5. Chapter (The Price Sisters)

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Isabella made her way into the drawing room, where her easel stood, and had scarcely begun to contemplate a new painting when Aileen hurried toward her.

"You shan't believe the tidings I bear," her fiery-haired twin exclaimed with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Bella responded with a profound sigh and a roll of her eyes, well aware that Aileen was about to indulge in the latest morsels of gossip. Yet, at this moment, her patience for such frivolities was limited. The art of gossip did not align with her sensibilities, for she recognized all too keenly its potential to wield influence and reshape lives. Moreover, she harboured a deep understanding that Lady Kendall possessed an uncanny knowledge of nearly every soul within society's confines, a feat she found both astonishing and disconcerting. She pondered, albeit in jest, that should the matron ever choose to reveal the sum of her knowledge collected within years, society might never recover from the aftershocks.

"Why, I shall scarcely believe such tales," Bella murmured, dipping her brush into the water before applying the base coat on a white canvas.

"Marquess St. Arcey has proposed to Eliza," Aileen declared, her lips slightly pursed, in a teasing tone.

Bella knew she must maintain her composure. She ought to have her emotions firmly under control, for she was well aware that Travis harboured no interest in her. He coveted Eliza, that much was true, but how could he have possibly proposed when they had been dancing at the Grays' ball just yesterday?! Surely, this was nothing more than Aileen's whimsical attempt to vex her twin, following the sharp words Bella had spoken to her while awaiting Eliza's awakening. Nevertheless, at Aileen's words, the palette in her hand quivered, causing her to throw it on the table. She then tossed her brush into the water glass and turned to her sister.

"Do not conjure such fanciful notions — you cannot fathom the harm they might inflict upon someone!" She whispered through gritted teeth, withdrawing her hands discreetly to prevent her sister from noticing the tremor that coursed through them.

Aileen accentuated her pout and assumed a more composed posture, folding her arms to her hips. She took delight in her twin's emotional turmoil, and while Bella remained convinced that Aileen was merely teasing her, her countenance now bore the blush of the possibility that these words held truth.

"As if I have ever uttered falsehoods to you," Aileen responded, her lips curved slightly.

"Even when you speak the truth, you have a penchant for withholding certain details," Bella declared, her voice passionate. "I have known you better than I have known my shoes over the years! Yet, I struggle to comprehend why you find it necessary to inflict pain upon either me or our dear sister."

Towards the end of her speech, her voice quivered, and her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, leaving a poignant silence between them.

"Why do you not inquire of her directly?" Aileen finally suggested, crossing her arms delicately over her chest. "I am not oblivious — I am well aware of your secret affection for the Marquess. I can count to two, my dear sister — it is he whom your youthful heart maddens for!"

Bella vehemently shook her head in disagreement, so much so that it felt like her very thoughts might take flight.

"I harbour no maddening for him! The sole one captivated by romantic fancies is our dear sister, who... oh, why do I even divulge these matters to you?! Your comprehension is sorely lacking," Bella replied, her tone marked by irritation. To what avail would she confess her sentiments to her sister or anyone at this juncture? She must endeavour to pardon herself for her romantic naiveté and let go of the one she longed for—nay, to dismiss him completely. Only then could she heal and potentially encounter someone new, someone who would appreciate the depths of her emotions. She was eager to spurn him at every moment from this point onwards. 

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