10. Chapter (The Tidings Most Unexpected)

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"What's amiss, Hall? Why have you forsaken the drink?" inquired one of his friends in high spirits, as yet another jug landed on his table.

Evan raised his mug and downed the last third in one go.

"That's how I prefer it," another lord slapped him on the back and promptly ordered a fresh one.

They were in a well-known tavern, the Red Cat, which also doubled as a brothel on the upper floor. Evan's friends were already drinking when he returned from the inn where he had left Aileen on the bed. His mind kept drifting back to what they had done, he could still feel her tongue against the skin of his cock, but it was the tip of it touching her small, virginal womanhood that excited him the most. 

He enjoyed the gliding motion in her tight slit, searching for the opening that would take him into her womb, fulfilling her promise to give herself to him with her whole body. When he found it at last, he thrust his cock into her in one motion, overcoming even the slightest obstacle, and felt her whole body stiffen. 

A wounded animal's low sob escaped her lips. Ignoring it, he began to move slowly, enjoying the warmth of her body, but after only a moment he felt that climax was inevitable. And so he sped up until he was delivering one mighty volley of cum after another, enjoying her inner virgin beauty and the fact that he could pluck her proverbial flower himself... causing him so much euphoria that it made him dizzy. 

Only it hadn't happened that way at all. 

To be truthful, as he rubbed his cock against her womanhood, Evan's arousal grew to the point where he watched in surprise as he drew rings of essence across her labia, her inner thighs and a few drops fell on the dress she was still wearing. 

No, no, no, Evan thought desperately. Never before had he been betrayed by his organ, as if he were a little boy and not a grown man who knew how to control his excitement. Feeling horrified and ashamed at the same time that he hadn't been able to go through with his plan, he swiftly got off the bed, grabbed his clothes and began to dress hastily. Aileen, unable to comprehend what had just transpired, remained in her position on the bed. She only moved when the door slammed behind him. 

And thus, he discovered himself in the tavern, seeking solace for his bitter defeat in the depths of spirits, all the while contemplating his next course of action. His longing for Aileen remained aflame, even though he was well aware that he had fallen from her favour, perhaps being the last man on this earth whom she wished to ever encounter. 

It matters not, he mused, I'll do what I should have done long ago – I still desire her, do I not?, he asked himself. I shall propose marriage to her. Aye, I shall make her my wife and present to God and society an unscathed image of marital harmony. What difference does it make in the end? Even if she proves dull, she shall have children to occupy her days, and I can seek solace with a mistress, perhaps even two, he chuckled. The spirits seemed to buoy his soul, rendering everything within reach as if the realm of possibility expanded before him.

"Somehow you're not much of a talker today, George. Is there some trouble in Eden with that old whore of yours?" another asked him as the others burst out laughing.

Evan grinned. "I don't have any troubles, and that's a quality you all can surely admire, especially concerning my mistress," he replied with an air of self-assurance.

He planned to visit Corinne this evening to seek solace after his unfulfilled encounter with Aileen, as it had been a considerable while since he last called upon her. Mayhap that was also the reason he faltered so gravely with Aileen, filled with a pent-up eagerness that had amassed during this period of abstinence. Well, on the morrow, he would indeed pay a visit to the Prices and formally request Aileen's hand in matrimony, as etiquette required. Evan anticipated her initial hesitancy toward his proposal, but he relied on the confidence that, in the end, she would yield to the sentiment of unity between them.

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