19. Chapter (The Arrival Of Miss Ward)

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And thus it came to pass that the missive scribed by Travis during a protracted and wakeful night indeed found itself in the possession of Lady Isabella Price. Initially, her astonishment was palpable as she perused the name of the sender, entertaining a flicker of doubt as to whether an error had been made, and the letter intended for another had mistakenly been dispatched to her.

What if he penned this missive to Daniel? Yet, why would such correspondence bear my name and not that of his or Eliza's? she ruminated in quiet contemplation.

Had this epistle reached her in years past, her heart might have quickened with anticipation. Alas, after years distanced from the bustle of London, she discovered a certain indifference towards both the correspondent and the missive itself. For a fleeting moment, she contemplated consigning the letter to the flames, where the inferno would duly devour it. However, she could not bring herself to be so callous – what if the contents bore weighty matters?! Consequently, she unfurled the envelope and swiftly perused the letter's contents, promptly reassembling it before veiling her countenance with her hands.

This must surely be but a nightmare, she murmured to herself inwardly. As her family navigated challenging times, her elder sister, Eliza, seated beside her on the settee, initially feared news regarding Arden or some development concerning Aileen. When Bella elucidated the matter, Eliza found little pleasure in the revelation. Even less joy accompanied the revelation a few days later when Bella disclosed her intention.

"Arden and our parents shall hardly applaud your decision," Eliza cautioned, shaking her head in disbelief.

"That's precisely why neither of them must learn of it," Bella replied in a hushed voice.

Though Travis had requested her presence in Marlborough, she forthrightly misled her sister, asserting that her journey led to London – to Reading, if one wanted to be precise. The news of the Marlborough fire had already become common knowledge, and Bella wished to spare Eliza and Daniel any undue concern. Yet, as Eliza gazed at her earnestly, the deception pricked at Bella's soul.

"I desire only for your happiness, Bella, and I had fervently hoped that you would uncover joy here, in Newcastle. I fear you might once again be disillusioned by the Marquess."

Bella offered her sister an encouraging smile. "However, I have already made a firm decision – I am journeying there solely for the sake of that little boy; it appears the situation is quite grave. He bears no blame for being a Kendall, and who knows, perhaps I shall have the opportunity to instil a modicum of virtue in him, just as our parents did for me. For us."

The sisters embraced, and as they parted, Bella continued, "Regarding matrimony, you are acquainted with my convictions. It is merely a contest of wits, a strategic alliance to see who can reap the greatest benefits. I am not inclined to become a pawn in such a game, and simultaneously, it seems that a tender connection is not destined for me. Thus, I've resolved not to actively seek one, nor tempt the fates. I have come to terms with the notion of embracing spinsterhood," she declared with a resolute tone.

Eliza sighed. "Bella, I engaged in this game, as you term it, and emerged triumphant, although today I recognize that had I chosen erroneously, my life would be in disarray. Aileen partook as well and suffered a complete defeat, though perhaps she is now... content in whatever place she currently inhabits. I wish to impart to you, 'refrain from indulging in this pursuit, for you attempted it and suffered defeat even before it commenced', but it would not be fitting – for in this world, there exist men other than Travis St. Arcey."

Bella nodded. "Sister, I am prepared to endure his company solely because I harbour no sentiments toward him any longer, genuinely. Were I not convinced of this, I would not even entertain his proposal. After enduring numerous rejections, I would have to be truly deranged to succumb to his allure once more."

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