33. Chapter (The Madman And The Harlot)

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When Isabella awoke from her prolonged nap, her thoughts immediately turned first to Teddy—having slept half the day, she was evidently alarmed at the prospect of neglecting her duties. However, she felt much improved in both body and spirit, and she couldn't help but reflect on Travis' touch, how he firmly pressed her hand as a sign of his support. In his gaze, there was compassion, an attempt to understand and empathize with her, and the warmth emanating from his hand did indeed touch her heart. Suddenly, a pang struck her in that very heart.

I shouldn't have allowed it, Bella thought, realizing that it was his mistress carrying his child, and she had chosen the captain as her paramour. And who knows what other secrets the Marquess might still be concealing from her...

She quickly rose from the bed, adjusted her dress, and walked out of the door with the intention of returning to Teddy and continuing her work. He was likely in the study unless Bethany had taken him for a walk or straight to dinner. However, as she passed by the doors of the Marquess' study, she heard male voices.

Bella wasn't one to indiscreetly eavesdrop behind closed doors, but the voices were too distinct and agitated for her not to be curious about the topic of their conversation. Her curiosity got the better of her—she approached and pressed her ear against the wood.

"But what if previously, they were adversaries of your parents, and now their modus operandi is being adopted by some foe of yours?"

Bella tensed. Who were they talking about as an adversary? She then overheard Lafferty accusing Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist of something Travis had to take, but the words eluded her hearing this time.

"This is a very serious and unsubstantiated accusation, Lafferty."

Bella felt a pang in her heart. Of course, he would defend his beautiful mistress carrying his progeny, she thought, swallowing the lump that suddenly welled up in her throat.

"Who are you, Mr. Lafferty? No one seems to be acquainted with your background, not even your given name. You arrived under the auspices of the late Lord Evan Kendall and served in my late mother's employ. Who are you, verily? Why do you bear arms? To whom else do you render your services?!"

With bated breath, she listened to the steward's responses, sensing that the atmosphere between the two men had thickened.

"However, what I am unequivocally certain of is that you have yet to disclose to Miss Ward the peril she faces by residing in Marlborough and in your company! She will undoubtedly find it reassuring to learn that she faces either a dagger's thrust or the embrace of flames!"

After these words, Bella exclaimed loudly and immediately covered her mouth with her hand. This was supposed to be another secret—that he exposed her to danger and didn't say a word about it to her?! Surely, her exclamation was heard. 

She quickly stepped away from the door and hastened as far as possible from the man who embodied a threat in every direction and sense. Bella didn't know where she was headed but hoped her feet would lead her to a place where she could seek refuge in solitude and contemplate what to do next. 

You should have left, you should leave! Now you must leave! her conscience cried. 

Let him explain it to you! He surely had a reason for his conduct, her naive heart tried to drown out her reason. 

"Isabella, wait!" shouted the rogue's voice after her. 

Instead, she quickened her pace until she found herself outside in the courtyard. She was so upset and determined to escape as far as possible that she didn't even notice the surprised faces of the servants and stable boys working on the new fence nearby.

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