27. Chapter (To Forget A Marquess)

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The force of the collision expelled the air from Bella's lungs, and she would have crumpled to the ground if not for the swift support of a pair of strong hands. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she promptly began to apologize, even though the contours of the figure were still blurry to her.

"My sincerest apologies, I didn't see—"

"No harm done," came the reassuring voice.

The voice sounded oddly familiar – she must have encountered it at some point in her life. She blinked rapidly and focused on the stranger, recognizing a familiar face.

"You?!" she exclaimed in disbelief.

The blue eyes, reminiscent of hers, widened in surprise.


She swiftly shook her head.

"Miss Ward within these walls," Bella corrected swiftly, "shall we take a stroll to the garden – unless, of course, you have a different obligation at your hands."

"Lead the way," the man replied, and soon they found themselves secluded behind the tall hedge, away from the hubbub of the ongoing soirée within the house.

"Captain Hayes," she addressed him with a touch of sarcasm, "I presume you'll inform me that you are once again accompanying your brother and his family."

He inclined his head.

"No, Lady... I mean, Miss Ward. I reside here in Marlborough."

"Ah," Bella replied, with a bitter laugh, "Marlborough is not terribly far from London, after all."

Christian sighed, realizing immediately that she was alluding to their first and last encounter years ago. His gaze carried a burden of remorse, yet a restrained smile graced his features.

"I... truly could not and did not wish to promise you anything back then, to prevent you from being disappointed. The timing could not have been worse, believe me."

Bella had to close her eyes and bite her lip to keep it from trembling.

"Is something amiss?" a concerned Christian inquired, stepping closer to her.

"I've just learned an unpleasant thing," she replied, swiftly wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks, "I apologize, Captain; you caught me in an awful moment."

His gaze softened, and he said to her,

"I sincerely apologize if I, too, have let you down – leaving London after our meeting was not easy for me. I've been in Marlborough since February, bought a house here, and somehow convinced myself that you had already forgotten about me and moved on with someone else as it has been years since we met," he said candidly, then added, "Forgive me for the bold question, but may I embrace you, Isabella? You seem like you could use some tenderness, and I won't mind if you happen to dampen my shirt in the process."

She nodded and entered his open arms, where she began to sob. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other gently caressed her back and hair. They stood by the living hedge wall, paying no mind to whether anyone might spot them and raise a scandal.

Travis St. Arcey graciously welcomed another round of esteemed guests, among them Princess Augusta Frederica, Lady Georgiana Fitzroy and Lady Sarah Lennox.

"Marquess St. Arcey, it is truly a pleasure to see you again after so many years!" Exclaimed Augusta, offering her hand for him to kiss.

"Your Royal Highness, let me present you with a warm welcome to my modest abode," he replied with a practised smile.

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