35. Chapter (A Ripple In His Heart)

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When Bella approached Travis' study early in the morning, she hesitated at the slightly ajar door. Something drew her to take a peek inside, yet her sense of propriety warned her that it might not be the greatest of ideas, as she had been proved countless times. She gently glanced into the chamber and noticed something lying on the table. It appeared to be an open book, further fueling her curiosity.

Do not venture there; it's his personal sanctum. If he catches you, it will bring about further difficulties, warned the angel who appeared on her right shoulder.

Indeed, go there. If there are more secrets, at least you shall uncover them and not be left in the dark. After all, you're departing anyway, advised the devil on her left shoulder.

Bella turned to leave at first, but in the end, her will broke, and she walked slowly toward Travis' desk. At that moment, she had no inkling of what she was seeing, but as soon as she discerned the suggestive shapes of a woman and a man, she nearly gasped. She had seen that book somewhere before. In her mind, a recollection from many years ago with her confidante, Lorraine Rosewell, surfaced:

"Bella," Lorraine once told her discreetly, "I discovered such a book in the library," she chuckled and looked around as if someone could overhear them in the empty chamber, "a very risqué book."

Bella's eyes widened with curiosity. While she knew something about risqué books and images, given that she had an older brother Arden who didn't bother much with concealing such things, the fact that someone as virtuous as Lorraine knew about such matters surprised her.

"What a risqué tome?" she inquired eagerly. 

"Come, allow me to enlighten you," responded Lorraine, and within a moment, they found themselves in the grand library of the Rosewell estate. 

It was truly impressive, even more extensive than the one at Mayfair House, reaching ten feet in height. Bella wasn't astonished that Lorraine spent considerable time here. The ambience was delightful and idyllic, with screens strategically placed to provide seclusion for individual chairs and tables, a necessity for the Rosewells, who considered themselves a large family with their five daughters.

Lorraine promptly repositioned a ladder a few feet away, ascended, selected a book from the shelves, and disappeared behind one of the screens, closely followed by the inquisitive Bella. The book, with its unassuming grey binding and a discreet golden inscription that read Forbidden Pleasures, seemed innocuous at first glance. 

"Prepared?" inquired Lorraine with a sly smile. Bella nodded, and Lorraine began perusing the pages. 

Bella couldn't believe her eyes when she comprehended the nature of the content. 

"Isn't it rather daring?" Lorraine asked when she noticed Bella's amazement. 

"I'm simply astonished that such a book graces your family's abode," Bella remarked, "could it possibly belong to your parents?"

Lorraine responded with a knowing smile.

"Methinks it might have been a gift from some acquaintance of my father, intended as sarcasm. My mother would never condone such depictions nor acts, especially when she sees the union between a man and a woman solely for the purpose of procreation," Lorraine pondered aloud.

"What are your thoughts, Lorraine? Regarding these images, of course," Bella inquired.

"I believe that the intimate connection between a man and a woman involves more than just childbearing, don't you? Otherwise, we wouldn't have such volumes in our possession, there wouldn't be genuinely content marriages, nor would there be forbidden liaisons," mused her good friend. "What do you think the man is doing to the woman in this picture? It's all... peculiar."

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