XIX- Noland the Liar

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and (Y/N) were making their way back to the Going Merry when they heard a familiar voice laughing.

It was the cherry pie man.

???: <laughing> The sky island does exist. <munching on a pie> This cherry pie really is the best!

They all turned to look at him.

Nami: You...

???: Why are you still upset, missy? Your friends won that fight back there.

Nami: What?

???: Your comeback was impressive too! You've got guts! <laughing>

Zoro and Luffy both stared, serious-faced.

???: The new age they spoke of is crap! <shouting> The age of pirate dreams is over?! <laughing> People's dream never end!!

Luffy continued to stare at the man, while people around him started laughing at his outburst.

???: Ain't that right?! It isn't easy to be great!! Let them laugh! If you're aiming for the top, you don't always need your fists to show your might!!

He turned to (Y/N), who was looking at the ground, thinking.

???: Sometimes not fighting back is the strongest thing you can do!

(Y/N) looked up at the man, who started chomping on another pie.

???: <mouth full> You didn't fight back, even when it mentally hurt you! You listened to your captain and thus won the fight! You're already stronger than those fools will ever be!

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. He couldn't stop himself from making a small smile. The man started to laugh again.

Zoro: Let's go.

Nami: Yeah. Luffy?

Luffy continued to stare at the man, who stood up.

???: Well, I won't keep you. You seem to be in a hurry. I hope you make it to the sky island.

He walked away, laughing, while Luffy turned to follow Zoro and (Y/N).


When Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and (Y/N) made it back to the Going Merry, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper were shocked at the condition the men were in.

Usopp: <freaked out> You guys! You're wounded!! What happened?!

Sanji: Nami!! Are you all right, Nami?!

Chopper: Aaahh!! D-D-D-!! Call a doctor!!

Usopp: That's you! 💢

After Chopper patched up the men, Usopp noticed (Y/N) sitting in a corner by himself.

Usopp: <to Luffy> What's up with (Y/N)?

Luffy: He had a rough time over in town. You should probably leave him alone for now.

Nami, who was complaining about how Luffy and Zoro didn't fight back, stopped yelling at looked over at (Y/N), concerned.

Nami: I hope he's okay...

(Y/N) sighed and stood up, walking over to them. He placed a hand on her head.

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm fine.

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