24. Chapter (Frozen Sentiment)

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In the mansion of the Marquess St. Arcey, life unfolded at a leisurely pace, following a familiar path that seemingly suited all its residents. Bella had grown accustomed to Teddy's playful nature, and although the boy occasionally entertained her with some mischief, she knew how to manage such bouts even without Travis' interference. 

Most of the time, she hardly saw him—his focus remained on repairing the damages caused by the fire. Lafferty had informed her that the whole process had slowed down due to part of the household staff leaving in the past few days. Despite Travis promising to discuss Teddy's progress twice a week, their meetings were scarce, usually occurring only when he joined in their games, albeit briefly. These encounters could be scarcely counted on one hand over the past two weeks.

Bella was aware that he intentionally kept his distance, just as she maintained her space, all because her arrival and subsequent two days were an event-rich spectacle. And while this arrangement of mutual avoidance might have been acceptable to her and the Marquess, it came at the expense of a young boy who was just starting to assert himself towards his brother. Determined to address this issue, one day she decided to visit the Marquess in his study. However, at the door, she hesitated with her fist in the air as she was about to knock—the pounding in her chest mimicked the feeling of approaching the gallows rather than a man she had known for so many years... or so she thought.

Yes, that must be it, she thought quickly. I don't recognize him, and it makes me more uneasy in his presence. Or perhaps it's the fear of his unpredictability? What, by all means, is he trying to achieve by putting me in awkward and tense situations? She pushed these wayward thoughts to the recess of her mind and knocked decisively on the door. Upon hearing the invitation, she entered, and as soon as the master of the house's eyes landed on her, he rose from his seat.

"Miss Ward," he addressed her with a touch of formality.

"Lord St. Arcey, I have come to see you, as it seems you may have overlooked our discussions about Teddy's progress, which were meant to take place twice a week."

And a few more commitments you bestowed upon that young lad, she pondered silently. 

A boyish grin adorned Travis' countenance as he responded, "I haven't overlooked it; indeed, my plate of obligations has been rather full."

And so were my ballocks, he thought. It was rather to his dislike that he found himself once again tossing one off on a regular basis, just as he had done in his youth. But it was either that or making his most clandestine reveries about having her in his intimate servitude come true.

She smiled, "Of course, no one questions your efforts," she uttered with a touch of irony, "but just as the toil on the estate is crucial, so is the endeavour in your relationship with Lord Kendall. I comprehend that time may be scarce, perhaps even at this moment, but the lad requires a few essentials – he has outgrown the attire he presently possesses, and he also necessitates children's illustrated volumes—"

"Children's books? I assumed there would be some within this household," the Marquess furrowed his brow.

She inclined her head in disagreement, "Well, there aren't, and notwithstanding Lord Kendall's sharp intellect, he still needs maturation to appreciate Voltaire, Plato, or Addison," Bella expounded, feeling as if being not just the boy's governess but also the Marquess' at that juncture, "and he requires acquiring a few additional lead soldiers."

Observing his arched eyebrow, she elucidated once more, "He currently owns three soldiers, and if we were to procure another three, we could maintain an equitable count for war game. Currently, he enjoys a considerable advantage of two to one," Bella replied with a wry smile.

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