LXXIX- Darling It's Better Down Where It's Wetter

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N): What the hell did you just say, Luffy?

Luffy: Let's tame the octopus and get it to pull our ship!

Usopp: You're crazy!! Take a good look! But you don't even need a good look! It's gigantic!! It must be hundreds of years old! The Kraken is a monster that appears in countless legends!

Brook: A creature that's all flesh and bones... It's the exact opposite of me.

Usopp: Nobody cares!

(Y/N) and Franky watched as Robin sketched the Kraken in a sketchbook.

Franky: Hey, that's pretty good.

(Y/N): <blushing> My Robin has an artistic side to her!

Robin: <giggles> You don't get to see one every day.

Chopper: You're sketching it?! Isn't there something else you should be doing right now?!

Zoro: <to Luffy> It's fine by me, but do you have a plan, Luffy?

Luffy: The trouble is, we're in the middle of the ocean.

Usopp: No, no, the trouble is its size. Even if we were on land, your plan would be just as foolhardy and dangerous.

Nami: Turn the wheel and head south!

Luffy: Hey, Nami! Head for that octopus!

Nami: Don't be stupid! Can't you see all the wrecked ships it's holding? You want to end up like that?!

Sanji: Yeah, Nami-swan. I'm with you.

Just then, the crew heard the sounds of shouting. They turned and saw that the ship from earlier was approaching, still being pulled by Momoo.

???: Brother Caribou!!

Momoo: MOOOO!!!

(Y/N): Oh, it's the ship from earlier.

The man, Caribou, gawked when he saw the ship.

Caribou: Coribou! And my men! You came to rescue me?!

Coribou: We'll save you, brother!

However, before they could do anything, one of the kraken's tentacles reached up and grabbed the ship, easily crushing it.

Caribou/Nami/Usopp/Chopper/Brook: <terrified> AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Usopp: The bubble coating burst! It crushed a ship even bigger than Sunny!

Caribou: Men!!

Zoro looked at the members of Caribou's crew who were floating in the water.

Zoro: They look like jellyfish.

Caribou: Shut your trap, Zoro!!

The kraken raised another tentacle up to attack the Thousand Sunny.

Luffy and Zoro got ready to attack, before being stopped by Usopp.

Usopp: Stop!! You'll pop the bubble if you attack at the same time!! Dodge it!

(Y/N): Franky, couldn't we use a Coup de Burst to get into the current?

Franky: I considered it, but there's a problem! Coup de Burst and Gaon Cannon both shoot out air. Don't forget, we're underwater right now! We have a limited amount of air! If we use them, the bubble around the ship will collapse!

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