, Smoker, and Tashigi were in was lifted up, sliding into the wall.

(Y/N): Oh, dear...

Caesar: You will now prove to the world that a pirate worth 400 million Berries, a Marine Vice Admiral, a devil host, and even a Warlord of the Sea are helpless before the fatal power of my Land of the Dead!!

The cage was taken out of the lab by a hook and hung outside. Down below were the G-5 men, who screamed when they noticed Smoker and Tashigi.

Franky: This place is built as solid as a fortress.

Robin: And well designed for large equipment.

Tashigi (S): Now's not the time for that subject!

Luffy: This is some kinda pickle we're in!

(Y/N): I feel like we've been in worse situations, though.

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