9. Chapter (Naive Youth)

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While her twin was visiting Marquess St. Arcey, Aileen Price sat in the carriage with her dearest friend, Claire Paddington, formerly Rosewell. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, knowing she was about to reunite with her beloved. Claire, however, accompanied her with reservations, under the guise of a visit to a mutual acquaintance. She'd tried to dissuade Aileen from the rendezvous as she saw her plan to be rather foolish if not outright dangerous.

"My dearest Aileen, this is not a prudent course of action, and you are well aware of the potential for scandal. If your beau holds you in such high regard, why has he not yet embarked upon a formal courtship? It has been several months - that certainly doesn't bode well with gentlemanly conduct," Claire voiced her concerns.

Aileen sighed and shared her innermost thoughts, "Claire, I miss him terribly, his tender kisses and touch...," she confessed. 

The prospect of their passionate reunion at the inn sent her senses awhirl, and her cheeks flushed with desire. Though she had been unprepared when Evan first attempted to claim her as his own, today, she was determined to surrender to his ardent affection, reassuring him of her unwavering love.

"Claire, my dearest friend, there is no need for concern. Our rendezvous shall be filled with fervent embraces and ardent kisses, but nothing more," she assured, masking the truth as Claire would certainly turn the carriage back home had she known the true intent behind Aileen's words.

Upon their arrival in the more dubious part of town, Claire wisely drew the carriage's curtains, attempting to shield them from the judgemental and prying eyes of society.

"Worry not, your apprehensions are unwarranted. We shall be discreet," Aileen continued her reassurance to the friend, though her heart danced with excitement. 

"This shall lead to naught but trouble, Aileen; let us return," her friend cautioned, but Aileen merely shook her head.

"Fear not, my dear. We are no longer children but women of the world. Look at this as an adventure. As a married woman, Heaven knows, not much adventure is left in your life," Aileen whispered with a hint of audacity in her tone.

As the carriage came to a halt, the two young ladies discreetly lowered their veils, concealing their identities to protect their reputations. With the coachman's assistance, they disembarked and ventured towards the inn, where a world of secrets and forbidden liaisons lay behind the wide-open doors with the unmistakable bustling atmosphere from within.

The innkeeper, a shrewd man familiar with discreet encounters in his establishment, approached the ladies. He inquired politely about the nature of their visit, knowing full well that such meetings required utmost discretion.

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