15. Chapter (There's A Woman Behind Every Peril)

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It was a frigid January evening, the chill seeping into their very bones as two gentlemen entered a humble tavern on the outskirts of London. Their eyes fell upon the animated groups of regulars, each puffing on their lengthy cigars and indulging in the swirling smoke of their pipes. A few curious glances were cast their way, yet none lingered with lasting interest.

"What course of action do you propose?" inquired Travis of his majordomo.

"We must integrate ourselves amongst the crowd and engage in amiable discourse," responded Lafferty, earning a raised eyebrow from his master.

The majordomo merely shrugged, a wry smile playing on his lips.

"I've endured weeks of imbibing sour wine and diluted whiskey. I would find solace if these nightly escapades of ours held some semblance of purpose," the Marquess declared with a firm tone.

"But they do," retorted Lafferty, removing his long coat.

"How so?"

"You are relishing the luxury of the lowest echelon," the butler remarked, a knowing smirk adorning his face.

Travis emitted a wry chuckle and scanned the patrons of the quaint tavern. A peculiar sense of déjà vu washed over him as if he were witnessing the same faces and gestures once more. Suddenly, a shadow crossed his countenance as he recollected the recent affair back at the estate.



"While I am present here, and you accompany me, who attends to Teddy at home?"

Before the butler could reply, an unexpected assembly of men encircled them, wordlessly pushing them out of the tavern.

"Pray, what is the meaning of this? I shall freeze out here!" protested Lafferty.

"After tonight, such concerns will be of little consequence to you," sneered one of the four men, boldly approaching and gazing into Travis' eyes. "A marquess in a venue of this nature? Do you not comprehend that a reward was placed on your head not so long ago?" He laughed and spat disdainfully. "Dispatch them!" he commanded his men.

Two assailants set upon Lafferty with their fists, while the third, alongside their leader, drew a knife on Travis. Dodging the initial strike, he felt the leader's blade graze his coat. Realizing the prudence of making a swift escape, he hesitated as he witnessed Lafferty's valiant defence. Despite his reservations about his majordomo, he could not bear to let him face these assailants alone. 

As another assailant pursued him relentlessly, Travis skillfully seized his wrist and disarmed him, delivering a well-placed kick to the leader's chest. With a precise punch, he sent the assailant sprawling to the ground. However, the leader, though momentarily pushed back, managed to retaliate and brought Travis down by charging at him with all his might. 

Swiftly grabbing the blade from the ground, the leader commenced pressing it against Travis' countenance. A sinister grin adorned his face, exuding a diabolical aura, while Travis endured the stench of decay emanating from the assailant's breath. Nevertheless, Travis' resolve remained steadfast. He had no intention of meeting his demise near some dubious inn on the outskirts of London; on the contrary, he was resolute in extracting the truth about the bounty placed upon his head from these bloody assailants. Yet, at that critical juncture, the tide began to turn in favour of the attacker.

Fuck, I cannot depart now, particularly when the lad is under my guardianship, raced through the Marquess' thoughts.

In a sudden turn of events, both combatants became aware of the rustle and rhythmic footsteps of two additional pairs of shoes. The leader pivoted, only to find himself locking eyes with a stone that hit him right in the forehead. Following a forceful strike, he bellowed and rolled aside, granting Travis the opportunity to swiftly regain his footing. Travis' gaze initially fell upon the tall, fair-haired man, who was assisting Lafferty in thwarting two assailants, and then shifted to a lord — an unexpected presence in this unfolding drama. 

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