21. Chapter (Brother Mischief)

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Teddy led her to the door, which Bella opened, revealing a well-lit study. She looked at the boy, who seemed a bit breathless after their short journey, and noticed that he was dressed a bit too warmly for today's weather. It was the end of May, and there was an unusual warmth outside. Despite that, the boy wore a coat, a small tie, and thick shoes—indeed, he looked like a petite lord.

"Allow me; I'll help you take these off," Bella said, kneeling and starting to unfasten his attire.

"Bethany said that this is how lords dress," Teddy mentioned.

Lords, perhaps, but not little children, thought Bella to herself. Hopefully, Bethany will understand this when she has her own little ones.

She removed Teddy's coat and tie, even suggesting he take off his shoes. The lad was pleased with that, and just as she was helping him with the second shoe, a servant entered with a chest containing Teddy's toys. Bella looked around for the best spot for Teddy's corner and decided on a space in the room, bordered by bookshelves from floor to ceiling. 

The study featured shelves that could be securely locked, ensuring she had no concern about any books tumbling onto Teddy, or the lad accidentally pulling them down upon himself. She chose this particular spot for another reason as well – the thick carpet on the floor suited her intentions perfectly. 

Bella wished to be barefoot alongside Teddy, engaging in play on the floor and drawing as close to him as possible. Once the chest was carefully positioned, she gestured for Teddy to go and select his favourite toys from within. Sensing the stagnant air in the study, she decided to open the window and let in a breath of fresh air. She then joined Teddy, lowering herself to the floor as he retrieved a few small wooden horses and soldiers made of lead from the chest.

"What game shall we play?" she asked with genuine curiosity.

"War," he promptly replied.

"Ah, war?" she sceptically shook her head but smiled.

Teddy gave a nod. "Lafferty taught me this game, Miss Ward, saying it to be a game he used to play with his brother," he said, taking a moment to reflect. "You being a lady, I wonder if you'd want to play a game of war," he scratched his temple nervously.

"When it's just the two of us, feel free to address me as Isabella or Bella. And regarding war, rest assured, Lord Kendall, I shall prove to be the most formidable soldier at your disposal," she replied, playfully mimicking a male voice, prompting Teddy's laughter.

"Please, do call me Teddy, and these here are James, John, and Travis," he gestured toward each toy soldier arranged neatly on the ground between them and Bella.

Her eyebrow arched with curiosity. "Travis? This soldier is named after your brother?" Teddy vigorously nodded, lifting the lead soldier and directing it toward Bella.

"Yes, indeed – he's deemed the most formidable of them all."

Ah, she thought. This young boy possesses a keen awareness beyond his years.

"Are you fearful of your brother, Teddy?" she inquired cautiously.

Teddy made a wry face and contemplated, still observing the small figurine.

"Aye, a bit. He's so, um, en—en—"

"Enormous," she assisted.

"Enurmo! He doesn't smile. He held my hand at my mother's funeral, and even saved me from a fox in the forest! But there's his kentenence, such a kentenence..."

The study wasn't expansive, and their voices resonated well to the slightly ajar door where a figure stood, discreetly listening to their discourse.

"Menacing? Unpleasant? Dangerous?" she inquired with interest.

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