Chapter 82: Atlantia

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The morning of Fleur and Bill's wedding, I got dressed in a simple outfit and went to help Fleur get ready. As I began to do her hair in a very simple but elegant design, she asks me for something I thought I would never do.
"Atlantia, will you 'onor me with the blessing that is given by the Queen of the ocean?" Fleur asks hopeful looking at me in the mirror.
I nod my head smiling, "Of course, Fleur. You deserve to have the blessing but I don't think you would have expected to have it presented from a girl almost 15."
She laughed at that. As I finish her hair, Mrs. Weasley comes in.
"Atlantia, go get dressed. I will help Fleur and Ron's Aunt Muriel will be here soon to help with the tiara." Molly says stepping forward and pushing me out of the room. I was smiling as I made my way to my room. I put on my floor length ocean colored dress with lace shoulder sleeves. I placed my delicate crown on my head so I could honor Fleur in the traditional way before walking out of the room to find Harry and Ron. As I walked out of my room, this older women being led by Ginny was talking very loudly.
"Now you need to take better care of you skin Ginevra," The old woman was saying, "You don't want to look like a wrinkled old snake skin when you are my age." She spots me. She looks me up and down before speaking again, "Who is this girl?" She asks sharply, "Why is she dressed like a queen? Is she a friend of yours Ginevra?"
"Aunt Muriel this is Atlantia." Ginny said smiling at me, "The girl who is the daughter of those gods and goddesses."
"Ahhhh!" Aunt Muriel said a smile appearing on her face "Why didn't you tell me she would be here? I am glad to see you and Ronald are connecting with high friends like Atlantia and Harry Potter. I must get Ronald to introduce me to Harry." With that Ginny led her away with her mouthing I'm sorry as she led her aunt away. I smile at her before I made my way outside. It was beautiful outside with the golden chairs in rows with a purple carpet between the chairs and white and gold flowers were found everywhere. I spotted Ron and Harry leading people to their seats under the marquee that was covering all the chairs. I make my way to Harry and Ron to wait with them. They smile at me as they go to lead another guest to their seat.
"Atlantia is that you?" I hear behind me. I turn and to my surprise I see Viktor Krum.
"Viktor," I exclaim smiling, "I didn't know you were coming?"
"Yeah, Fleur invited me so I came." He says looking at my dress, "You look beautiful."
"Thank you," I say eyeing his newly grown small beard, "I see you have started growing a beard." He lightly touches his beard in response.
"I have. I started after I left Hogwarts. I found it fit me better." He explained. Harry had come back at this time and he led Krum away to his seat. I wave as Gabrielle come over to me gently taking me hand and pulling me toward a seat in the front.
"Fleur says you will be doing the blessing that is given by the Queen of the ocean. Thank you for honoring our family like this." Gabrielle whispers happily to me, "When I get married, could you bless me as well?"
"Of course, Gabrielle. Your family is a very good family. When it is your time to marry the one you love, I will bless your marriage." I say sitting down. Gabrielle smiles before running to her spot on the one side of the purple carpet. I spot Bill and Charlie stepping up to the other side of the carpet and then I hear music begin to swell and I turn to see Fleur and her father walking arm in arm down the aisle. I smiled at how radiant Fleur looked in a simple white gown. She looked stunning and I could tell Bill thought so as well. When she reached Bill, he looked so happy and stunned by her beauty that all he could do was stare into her eyes and smile.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," I hear the older man say who was presenting the marriage, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of tow faithful souls..." I found the ceremony to be quite beautiful and teared up when they both said I do.
"Now," The man said after Bill and Fleur and said I do, "That it is tradition for veelas to be blessed by the Queen of the Ocean if they are worthy of the blessing. Fleur has been granted this blessing so may the Queen of the Ocean step forward and present the blessing." I step forward and smile at Fleur and Bill as I do. I step between the two taking the spot of the older wizard and grabbing their hands.
"Fleur daughter of Apolline Delacour it is my honor to place upon you and your husband this blessing." I say looking at Fleur and then Bill. I close my eyes and allow the water nearby to enter the wedding venue surrounding the guests in a bluish glow. I could hear the gasps as it happens, "I call on the ocean to forever bless and protect you and your family. To forever be your protectors as you continue to care for the ocean." I pull the water into a ball and freeze it in this water ball, "This part of the ocean will allow you to call on me and the rest of the ocean creatures for help when you need it." I hand it to Fleur who takes it with tears in her eyes. I give her hug and whispers in her ear "I will always help you." She thanks me before I make my way back to my seat.
"With the blessing hanging over your heads," The older wizard said smiling, "I now declare you bonded for life." He waves his wand and I see a shower of stars surround the couple. I stand with the rest of the guests and cheer and smile with happiness for the young couple.
"Ladies,and Gentlemen please remain standing. The wizard called out waving his wand and moving the golden chairs so they sat around elegant white tables clearing a space for dancing which the young couple instantly took to. Waiters dressed in white instantly began walking around offering pumpkin juice, butterbear, and firewhiskey. I could see the Order members who were protecting the wedding standing outside now that the marquee walls were held up on beautifully decorated golden poles. Seeing the members brought back the reality of what is happening out there in the real world which took out the joy I felt during this wedding. I sat at a nearby table and watched the festivities. I accepted a glass of the butterbear just to stop the drink waiters from pestering me. I watched from my seat as Fleur and Bill danced and danced in celebration of their new marriage. I sent a prayer up to Hera in hopes she would bless the couple's marriage. I figured that might also protect them through the tough times ahead. As I decided to take a sip of my butterbear, I felt a jab in my stomach similar to that of the one I felt when Moody died. I knew someone had died whom I had met. I looked around but nobody seemed to be reacting to somebody dying so I was confused to who had died but then I spotted a silver light flying toward our party and landing in the middle of the dance floor causing everyone to scatter. I push my way through the crowd to see a Patronus. When it's mouth opens, I hear Kingsley's slow voice.
The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.
I instantly summoned a knife.Some of the guests still had not registered what he said until the protective enchantment broke. The whole crowd panicked. Some people were apparating, others were sprinting.
"HARRY...HERMIONE...RON." I shout looking for them. I knew they would be the ones who would be hurt the most if captured so I went after them first. A cloaked and masked figure appeared in front of me. I ducked as he/she shot a spell over my head. I used my knife and stuck it in stomach before running again to find Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I find them sprinting toward me with their arms out stretched toward me. I grab them and one of them apparates us out of there.
An: So sorry for not updating for two days. I had so many late night rehearsals. I honestly didn't have time to write. My brother is also leaving this Tuesday for more training and we have no idea when he is coming back but we know it is 10+ weeks. I am going to try to publish a chapter tomorrow but if I don't I am most likely hanging out with my brother on his last day home. Thank you for the reads and the votes. I really appreciate it.

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