44. Chapter (Evil Lurks Nearby)

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It was yet dark when Bella awoke from her slumber. Turning toward Travis, she beheld his countenance veiled in the embrace of sleep, evoking a tender smile. Reclined on his back, his hand rested upon her side, exuding a tranquillity and youthful innocence seldom witnessed in his waking hours. Her fingers delicately traced the lines of his cheek and the scar, eliciting a murmured response from him in the realm of dreams. For Bella, the surreal sensation of belonging to the man she had long desired persisted, for just as hope had all but abandoned her, this fortuitous twist of fate occurred. She chose not to dwell on the past, a repository of lessons for them both in her modest estimation; instead, she aspired to focus on days to come shared by his side.

As his paramour and devoid of progeny, the angel's whisper echoed in her mind, stirring a twinge in her heart—a sentiment swiftly dismissed. No space remained for further uncertainty; she was cognisant that another parting from this man would be insufferable. Bella pledged to follow him even to the depths of Hades, if need be, and believed he would reciprocate. She harboured no regret in her decision to surrender herself to him; indeed, she would willingly make the same choice again and again. 

Slipping discreetly from beneath the bedcovers, she adorned herself in a nightgown and a warm shawl before departing in silence. As the door closed gently behind her, she traversed the corridor and reached the moonlit balustrade. Her peripheral vision detected movement on the opposite side, prompting her to fix her gaze on that spot—a sensation akin to a shiver traced the length of her spine. It stood there, a lofty silhouette draped in sombre attire, its countenance veiled in shadows, leaving Bella unable to distinguish whether it was a gentleman or a lady, not even discerning the contours of the person's visage.

"Who lingers there?" she inquired aloud.

She sensed the person's gaze upon her, and abruptly, the figure turned, hastening down the corridor. Startled, Bella swiftly regained her composure and pursued the figure – the echoes of her footsteps resonating in the empty halls. She found herself in the secluded recesses of the second wing, seldom traversed – an entirely deserted realm. Several ajar doors were recognisable, yet the darkness here seemed denser. Instinctively, she retraced her steps. The initial impulse to chase after the person now appeared imprudent, and her heart throbbed with trepidation. Upon the sudden sound of footsteps behind her, she jolted, extending her hands defensively.

"Lafferty!" she exclaimed in relief.

"Miss Ward, does something ail you? The echo of steps beckoned me to this floor. You appear as though you've encountered a spectre," Lafferty uttered quietly, his concern evident.

Bella swallowed before responding, "Not a spectre, Lafferty, but a person. Someone lurks in this portion of the house – when they beheld me, they fled in haste."

The majordomo's countenance darkened before he deftly retrieved a pistol from behind his back, catching the moonlight and causing her to startle.

"Are you pursuing him?" she inquired, her tone tinged with apprehension.

He responded with a dissenting shake of his head. "Nay, Miss Ward, even if a miscreant lurks within our abode, my foremost duty is to escort you to safety. Only then shall I address this matter. The night is shrouded in darkness, and that stranger could easily assail me from the shadows. I must return forthwith with the guards and illumination."

His rationale seemed sound, prompting her to proceed toward the staircase. Yet, casting an anxious glance back at the majordomo, she voiced another concern. "Should we not inspect Teddy's quarters?"

"He rests securely and in deep slumber. I have just departed from his chamber. The door to his sanctum secures upon his repose and unlocks at dawn when Bethany arrives to awaken him."

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