Chapter 55: Atlantia

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December was upon Hogwarts as I watch the Prefects put up the Christmas decorations. I haven't been back in the Slytherin Dormitory since the Quidditch Match because the whole group has not apologized for one and also like that Care of Magical Creatures class seem to always be lying and bullying someone these days. Or perhaps always and I just never noticed. We continued our D.A. meetings with about one a week and sometimes two if we can fit it. On our last one before Christmas break, I found everyone had improved so much and someone had decorated the Room of Requirements for Chirstmas.
"Well, this will be our last class until we return from Christmas break." I say as everyone arrived. "I figure we should review what we learned to make sure everyone is good so far with the basics before moving along to harder spells and fighting techniques." I see nods of understanding before breaking off into the pairs and I began the walk around the room. I was happy to see that everyone had pretty much mastered the basic spells and some of the fighting techniques I had taught them so at the end of the session, I was pretty proud and happy to see everyone was so involved in learning to defend themselves.
"Alright guys, that's enough for tonight. If I don't see you before you leave for Christmas, well Merry Christmas everyone." I said smiling at everyone. Everyone repeated the saying before slowly all disappearing out the door. A few minutes later I do the same. As I was making my way to the door that led outside, I heard someone call out my name. I knew it was not curfew yet so I turned and was surprised to see Dumbledore walking toward me.
"Atlantia, would you follow me?" He says placing a hand on my back, "There's some things I would like to discuss." I allow him to push me toward his office and into a chair in front of his desk.
"Now," Dumbledore says, "It has come to my attention that you have not slept in the Slytherin Dormitory since the Quidditch Match in which young Harry, Fred, and George got banned from Quidditch..." I just nod my head, "Now I know you have family in the lake so I haven't been to worried but perhaps you sleep in this room tonight? It may do you some good to sleep above water." He said with a twinkle in his eye.
"I'll sleep here tonight but I am totally fine sleeping under water. I am part siren, Dumbledore." I said smiling before ducking into the room he gestured to to change my clothes and take a shower. When I emerged, he pointed to the fluffy couch that sat in the corner of the room. I curled up on the couch and just closed my eyes hoping I wasn't plagued with nightmares.
I was awoken when I heard shouting. I opened my eyes to find Dumbledore shouting at two of the people in the portraits to raise an alarm with Professor McGonagall, Ron, and Harry looking on. When the two headmasters in the portraits disappear, I speak.
"What's going on?" I ask sitting up. All eyes turned to me.
"Atlantia, sorry to wake you but it seems we have a bit of a problem." Dumbledore said, "Harry sometimes have visions that show that You-Know-Who is doing at that moment. This time Harry was seeing Arthur Weasley being attacked by a snake from the perspective of the snake." I come increasingly worried when I hear Mr. Weasley was attacked.
"Is anyone searching for him?" I ask about to search for his soul.
"Yes, that's what those two headmasters will do. They will shout until someone comes to his rescue. Don't worry he should be fine but could you please check with your future power? I believe it should put these two young men and Professional McGonagall and myself's mind at ease." Dumbledore asked. I nod and allowed myself to open up to the power I have cut myself off to only my dreams. I pushed aside the visions that wanted to tell me about my future to find Mr. Weasley's future. When I find it, I am relieved when I see him in a medical bed. I exit in time to see Fawkes disappear in a flash of fire.
"Where is he going?" I ask.
"He'll be a warning for us." Dumbledore said, "Now, how is Mr. Weasley."
"He'll be fine from what I can see." I state and I see the tension fall from Harry's shoulders.
"Oh thank goodness." Professional McGonagall said holding her chest.
"Dumbledore." I heard one of the headmasters call out.
"What's news?" Dumbledore responds immediately.
"I yelled until someone came running." the old wizard said, "said I'd heard something downstairs...they weren't sure whether to believe me but went down to know there are no portraits down there to watch from. Anyway, they carried him up a few minutes later. He doesn't look good, he's covered in blood, I ran along to Elfrida Cragg's portrait to get a good view as they left..."
"Good." Dumbledore said as Ron tensed up again. "I take it Dilys will have seen him arrive, then..."
A witch then appeared in her portraits coughing as she spoke, "Yes, they've taken him to St. Mungo's, Dumbledore...They carried him past under my portrait...he looks bad..."
"Thank you." Dumbledore said before turning to Professor McGonagall. "Minerva, I need you to go and wake the other Weasley children."
"Of course..." Professor McGonagall said before briskly walking toward the door. Just before she exits she stops, "And Dumbledore...what about Molly?"
"That will be a job for Fawkes when he has finished keeping a lookout for anybody approaching." Dumbledore explained, "But she may already know...that excellent clock of hers..." I was confused by what clock he meant but I knew now was not the time to ask. I watched as Professional McGonagall left before seeing Dumbledore walk quickly to another portrait with a wizard clearly faking sleep.
"Phineas,Phineas," Dumbledore said trying to rouse him. Now the rest of the room was originally faking sleep but now were wide awake and interested in what's happening and some even tried to wake Phineas up by calling his name.
"Did someone call?" Phineas said "jumping" awake.
"I need you to visit your other portrait," Dumbledore stated, "I've got another message."
"Visit my other portrait?" Phineas asked yawning, "Oh, no Dumbledore. I am too tired tonight."
"Insubordination, sir," A Wizard in the portrait right next to where I was sitting shouted blowing out my eardrums, "Dereliction of duty!"
"We are honor-bound to give service to the present headmaster of Hogwarts," a frail looking wizard cried out. "Shame on you Phineas."
"Shall I persuade him, Dumbledore." Another wizard said raising an unusually thick wand.
"Oh, very well," Phineas said eyeing the wand warily, "though he may well have destroyed my picture by now, he's done most of the family.
"Sirius knows not to destroy your portrait." Dumbledore assured, "You are to give him the message that Arthur Weasley has been gravely injured and that his wife, children, and Harry Potter will be arriving at his house shortly. Do you understand?"
"Arthur Weasley, injured, wife, children, and Harry Potter coming to stay." Phineas repeated, "Yes, yes...very well." He stepped out of the portrait and disappeared from our view. Immediately after, the door to Dumbledore's office open and in walks Fred, George, and Ginny with Professor McGonagall.
"Harry...what's going on?" Ginny asked frightened, "Professor McGonagall says you saw Dad hurt..."
"Your father has been injured in the course for his work for the order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore explained before Harry could respond, "He has been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I am sending you back to Sirius's house, which is more convenient for the hospital than the burrow. You will meet your mother there."
"How're we going?" Fred asked clearly shaken. "Floo powder?"
"No," Dumbledore said shaking his head, "Floo powder is not safe at the moment,the Network is being watched. Atlantia can you shadow travel with a bunch of people?"
"I can." I reply.
"Great, so you will be traveling with Atlantia's powers since her powers can't be tracked." Dumbledore said. "And please don't worry to much, Atlantia has looked into the future to see your father will live...Now we are just waiting for Phineas Nigellus to report back...I wish to be sure that the coast is clear before sending you..." Dumbledore is interrupted by a flash of fire and a single feather floating to the ground in it's place.
"It's Fawkes's warning." Dumbledore said catching the feather, "She must know you're out of your beds...Minerva, go and head her off...tell her any story..." Professor McGonagall disappeared quickly after Dumbledore finished.
"He says he'll be delighted," Phineas said from behind Dumbledore, "My great-great grandson has always had odd taste in houseguests..."
"Atlantia quickly tell them what to do." Dumbledore said to me.
"Everyone quickly hold hands. Make sure you are somehow connected to me." I say holding out my hands. Ginny instantly steps up and takes my right hand while Harry takes my left with Ron taking his hand. Fred and George grab each other before connecting themselves to Ginny and Ron. "Alright, don't let go until I tell you to. It's going to feel very cold but it's normal." When I get nods in understanding, I close my hands and call on the shadows to pull us to Grimmauld Place.
An: Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got caught up in rehearsals and school work. Thank you for all the votes!!!

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