Chapter 74: Atlantia

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The time to return to Hogwarts came soon after the new year. I was quite happy to return because I was getting frustrated with the tension between Molly and Fleur and because of Fleur herself. Hogwarts required us to return by Floo powder which I hated to use after my first time 2 years ago. Molly had bursted out crying which honestly speaking everything has been making her cry since Percy stormed out Christmas morning.
"Don't cry Mom," Ginny said comforting her, "It's ok..."
"Yeah, don't worry about us," Ron said as he allowed his mom to place a kiss on his cheek, "or about Percy. He's a prat, it's not really ya loss, is it?" That wasn't the right thing to say since Molly continued to cry and I think she even cried harder.
"Promise me, Atlantia, that you will watch over my family...that includes Harry, Hermione and yourself...Promise me." Molly said engulfing me in a sobbing hug.
"I promise, Molly." I promise her, "I always do. They'll be safe."
"Off you go then." She said wiping the tears away and gesturing to the fireplace. I smile at her before stepping into the fireplace and shouting, "Hogwarts. "I watch as Molly and the Burrow disappear and Snape's office comes into view. I step out of the fireplace noticing Snape working on papers on his desk.
"Welcome back, Atlantia" Snape said not looking up, "Draco wants to talk to you. He's in the Slytherin Dormitory." I nod at him before making my way to the Slytherin Dormitory. When I entered, I saw many Slytherins milling about the room or just sitting on the spread out couches and chairs. Draco I spotted was sitting in a big armchair with an empty one next to him.
"Hey Draco. Thank you for the glass heart, it was really a thoughtful gift." I say sitting next to him. Draco jumped when he heard my voice before relaxing back into the chair.
"It was no problem. I knew it was perfect when I saw a similar one in this store my Mom shops at." Draco says smiling.
"Snape said you wanted to talk to me about something." I prompted when it went silent for a few minutes.
"Oh, yeah. What's going on with you and Blaise?" Draco asks, "Like I said in my letter, I am falling for you and I am not sure where you're feelings are."
"Blaise wants to date me and I do to," I begin watching Draco's face fall, "but I am not sure what my heart wants to do because I also want to date you. Blaise accepted that my heart is undecided and promised to wait for me until I make my decision. The question is what are you going to do, Draco. I like you too but Pansy also likes you from the looks of things."
Draco laughs, "Pansy was actually trying to make you jealous so you would admit your feelings for me not realizing that you had feelings for Blaise as well. I am not sure if I could live knowing you chose Blaise so I am going to fight hard for you, Atlantia. I am going to make sure you choose me."
Following this conversation, the relationship between Blaise and Draco changed. You could tell that there was a very noticeable unspoken challenge to see who could win me over and this meant they couldn't speak to each other. I ended up spending more time with Pansy and Millicent because I couldn't deal with them. They couldn't either and Crabbe and Goyle thought it was great to see who would be the bigger man and win my heart and honestly those two boys were losing their hold on my heart with the way they were acting toward each other. I was so caught up in my drama that I didn't realize one day that Hermione was looking for me.
"Atlantia, quick question do you know anything about Horcruxes?" Hermione asked when she finally got word to me. She was quite alright understanding the boy problem I was having since she was kinda having one with Ron. She hadn't elaborated and continued to ask me the question. I just followed her lead and didn't push her.
"I sorta know about them." I answer, "Dad, hates them because they split a person's soul so they can't die till all the horcruxes are destroyed which adds so much paperwork down there." Hermione eyes had widen before beginning to back away.
"Thanks you Atlantia. I got to go. Thanks for you help." Hermione said quickly before running down the hall and disappearing into the crowd of students. I stared after her wondering why she should want to know about them before shrugging it off hoping that Hermione will tell me why before I have to check the Future for myself since I don't want to see something horrifying like last year. As I walked back into the Slytherin dorm, I noticed a sign posted on the notice board in the Slytherin common room.
If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before the 31st August next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate.
I knew my whole year would be taking this class but I wouldn't be because I hated apparition for one thing and I am not seventeen. I guess it was for the best anyway since I was struggling with the amount of homework that the professors were giving me. On the Saturday of the first apparition class, I watched everyone in my year head to the Great Hall before shadow traveling down to the Underworld. Hermione's question made me question something so I wanted to ask my father something.
"DAD!" I shout when I walk into his palace. I see him appear from the shadows immediately.
"Atlantia, what's wrong?"He asks worried.
"Just have a question. You mentioned when I joined this world that Voldemort never died...was it because he separated his souls into horcruxes?"
Hades sighed before nodding his head, "I was wondering when you would figure that out. Yeah, as you know horcruxes can only be created if that person was blessed by me...Your Grandfather came to me when he had was still in training at Hogwarts. I had sworn off children and Nico and Bianco were already in the Lotus Hotel. I was upset because I had lost their mother and I had been drinking..."
"Dad, you're a god. You can't be drunk." I say confused.
He laughs, "You haven't tried Dionysius's wine. That will get you drunk even if you are a god. I had been drinking that a lot at that time so when Voldemort, or at that time Tom Riddle summoned me and ask me to bless him, I was too drunk to see the harm so I did it. The next morning I realized what I had done and went to kill him but he had already separated his soul so I couldn't. The prophecy you heard from Dumbledore was the one Apollo would later give to that woman after I explained what I had done. Let's say I spent a lot of time here in the Underworld for those years until Voldemort was semi-killed by that Potter boy." He is then interrupted when a skeleton comes in with some paperwork. He hands it to my father. My father looks at it and he frowns.
"Huh, looks like that Weasley boy is knocking on my doors." Hades mumbles.
"WHAT!?!" I shout.
"Yeah, a...Ron Weasley seems to have drunk a poison and is on the verge of dying it seems." Hades said looking up, "You know him."
"Yeah," I say as I fade into the shadows, "Don't submit that paperwork. He's a friend." I had locked onto Ron's soul and appeared quickly in the Potions classroom with Slughorn frozen as a statue as he stared at Ron who was foaming at the mouth and was jerking all round while Harry was searching through the cabinets for most likely an antidote. I run to Ron and place my hand above his mouth and called for the poison to come out of his body. I could only do this because of Akhlys, the goddess of poison, was my mother. I watch as the liquid comes spluttering out of his body. I place my other hand on his body and begin to heal the damage that the poison did. Slughorn at this moment had recovered and gone to get help. Harry stopped rummaging and stared at me before grabbing a container and collecting the poison that was coming out of Ron. When the last drop came sputtering out, Ron took a breathe before falling unconscious. I finish healing him as Slughorn came running in with Madam Pomfrey. I just let go of Ron's hand and walk out knowing that was such a close one with me seeing the paperwork that would have finalized Ron's death. It hurt me to know that I almost lost a good friend. To make matters worst, I could feel a vision spell coming on so I began to stumble down the hall before I leaned against a wall in an empty hallway and slid to the ground. I held my head as I saw the same vision with me being in the rubble of Hogwarts but then I noticed I walked to a different part. I saw Molly, Arthur, Harry, Hermione, and many others surrounding this one person. I pushed my way to the front and all I saw before the vision ended and I was brought back to reality was the red hair of a Weasley.
An: I am so so sorry for not updating these last two days. I had so many rehearsals on Saturday and Friday that I had no time to update. I also wanted to give you guys a heads up that this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I may not be able to update because my brother is graduating from the Marine boot camp on those days so I may not get a chance to update since I would want to spend as much time with my brother. Thank you guys for understanding and thank you for all the reads and votes. I really appreciate everyone who is reading this story.

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