Chapter 1: Dumbledore

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"I have some news about Voldemort." I told Molly and Arthur Weasley. I had owled them a couple days ago saying I was coming to their place to talk with them. When I had said Voldemort's name, both Molly and Arthur visibly winced.
"Is he back?" Molly asked.
"I don't know that but I have found out the Voldemort had a daughter." I explain. There were gasps of shocks from the couple.
"Who would want to marry that...that...that evil person." Molly stuttered angrily.
"He never actually married but he did have a one night stand with a half witch half siren before he met Harry Potter. The half witch/Siren got pregnant and had a daughter. Voldemort found out and tried to kill the child. The witch/siren, her name was Oceania, knew he would try to kill the baby so she hid the baby with another family and staged a car accident so she would die and an already dead baby would be found in the car tricking Voldemort into thinking the child would be dead. It worked. The child grew up with a nice wizarding family and later attended Hogwarts. Molly you probably know her. She was your best friend."
She looked confused,"Coral Brooks was you-know-who's daughter?"
I nod." Yep."
"If I remember correctly, she dropped out in 6th year." Arthur said.
"Yep." I agree," We believed that she had been killed when all attempts to contact her failed but recently we discovered that she sadly she is indeed dead but she had a child before she died."
"What?!?" Both Weasleys screamed.
"You-know who has a granddaughter." Molly said," And it is my best friend's daughter?"
"You-know-who has a granddaughter?" A pair of voices say. We turn to see the Weasley twins standing in the doorway, looks of shock written on their face.
"Well, my boys." I say a little disappointed," You weren't supposed to hear this but you might as well sit down and listen in." After I said this they immediately sat down and began to ask questions.
"Who is she?" Fred asks.
"Is she in cahoots with You-Know Who?" George asks.
"Will she try to kill Harry?" Fred asks again.
"Is she evil?" George asks.
"Boys," I say putting my hands up to stop their assault of questions," You can ask questions once I'm done explaining the situation but for now please remain quiet." For once they actually listened. I take a breath before starting again to explain what is happening," Coral's daughter's name is Atlantia. She is 12 years old but she is already very powerful. I suspect it is because of her parenting. Now what I am about to say is completely real and the only reason I know of it because one of my past students was one of these people. Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Norse mythology, and Egyptian mythology is all real. Their gods or goddesses sometimes have children with us regular mortals. Those children are called demigods. Atlantia is the daughter of every Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian god and goddess. Each of the gods and goddesses somehow gave a part of themselves to Atlantia's mother Coral thus creating a girl who was the daughter of every Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian god and goddess. She is also a siren since her mother was a siren. She can also be considered a witch since her mother was one as long as her grandmother and grandfather. All I know is that the Death Eaters have found out about her and are looking to try to recruit her. She has no idea about the wizarding world so she may try to go with them to learn more about it. I am telling this to you two...well four now, because I need a couple of people to come with me to bring her here for her safety and the safety of the wizarding world." I look at the four Weasley sitting in front of me trying to read their emotions. Then Molly speaks.
"Albus, I am willing to go because I owe it to Coral to take care of her daughter. She had saved my life too many times for me to disrespect her by not going." Molly states.
"We are willing to go." The Weasley twins say at the same time.
"Now boys, you are underage. You shouldn't go on a mission like this." Arthur begins.
"What mission?" a new voice says. We all turn to see Bill, Charlie, and Percy are standing in the doorway.
"Come in here and cast a silencing spell and a notice-me-not spell over this room, Charlie. We should have done it originally but we might as well now." Molly says beckoning her boys forward. I sigh. My old age is getting to me. I should have cast those spells when I first walked in. Once the spells were casted and the boys had settled into seats, I quickly explained again the situation to the boys before asking again who would be willing to go. Percy said immediately that he could not go because he had to finish the report for Mr. Crouch. Charlie and Bill just didn't want to go period.  So that just left, Arthur, Molly, Fred, George, and myself going to Atlantia's home.
"Do you know what her home looks like?" Arthur asked," I'm quite interested to see what muggle objects she had even though she is nothing like a normal muggle. Actually she is a witch not a muggle..."
I smile at him,"All I know is that she is very well off money wise in her life because of the Roman God Pluto being the god over wealth... Now shall we get going? Molly, you take Fred's hand and George you take your mother's and Father's hand." I then take each twins hand and then I quickly apparate to a city called New York City in the United States.

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