Chapter 34: Casualties

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I looked at Clair, she inevitably looked at me. We knew what actions followed. I signaled for her to go to the left and I veered onto the right. On separate sides of the aisles, I felt that the intruder had started coming up through the center aisle, as did Clair. It was dark, but just light enough for Clair and I to see the whites of each others eyes... The bad news?... So did the intruder.

I signaled to Clair to slowly move in. I slowly slid against the wall into a quarter turn stance... I caught a rush, the shivers and goose bumps at the feel of cold, hard steel on the backside of my neck... A 45 point blank at my skull.

Clair! Stand down... We surrender...

Breathing heavily, the crusty man gaped open his mouth, around my ear it seemed, cursing my ability breath with the rottening odor of decaying lymphoid tissues and a dilapidated uvula as he softly uttered,

Don't be a fool, little girl. We know you're alone.. We've search the whooole stoooorrre, eeehahahahah..

Taking a deep gasp to release the agony of the musty, wretched aroma taunting my nostrils, I thought to myself, "There's more than one, they must've gotten Clair! They must've gotten...." Then I see a glimmer and the shine of Clair's necklace across the gas station, lurking deep in the shadow... They picked the wrong girls today.

I lunged forward when I saw the golden twinkle of Clair's revolver shaft bending light. The shot was aimed to kill, but she sucked at aiming apparently... I don't kill anyways.
The shot hit the foul goon in his side knee. I spun around, and with a jump shot, I thrusted all my power back down onto the guy, right in his left side's jawline, he'll be taking a long nap. After Clair shot her gun, the pitter patter of feet bubbled through the air, like the sound of a trillion roaches infiltrating an anthill, but it was not that easy, though I wish it had been. Hundreds, sound like thousands of people scattered, were they after us? Or were they just here for shelter? Where did they come from? How come we didn't know they were here?

So many questions plus so little time, equals no answers whatsoever. Clair and I headed for one of the many run-down exits, naturally doing a scoop'n'run to our belongings, surprisingly, we got it all. I reached into my backpack and snatched out a smoke granade, (A special goody that was hidden under the checkout counter) and with everything I had, threw it at the exit... The didn't see it coming.

Now where are we gonna sleep! Every time this happens.

Clair, calm down... We will find a place, we have thus far.

I'm just sick of being hunted like a wild animal or something.


Why do you keep calling me that!?

What? Well, that's your name... right?

Hhhhh, no. I lied to you, none of those were my real name.
My real name is Maxine... Maxine Beauregard. Oh, yeah. Beauregard was real. Maxine Beauregard.

Really? Clai........ Hh. Maxine, why did you lie to me?

I didn't know you! I still honestly don't know you, but I trust you more, especially since you haven't tried to kill me lately.

Hmm. Point made, I understand. Anyways, we'll find some shelter, but I think for now, we should find some actual food.

We stumbled and scurried for hours, ducked in nooks and alley ways, trying to cover up our tracks. It didn't appear that anyone was following us, but we couldn't afford to be too sure. We found shelter at a dilapidated (as everything around here) motel, but this time we made SURE that we secured the place, no getting in, no getting out, unless we wanted to, that is. I really hope we find something soon... I love you dad, but this is getting old, stressful... And dangerous.

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