55. Chapter (Marrying The Man She'd Always Loved)

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John gazed at his daughter, holding her hands, as he attentively listened to the tale that had unfolded in Marlborough. Naturally, she selectively omitted details that could distress him, offering a discreetly refined account in line with the prearranged agreement between her and Travis – a pact not to disclose more than necessary. As she concluded her narration, the Duke pressed the bridge of his nose with his hand, letting out a sigh.

"Isabella, you've subjected yourself to considerable peril, not to mention the other ramifications of your conduct, for which I sternly reproach you. Regarding the Marquess' audacious invitation, I shall address him personally. And thirdly, I must also admonish your sister for shielding your actions."

Bella nodded, replying, "I understand, father, but I felt compelled to do so. For the sake of my soul, Marlborough was where I needed to be – I would not forgive myself for any alternative course of action."

John sighed, assuming a stern demeanour. "And what if, once again, you discovered that the Marquess felt indifferent toward you? Or that his demeanour changed into someone you'd not recognise anymore?"

His daughter averted her gaze, and at that notion, her chin quivered, eliciting sympathy from him.

"Was the peril worth it?" the Duke inquired further.

"Certainly, it was," she responded resolutely, turning her gaze to regard his countenance anew.

"Do you love that man? Are you content with him?"

"Aye, aye!" Bella exclaimed.

Upon such proclamation, John smiled. "Then nothing else matters, truly."

Bella embraced her father and inquired, "Would you do me the honour of escorting me to the altar, dear papa?"

The Duke sighed, gazing into her eyes. "I fear I am somewhat feeble for such a task, but there is another who would find great joy in this delightful duty – why not ask your brother Arden? And now, go and summon your intended."

Bella nodded and exited the room.

As Bella and John engaged in hushed conversation behind closed doors, Travis strolled down the corridor lost in contemplation. He was interrupted by the rhythmic tapping of shoes, and his attention shifted to Lafferty.

"Ah, Lafferty! I am pleased to see you have survived the ordeal," remarked the Marquess with a genuine smile.

Lafferty returned the smile. "Indeed, My Lord. The wound is mending remarkably swiftly, for which I am profoundly thankful. Miss Winthrop performed her care admirably."

Travis arched an eyebrow, but before he could inquire further, the majordomo promptly retrieved an item from his pocket and presented it to him. "I beg your pardon, but amidst all the tumult, I completely neglected to hand over what you requested – the family ring bearing the emblem of your lineage."

Travis gazed upon the jewel for a moment before grasping it in his fingers.

"Truly, Lafferty, I seem to have overlooked this matter as well. It appears its value to me was not as significant as I initially believed, and... I may not find occasion to utilise it after all," he nervously chuckled. "Primarily, we shall make use of some of the rings from the family heirlooms, safely preserved within this abode, until my wife and I commission our bespoke rings."

The majordomo nodded with deference and replied, "The decision is yours, My Lord. Should you ever reconsider, the ring remains at your disposal. For me, it is merely another task accomplished, including the books for the young Earl Darlington – if I am not mistaken, he is presently perusing the tome of Greek myths with Miss Bethany."

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