Chapter 14: Patiently Faking

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Snuggly seated against the door of Brook's SUV, I stare out the left door window, how did I manage to fit in there, with all her kids. We made it to the range, and begin to practice aim, well.... I wasn't practicing, my aim was too great, I couldn't allow the rest of everyone to know that, so I faked it, all of it.

Shots were fired, couple hours were spent, we left... Shooting is no fun at all, it just comes in handy, but still.

We go to get a bite to eat, but we hit the hotel first, I rode my bike, so that I could take Phillip, he was being cheap about driving his truck, for a man with lots of cash, he sure is a tight fisted, sucker.

We all agreed on Chinese food, she we went to a place called 'The Man Of Food'

The title was more than fitting, the food was expert! Couldn't have been better. I went to the buffet to grab another large plate full, but I went to the restroom first..... There on the wall, was a list of kidnapped people, at the bottom left, Mason Billepps, this is mighty strange, first he's dead, now he's missing? This bloke is a strange character, but I want further information, which I SHALL, get.


I made my way back to the table, eyes were upon me, as I walked...... What? Am I that much of a stumbling block? I'm kinda confused, then I see Brook looking at my boots, there is toilet paper on the heal, great! I make a little stumbling motion, and remove the toilet paper, nice save... Brook winks (twin telepathy) I sat back down, I was already too full from the first plate, once I came to grips, that I was being a gluten, I didn't get another plate, so I waited politely for everyone else to finish up. We were having so much fun, I completely forgot, that I had a mystery to complete, family is the best cure.

By the time we left, I shot a glance to this guy in the booth, a 5 person booth..... By himself, it was rather strange.

So, of course we left, I was kind of ticked, that I didn't get the information of the day, but still... I wheeled out, on the bike, with Phillip on back (he didn't know how to drive a motorbike). In my anger, I past a fella by, he was moving rather slow on his bike, as I was passing him, I yelled

"Move! You backwards foot fool!!"

I don't know what got into me, Phillip was yelling at the top of his lungs, so that I could hear him explaining about what I just said was wrong, so I followed the man to the next public gasoline station, and apologized, then I was on my way.

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