Chapter 3: Atlantia

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I walked up to my room and summoned some skeletons to pack my suitcase full of clothes and essential. I began to think about what I just found out. Apparently I have another evil family member. Isn't Kronos, Gaea, and the rest of them enough? I looked over at my skeletons and realized they had finished packing. I ordered them to bring it to the bottom of the stairs. I followed them down and once they brought it to the bottom of the stairs, I dismissed them. I walked into the kitchen to find them eating the cookies I had baked that morning.
"I see you like my baking since that jar was full this morning and its almost empty." I say smiling as I walked in. They all turn surprised.
"You already done packing?" The woman asks.
"Yep and I just realized that I never got your names but you have mine so would you please introduce yourselves."
"I'm Dumbledore and I will be your headmaster at Hogwarts when you attend." The old man who looked very much like Gandalf said.
"I'm Molly Weasley and that man over there is my husband Arthur and these two are my sons." The kind looking women said pointing to the man who was examining everything in the kitchen and the twins boys.
"I'm Fred." said one of the twins
" And I'm George," said the other.
I frown. I knew from experience with the Troll brothers that this was not true. I felt tears begin to well up at the thought of the twins but I pushed them back and spoke to the twins.
"No you are George and you are Fred." I say pointing to each one as I say their name. Their mouths fly open.
"How did you know?" Molly asked in awe.
"I have dealt with twin brothers before and they loved to prank people so I know when twins are trying to trick you or they are actually just telling the truth." I reply.
"Right now that you are packed," Dumbledore interrupted," We should be on our way. Arthur, Molly, I will leave Atlantia in your care. I am returning to Hogwarts immediately. Arthur, here is an extra ticket for the World Cup. She will be seated just next to you guys. I was going to attend but I have work that needs to be done so I figured Atlantia should enjoy the ticket." With that he handed a ticket to Arthur before disappearing right before my eyes with a loud pop. It didn't bother me since I could shadow travel, vapor travel, fly, and fire travel. (That one I shouldn't do because the last time aka the first time I set an entire field on fire.) I turned and faced the Weasley family and they were all looking at me curiously.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You are fine with a man..." Fred begins.
"just disappearing?" George finishes.
"It's not the craziest thing I've seen." I answer. There is an awkward silence since Molly had already told me that I could tell my story when I wanted to and I was not about to tell them what the craziest thing I saw was.
"Well," Molly says breaking the silence." I think we should head to our house. Atlantia dear, would you mind grabbing my hand. George, Fred go grab your Father's hand. He will bring you home." I was confused as I took Molly's hand but then everything went black. It felt like my body was trying to fold into itself. All of sudden the pain stop and I quickly opened my eyes even though I was not aware that I had closed them. I looked around and saw a home that looked pretty weird. It had what looked like a pretty small house on the bottom and then here and there these added rooms which I guess were either being held up by an unknown and unseen material or they were using magic. I am leaning toward magic. They began to lead me into the home. I began to finally notice how poor the Weasleys looked. There clothes all looked like they were hanging on by a last thread. I sighed. I wouldn't feel right if I stayed here while they were barely making ends meet when I have unlimited money with Pluto being one of my fathers. When we entered the house, I saw an equally run down home inside. It was very clean but it is very noticeable that the place needs to be renovated.
"Fred, George, go find your siblings and tell them to get ready for dinner and that we are having a guest but don't tell them her parentage. We will tell them at dinner." Molly said grabbing pans. Fred and George walk out of what I assumed to be the kitchen. Arthur looked like he wanted to ask questions so I told him I would answer his questions at dinner or after dinner. I then step over to Molly and asked if I could help.
"Oh no dear. I don't need any help. I know we don't have much but I can still think it tastes good..." Molly trails off because as she was talking, I called on Hestia's powers and summoned a nice home cooked meal. Arthur and Molly stared at the array of food on the table and floating in the air.
"Ummm. Do you have a bigger table?" I asked her looking at the crowded kitchen table.
Molly recovered from her shock and said,"We can eat outside. is this possible."
"Dumbledore told you guys that I was a child of every Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse god or goddess and my birth mother was a siren?" I ask them. They both nod." Well Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, family, home and a couple of other things which allows me to summon home cooked meals. I can summon and type of food and it will be in a homemade style." I explain. We move everything outside. Just as we finished setting the table, I hear a voice.
"Mom, Dad, who is this?" I turn and see three older, who I assume to be Fred and George's brother, brothers, one younger brother, and one younger sister. The three oldest didn't look happy to see me. Great. Not only do I have to stay here, I'm going to be hated. Just Perfect.

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