Chapter 36: Atlantia

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"Hush, Ron." I heard someone say. "You're going to wake Atlantia. She needs sleep. She literally raised someone from the dead and fought You-Know-Who. She deserves to sleep."
"Mom, she's been sleeping for 2 days. Are we sure this is normal?" Ron replied.
"That man, Apollo, her Greek God father said that this is normal for her. Apparently she basically gives up part of her life source to allow for the other person to live." I force myself to open my eyes and I immediately see Mrs. Weasley and her family, Harry, Hermione, Draco and the rest of our friend group, and Cedric and his family are all crowding around my bed.
"Atlantia, how you feeling?" Mrs. Weasley said when she noticed I was awake.
"Better." I answer, "Trying to push myself up." Draco and Harry who were standing on either side of me instantly helped me sit up.
"What's happened since the third task?" I ask.
"It was discovered that Moody who has been teaching us all year was actually Barty Crouch who was a known supporter of You-Know-Who but was thought to have died in Azkaban. Apparently his family helped him escape and was living under his father control until You-Know-Who rescued him and had him kidnap and impersonate Moody." Hermione explained. I glanced over at the bed two bed down and saw the sickly skinny man sleeping. It was sad to see a person look like that but I guess I even looked like that during my time I was kidnapped by the Giants. I heard someone clear their throat so I tore my eyes from Moody to see Cedric looking at me with a bag in his hand.
"The judges gave me and Harry the prize money to split since technically we both touched the trophy at the same time." He shared a look with his parents, "I would be dead if it wasn't for you. I talked with Harry and he agreed that you are the one who should take the prize money." He held out the bag that I assume to hold the 1000 galleons.
"I am touched by the gesture, truly." I begin, "but I don't want to take your money. One if my fathers is the God of Riches so I am not poor or in need of money. If you want to thank me, please take the prize money and Harry," I turn to him, "I want you to take this bag of money." I summon an exact replica of the bag that Cedric was holding. Harry stares at it in disbelief but I guess the look in my eyes made him take it.
"We can never thank you enough." Mr. Diggory said, "You saved our son. If you ever need help with anything, please don't be afraid to ask." I smile in thanks at that.
"Looks like you're feeling better." Madam Pomfrey said as she walked in. "I'll let you go back to your dorm room tomorrow morning. Now the rest of you shoo. You guys can talk to her in the morning." The whole big group was pushed out by Madam Pomfrey and she turned off the lights. I shut my eyes to try to go back to sleep when I felt a presence in the room. I opened my eyes and saw the Fates sitting on my bed.
"You didn't heed our warning." Clothio said.
"You followed Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter." Atrophis continued.
"Would you have heed our warning, happiness would have come into your life." Lachesis stated.
"You have forfeited your life with this choice." Clothio finished, "You have chosen a path that will lead to your death and end in sadness."
"I have news for you ladies." I say ignoring they can kill me this instance, "If I allowed for Cedric to have a final death, I would have never been truly happy. Even if this choice has secured a path that will end in my death, I would never regret this choice." The Fates share a look before saying in unison:
"You've been warned. Your life will not be easy but you still have a chance to enjoy a happy life. Chose wisely from now on." They bowed before disappearing. I sat there staring at the spot they were just in before laying against the pillows and closing my eyes.
Time Skip: 1 week
I spent the time following my escape from the Hospital Wing having so many people thank me for saving Cedric. Some asked if they could learn that song but of course I couldn't teach it obviously since the power came not just from the song but from all the powers inside me. And of course, if they sung the song, they would have probably killed themselves trying to raise someone from the dead since they don't have the amount of power in their veins to actually complete the task. It was sad when it was time for the final dinner of Hogwarts for the year. When I entered, I saw all the decorations representing all of the Houses but I also noticed a couple of decorations that represented some of my parents which confused me. I sat down with Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Millicent.
"What's up with the decorations?" I ask Pansy.
"I think Dumbledore wants to honor you for risking your life to rescue Harry and Cedric." Pansy said taking a bite of the roasted chicken. I heard a spoon hitting a glass so I turned toward the head table.
"Another year gone." Dumbledore began, "It has been certainly eventful with the Twiwizard Tournament. We welcomed new students and made new friends. To new friends!" Dumbledore raised his glass with the other student following suit as well as I.
"However, the year almost turned dark when a student almost died and another one did. Alas, thanks to Atlantia, both students live to finish this school year. To this we all thank her. To Atlantia." The whole hall turned to me and repeated the toast. It took all I had to not cry because it been so long since I have actually had a family. Alas it also brought back the Fates warning which brought a heavy note to the dinner in my head but I just pushed it aside and allowed for myself to enjoy the time with my newly found family.
Time Skip: Travel day
The time had come for everyone to go home. Fleur hugged me and she told me she would tell her family that a siren still lives and they still have a queen. I told her it was not necessary but she said it would bring order and peace to the veelas so I allowed her to spread the word. After she said goodbye, I began pulling my suitcase toward the carriages that would take me to the Hogwarts Express.
"Atlantia, can I have a word?" I turned to find Krum holding flowers. "Please except these as an apology gift. I know what I did was wrong and I promise not to bother you again."
"Krum, I forgave you in my heart after the second challenge. I'm sorry about the way the merfolk, my family, treated you during the second challenge. You are a young man who has a good career and life in front of him. I won't taunt it with your attempted rape. Maybe try dating someone closer to your age? And perhaps one of the girls who send you fan letters?" He laughed.
"Those girls don't know who I am truly." He said sadly. "They just want the fame."
"I am sure you will find the right girl. I am sure of it." I say smiling cheekily. He nudged me with his arm.
"I just have to wait,huh." He said shaking his head, "It was nice to know you this year, Atlantia and perhaps we will meet again under better circumstances."
"Perhaps, Krum." I say smiling and waving as he walked back to the ship with his friends in front of him. I placed the flowers on top of my chest before joining Pansy, Blaise, Draco, and Millicent in the carriage and setting off for the Hogwarts Express and then to perhaps a new home.

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