Chapter 71: Atlantia

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The following few week I found myself without much free time as with the amount of homework that most of the professors handed out. I had more then the other students from some of my classes with me only attending two or less classes a week.
"Why does Snape think its a good idea for me to take this many classes?" I muttered as I wrote the essay for Ancient Runes.
"Can't you drop the classes you don't want or need?" Draco asked looking up from his potions textbook.
"I talked to Snape and he said that with my already modified schedule, it would be very difficult to drop classes." I reply bitterly.
"Well, at least in potions you don't get any homework because Slughorn actually likes you." Draco said annoyed, "Why doesn't he think he think I am great? My father was a favorite of his."
"When I was there on the train with him," Blaise said, "he asked me about Notts who he apparently he was friend's with but when he heard that he was one of the one's caught at the Ministry, he looked disappointed amd didn't mention another word. I'm not sure he likes Death Eaters."
"Probably doesn't think they would earn him any awards." Pansy said laughing. I had to agree with that. Professor Slughorn during Potions seems to always watch the way I make my potions since I never followed the instructions. I guess he was hoping I would create him something in thanks for him "teaching" me potions but I would never since he doesn't really care for me just for my heritage, powers, and abilities. These last few weeks blended so much that I didn't realize that the first Hogsmeade weekend was upon us.
"Are we going as a group or are you two going as a couple?" I say pointing to Pansy and Draco when Millicent brought up the topic.
"Professor McGonagall gave me detention for not doing the last two Transformation homework assignments so I won't be going." Draco said clearly annoyed at Professor McGonagall.
"I can't go because I have Prefects duty. With the whole wizarding community worried about You-Know-Who, the school wants the Prefects to help patrol the entrances to the school," Pansy said tossing her hair over her shoulder as she rubs Draco hair who somehow way laying in her lap.
"Crabbe and Goyle I think have a tutoring session with Professor Flitwick since they are doing so bad in charms." Blaise added, "So I am not sure they will be joining us."
"Is that where they are right now?" I ask shaking out my hand.
"No,I think that they are in detention given to them by the Astronomy professor for breaking the telescopes last night." Blaise said. I laugh at that.
"So, I guess it will be only you, Millicent, and me walking Hogsmeade." I say smiling. When Hogsmeade weekend arrived, I found myself eating breakfast with my whole friend group before we all separated for our day's plan. Millicent ended up not being able to come with us because she got a date with Conner, a Slytherin in our year who apparently sits next to her in Charms.
"I guess it is only you and me." Blaise said smiling at me before offering his arm to me. I smile back before resting my arm around his and allowing him to lead me to the path that will lead to Hogsmeade. I saw really long line with Filch and his scanner ahead.
"Is Filch really checking us to see if we are bringing cursed objects to Hogsmeade when we haven't had a chance to leave Hogwarts." I say in disbelief. Blaise shakes his head in agreement but we patiently waited for our turn.
"So where do you want to go?" Blaise said once we pasted Filch. I noticed that half the stores in Hogsmeade was closed. I nodded to Honeydukes.
"Let's head in there." Blaise doesn't say anything and just leads me in there. It was crowded inside since it was one of the few shops that was open. We bought so much candy since we wanted to make sure our friends got some since they couldn't be here. I saw Slughorn talking to Harry on the other side of the store so after Blaise payed for his candy I pulled him outside so we wouldn't have to deal with him and his overly proud voice.  We were making our way to The Three Broomsticks when I heard someone call out to me.
"Atlantia." I turn and see Rufus Scrimgeour coming toward me and Blaise.
"What does the current Minister of Magic want with me now?" I mumbled making Blaise laugh.
"Atlantia, I'm sorry to bother you on your break but I have come to request that you leave Hogwarts and join the Aurors in the fight against You-Know-Who." Rufus says. I saw many people stop when they saw the Minister of Magic talking to me.
"I'm sorry why do you want me out in the field?" I ask.
"We can't lessen the massacre that You-Know-Who and his followers that he is leaving in their wake. We need you to give us a helping hand." Rufus explain, "I mean you fought You-Know-Who by yourself and saved multiple students including Harry Potter. You are who we need to be out there fighting against You-Know-Who."
"Actually, you don't." I say shocking Rufus, "I would have joined the battle already if I thought it would help but honestly it wouldn't. If my visions are anything to go by, it will make it worse since the Fates have forbidden me to enter the war until next year so my answer is no." I turn to walk away when he shouts at me.
I turn instantly angry, "I AM NOT PATHETIC FOR WANTING TO SAVE AS MANY LIVES AS POSSIBLE. ALL YOU SEE IS ME NOT WANTING TO FIGHT BUT I SEE ALL PATHS TO THE FUTURE. I SEE SO MUCH DEATH. I HAVE WATCHED EVERYONE I LOVED DIE MULTIPLE TIMES WHEN I AM JUST TALKING TO THEM AND IN MY SLEEP. YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL ME PATHETIC. YOU ARE JUST A SCARED MAN WHO WANTS TO RISK THE LIFE OF A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD JUST BECAUSE SHE HAS THE HERITAGE OF SOME GODS AND GODDESSES." I take a breath and say quieter, "I was placed here at Hogwarts so I could watch Harry, and the rest of the students here to ensure they are safe. I am not just having "fun". I am protecting my family. If you have a problem with that, then you just lost a useful ally." I turn and loop my arm around Blaise and walk toward the Three Broomstick leaving Rufus staring in shock at me. Blaise didn't say anything until we ordered from the waitress at The Three Broomsticks.
"You really see death when you sleep." He asks finally. I nod my head.
"I dream of the future when I sleep and it is more normally the death of someone close to me or any events involving them." I admit looking at him trying to judge what he is thinking.
"Why didn't you tell us? We could be helping you." Blaise asks. I shake my head.
"Honestly, I think I gave up on trying to have someone help me." I admit sadly, "I had a...friend who helped reduce the pain of my vision spells by giving me these ear plugs but even those didn't stop them. I am unsure if any of the side effects I suffer from my powers can be stopped fully."
"Do you think they could be reduced?" Blaise asks as our food and drink arrives.
"Perhaps but I am honestly not getting my hopes up." I say staring ahead trying not to cry from how unfair life is. Blaise says nothing and just hugs me. I hug back and when he is about to let go he says into my ear, "I'll dedicate my free time to finding a cure." I smile at that.
"I think you may be wasting your time on trying to find a cure."
"It is never wasting time to help a friend." I felt touched by his words since its been a long time since someone has not tried to use me for my powers and was actually willing to help me. We finished our lunch in silence before agreeing to head back to Hogwarts since there was nothing left to do in Hogsmeade. As we walked we saw, Harry, Ron, and Hermione up ahead of us with two girls arguing about something. I saw one of the girls grab the package in the girls hand. The other girl grabbed the package back but when she touched it she floated into the air quite gracefully and I saw her arms were outstretched and her face was empty of emotion. Then she let out an ear-piercing scream. She began thrashing in the air while her friend tried to grab her ankle. I let go of Blaise's arm and ran to help and I could feel Blaise behind me quickly following. Ron and Harry catch the girl as she falls on top of them but she wouldn't stop thrashing from whatever she was feeling or seeing. I saw the package laying on the ground. I used my powers to cover it in multiple layers of packaging and a scarf I saw laying on the ground as Harry rushed to find some help. I ignored him and touched the girl to try and take the pain. I felt so much more pain but not as much as I felt during my stay with the Giants in the war against Gaea. I felt her relax a little bit so I wrapped my arms under her shoulders and knees and lifted her up. I looked at Blaise.
"Tell Snape to meet me in the Hospital Wing." I don't wait for him to answer before shadow traveling to the Hospital Wing. I could tell Madam Pomfrey was shocked to see me.
"Atlantia, what happened?" She said rushing over as I placed the girl who I learned to be Katie from my powers holding back the pain on the bed.
"I don't really know. I was walking back from Hogsmeade with Blaise and Katie here and her friend were in front of us as well as Harry and his group. Katie and her friend were fighting over a package when the package broke open and Katie touched what ever was in it. She floated into the sky and then began to scream. I  know whatever she touched wad cursed since I can't heal her. I can't heal curses, I can only lessen the pain." I explain as a wave of pain from her came over me. I grunted but still held onto her hand because I knew it would help her body survive. Then the doors to the Hospital Wing flew open with Snape storming in.
"Student was cursed with something Severus," Madam Pomfrey said rushing to him, "I don't know what and Atlantia is keeping away the pain but if her face is anything she is taking the pain for herself."
"Atlantia, if you can focus on me, then I can explain what I am going to need you to do." Snape said matter-of-factly. I turn my head and focus on him. "Good girl, Now, I am going to need you to sing your healing song as I prepare my spells and potions. It will give me a better platform to work from. I know you are going to collapse so Poppy would you provide a bed and be ready to catch her? Thank you. I'll let you know when we are ready to start singing." I nod knowing I need to save my voice for my song. I could feel the pain getting worse so I knew we needed to help her soon if we want her to live. "Atlantia, we are ready please begin to sing." I take a breath and sing:
Ocean hear my cry
let your power in me shine
Reverse the clock
heal what once was fine
Save the who was hurt
Change the Fate's Design
heal what once was fine
bring back what once was mine.
I feel the energy leave my body as it slams into Katie. I felt the pain I was taken lessen before my arm slips off her body. I feel arms catch me around my waist and carry me to a bed before I don't feel anything.

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