8. Chapter (An Undesired Visitation)

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Travis shifted his gaze from Eliza to Daniel and then to Arden, finally settling it on Isabella, who was the first to meet his eyes. Your Cupid is currently quite repulsive, and with good reason, he thought, while Isabella's initial reaction was, What is happening to him?! Suffering seems to emanate from every facet of his countenance. Oh, if only I had the might to turn back time and act differently...!

A weighty air enveloped the group of five young individuals, and the profound silence seemed to intensify with each passing moment as none of them knew how to open a difficult conversation that lay ahead.

"We've received distressing news, Travis," Daniel was the first to break the silence. "Apparently, someone made an attempt on your life. We wanted to convey our support and offer our assistance in any need that may arise."

"We truly hold you in high regard and wish to ensure that you don't lose your life to some malefactor," Eliza chimed in, initially taken aback by his altered appearance.

He struck her as a forlorn figure, a shadow of his former self. His simple clothes hung on him rather than draped gracefully as they once used to, and the air of elegance that once clung to him had vanished. There was a depth in his eyes, an unsettling absence of youthful ardour. All that remained was a piercing contempt as if he held a bitter grudge against the world that he could distribute generously, leaving a heap for himself still.

Arden cleared his throat and joined the pair. "I too offer my assistance in unravelling the mystery of the attempt on your life. I have connections—"

"I want no help!" Travis thundered, causing Bella to startle. Her eyes widened in alarm.

This new Travis was unrecognizable. His voice was menacing, and it cut through the room like a whip.

"From any of you," he added ominously, pointing at each of them except for Bella.

Bella couldn't tell if it was because she hadn't wronged him in any way or if she was simply the farthest away from the group.

"Travis, please—," Eliza began again, but he interrupted her.

"It's Lord St. Arcey to you, Lady Gray. Besides, you've already chosen your path by deciding to marry another man, and I've long accepted it. However, I won't apologize for my decision not to include you further in my life."

If this man had slapped her, it couldn't have had a more profound impact than his words. She cast her gaze to the floor and couldn't muster a word.

"Could you leave us alone, please?" Daniel asked Eliza, Arden, and Bella.

Once the trio left the drawing room, Daniel approached Travis and reached out as if to place a hand on his shoulder, but Travis pulled away a few steps.

"Don't touch me," the Marquess hissed at his former friend.

"Very well," Daniel replied, his hands held open in the air. "But we need to discourse."

Travis scoffed. "I have no interest in your tales, so you may join the others and leave my house promptly," he stated curtly.

"These aren't just tales!" Daniel thundered. "I only wish for the opportunity to explain everything, as I would afford you that courtesy, not to behave like a petulant child!"

The Marquess's facial muscles tensed, but then he sighed in resignation and sat down on the nearest divan.

"Very well, please go ahead. But when you're done, I implore you – no, I request – that you leave and never attempt to contact me again. Neither your esteemed wife nor that arrogant fool Price, especially."

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