50. Chapter (Lord Price To The Rescue)

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*paroxysm - a sudden and intense episode, possibly referring to the emotional or physical distress

*paroxysm - a sudden and intense episode, possibly referring to the emotional or physical distress

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Travis's heart momentarily faltered, but he quickly regained composure.

"Madam Merryweather, you are a most vile, deceitful woman," he declared.

She laughed robustly, shaking her head with a condescending air, as if conversing with an unruly child. "St. Arcey, you've hitherto hung on to my every word, and now you accuse me of falsehood? Very well, but I urge you to examine Robert's portraits more closely. He possessed exquisite auburn curls and azure eyes – qualities you conspicuously lack."

"That can be easily elucidated," Travis retorted with a composed tone. "I bear a stronger resemblance to my mother and her lineage."

Elinor nonchalantly waved her hand. "Think what you will, but today I've merely spoken the truth. Regrettably, I lack any evidence beyond the likeness to Robert, but I persist – you are nought but the illegitimate scion of Corinne Stillwater, bestowed with the title of a Marquess. Robert, naturally, uncovered the truth; he harboured doubts even as he wed your mother. Yet, his infatuation prevailed over reason. What he could not abide, however, was your mother's continued dalliance with her paramour even after the nuptials."

Travis' nostrils flared, and he struggled to maintain his composure, refraining from shouting at the woman.

"Four days hence, at ten in the morning, in the local chapel, Marquess St. Arcey. Failure to comply shall entail consequences," Elinor reminded him, then gracefully turned on her heel and exited the room.

Paul followed her, still holding his pistol steadily on Travis until he disappeared from view. Once both had left, the Marquess began to breathe heavily, and his head spun to the extent that he had to lower himself onto a nearby chair.

It cannot be, he ruminated with a sense of urgency, no, no, it simply cannot be. Robert St. Arcey is my father, he declared firmly, that woman is only attempting to undermine me and my beliefs... but the remainder... dear Providence, oh dear!

He gently passed his hands over his temples to alleviate the pressure in his head. Once Travis had somewhat composed himself, he swiftly rose and exited the hunting lodge. His steed remained tethered to the tree where he left him, so he deftly untied the animal, mounted it, and urged it into a gallop. He yearned to return home expeditiously, to enfold Bella in his arms without delay... to disclose everything to her and seek counsel on the ensuing steps at the earliest opportunity. He endeavoured not to yield to the sensations of despondency and hopelessness; nay, he still harboured hope, and believed that even within this seemingly insurmountable predicament, a solution would present itself. It must, else...

Upon entering the manor, he summoned her name, "Isabella!"

As soon as she heard him, she swiftly rose from the settee in the drawing room where she engaged in conversation with Lady Kendall, and echoed, "Travis!"

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