54. Chapter (The Greatest Villain Of Them All?)

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Travis gazed with great trepidation as Isabella hurriedly entered the church, cradling a slumbering Teddy in her arms. She halted just a few paces from the young couple, her large, hopeful eyes fixed solely on him.

"Oh, my, this is most unexpected. How thoughtful of you, Miss Ward. It appears we will have guests at this solemn ceremony after all," Elinor conveyed with a touch of irony. "You are indeed quite punctual, considering the Marquess requires a gentle nudge to make the correct decision."

Bella swallowed her words but remained silent, discerning some movement in her peripheral vision. Paul had discreetly shifted closer to Bella.

"Affix your signature to the contract, or you shall bid farewell to that little fellow," the blackguard threatened, pointing a firearm at the boy's head. "Then I shall gladly relieve you of Miss Ward – she will be of no use to you, and I have planned truly delightful moments for her."

Travis' form quivered with repressed anger, and from sheer powerlessness, he felt moisture welling in his eyes. His inner beast was ensnared by chains and muzzle, caught at every limb, neck – he could do nought but surrender.

Yet another remorse that shall haunt me till my last breath, he pondered bitterly, reaching for the quill in the inkwell. Within, he sensed that a portion of his soul withered alongside the appearance of his signature upon the contract.

"Well, you see it wasn't so difficult after all, Marquess," spoke Elinor in a content yet triumphant tone.

He redirected his gaze towards Bella, and in those captivating eyes, he perceived her slow realisation that he had committed himself to another woman. With each passing moment, her heart shattered a bit more...

With a few strokes of the quill, he had forfeited her in that very minute. Simultaneously, he experienced a familiar tightening in his chest, robbing him of breath and compelling a stagger.

"What's the matter, St. Arcey? What is transpiring?!" Octavia exclaimed, visibly alarmed.

Travis' legs gave way, and he crumpled to the ground. Bella, with Teddy in her embrace, hurried to his side. As she knelt beside him, the silence of the church was shattered by the report of a gunshot, causing the priest to collapse to the ground. Lady Kendall, concealing a pistol in her skirt all the while, had pressed the trigger at the most opportune moment.

This coincided with Travis' seizure which also prompted Bella to flee from Paul, who had been engrossed in the Marquess' affairs, paying no heed to the elderly lady. It took him a while to register that he was lifeless after being shot precisely to the head, but eventually, he descended to the ground with a weighty thud.

"No one shall be aiming a pistol at my grandson without repercussions," murmured the venerable matron, as Octavia began to emit distressed cries.

In an instant, constables, led by Chief Magistrate Gibson with Arden in his heels, stormed into the church.

"Mrs. Merryweather, I hereby apprehend you for complicity in the murder of Robert St. Arcey, money laundering, arson, extortion, the abduction of Earl Darlington, and lastly – for high treason," resonated the magistrate's thunderous voice.

"Do not lay hands on me!" roared Elinor as the men of law approached to take her into custody. "Do you comprehend?! Do you believe this concludes with me?! " She gazed wide-eyed at Gibson and Arden. "There are many such as myself, and even more! For the glory of the pretender! Long live the pretender!"

Nevertheless, the constables had already seized her hands and were escorting her away, followed by the distressed and lamenting Octavia.

"Once more, I am profoundly grateful for your collaboration, Lord Price. However, I shall leave you in solitude with..." He briefly regarded the Marquess on the ground, whom Bella was cradling, "your associates."

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