Chapter 10: Closer Than Most

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*Buzz Buzz*

Chills, take their paths directly down my spine, giving me the feel of desperation. I see that little girl, crying in a darkened, dank corner, with the steady motion of a rocking pattern, watching closely as my father shucks his wide hand across my mother's previously broken jaw, blaring his evil words.


He never, really was a violent man. Except for when he took his *Shoot ups*

They didn't make him any better, everytime he took that stuff, words, actions..... All sorts of stuff, became that of villains ways. He swore up and down, that there were men in white trucks following him everywhere, showing him the different ways they will kill him, and his family...... I didn't believe it, until now....... Now i believe it!

*Buzz Buzz*

The next time that alarm goes off, I'm gonna unload a whole doolie on it.....

I rise from that crappy hotel bed (better than the station's decorated torturer slabs)

I go to take a quick shower, I'm not too dirty.....

I begin washing my hair, so as everyone does, I close my eyes, for just a few seconds, then I open them, to see a silhouette of a muscular man, outside of my shower curtain. Not many girls shower with their weapons, but this slick foot bloke doesn't know I do, I whip the curtain back, while pulling my 42 hammer, my voice blares

"Surprise, Motha........."

No one? Am I just like my father? Suffering from crazy allusions?

Nobody was there, yet there was..... How does that work?

I reach for my robe, and wrap my hair with a towel, and slowly walk from the bathroom. Nobody! Weird as it seems, I blow it to the back thought, and continue my morning.

About two hours and a half has past, and I'm now making a cup of delicious coffee.

*Buzz Buzz!


"Freaking clock"

So now! I'm all ready, I head over to Phillip's room, he isn't there..... There is a note on the door, instructing me to make my way to the cafeteria, there is where I meet Phillip.

There looking like a total lunatic, in an all black, cowboy getup, I don't even bother with asking why, I just take my place at the opposing seat, many stare at us, in defiance.... Why? I don't know.

"Heard the news last night? The hospital you were in got blown up. No one survived. They show the bomber, he was a weird looking guy, he had a weird get up!"

The strange man, I think to myself, it was the strange who bombed the hospital, I knew something about him couldn't be trusted..... No wonder he was leaning over so much! He was carrying a bomb. Its good me and Phillip got out alive.

What if the strange man was Billepps? But he wouldn't get rid of himself that easy, not when he has such a good racket! He is still out there, I know he is.

"No, I didn't hear about that...... Such a tragedy"

Faithfully I could say I didn't, but do I know who it was?

Quite possibly, I do. But I won't say, that I know exactly who.

I look past Phillip, and I see a little girl, well...... Not too little, just around the age of 16, sitting at a booth with her sister, playing around, yet getting bullied... It reminds me of when I was in school, I always got bullied, picked at, the boy I loved left me, for my sister. I really thought he loved me, but I guess I was wrong. My sister had no Idea I loved him. And what is more, when I brought to her attention that he left me for her, she grow hot with anger, she felt that her little sister should be treated better. She swore that she would make him pay, but I told her to nevermind the idiots of days world, and focus on the people that matter. She finally listened, after almost being put behind bars, for the revenge of my sake. She grew up, and left home at 21, haven't seen her since, I'm 30 now. She told me she was at our father's funereal, but I never saw her.

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