53. Chapter (Day Of The Rescue)

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It was the early hours of the morning when Lady Kendall found herself standing beneath a cross adorned with the figure of crowned Jesus Christ, his palms nailed and bloodied. She crossed herself with a gentle smile gracing her face, despite not being counted among the more devout women. Considering her nature and past actions, she remained confident that a reserved place awaited her in the deepest layers of hell, yet it did not fill her with a dread akin to the one she harboured for little Teddy.

"Well, well, Lady Kendall, what a delightful surprise! You're here before the groom himself—I had no inkling of your eagerness for his union with my daughter," exclaimed a warm female voice from behind.

With a composed smile, Lady Kendall turned around to face Elinor Merryweather.

"I extend my heartfelt wishes to the Marquess for a prosperous life, though I must confess, I already harbour regrets for the woman destined to be his wife. And you, sir, must be Mr. Paul Bramble if my observations serve me right," she remarked, regarding the shrouded figure standing beside Elinor.

"Do you perchance refer to the tale of the Mad Marquess?" Elinor inquired, choosing to ignore the other words of the elderly matron while giving a dismissive wave. "Nonsensical juvenile gossip. Octavia will surely disperse such tales with her tenderness acted upon his being."

Mrs. Merryweather slowly approached Lady Kendall, appraised her from head to toe, and remarked, "You have undoubtedly taken care in your attire for this splendid occasion. Perhaps you would consider assisting me with the decorations as well?"

Lady Kendall chuckled softly. "Aid yourself, Mrs. Merryweather, while I silently observe your notions and plans. You are destined to fall short on every count, I assure you."

Elinor simply smiled and returned to her seat to take up the basket of adornments. "A few ribbons will suffice; let's not have it resemble a funeral procession in here. By the by, will the Marquess' harlot attend the ceremony, that governess or whatever she is – Miss Ward?"

"You shall be disappointed, for she shall not attend. Why do you inquire, Mrs. Merryweather?" Lady Kendall asked, although she was beginning to anticipate the nature of the response.

"I wished to fulfil the desire of a certain gentleman who has been desiring her for quite some time. I attempted it in Silverton, where Mrs. Gilchrist was to lead her to him in the labyrinth—"

"Speak his true name, why conceal it? Your hound Paul is not yet invisible; a servant in Silverton witnessed him sneaking in there."

That same servant was instructed to go after Bella in case she did not emerge from the labyrinth with Miranda.

"Well, I see that your eyes and hands in the deepest of pockets are indeed reaching far and wide, Lady Kendall. Are you also aware that Miranda is with a child sired by him? I leveraged that fact to get her aid in guiding Miss Ward where Paul desired her, as a reward for services rendered to me."

The aged matron gave a genteel nod, having received tidings of his calls upon Mrs. Gilchrist earlier, though the gentleman's name had come to her attention only recently. The circle seemed to be enclosing at long last.

"Why did it concern you so, madam, that Paul should tarnish some governess' virtue?" inquired Lady Kendall with curiosity.

Elinor shrugged her shoulders. "And why not? I observed the Marquess' inclination towards her, and indeed, I desire him to suffer as much as possible. Disgracing a lady for whom he may harbour an interest was one of my intended stilettos buried deep in his back."

"Should the son bear the burden of the father's transgressions according to your perspective? Does that accord with propriety and justice, Mrs. Merryweather?" continued the elderly matron, eager to make her adversary divulge her convictions.

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