Chapter 56:Atlantia

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When the shadows disappear, I see the familiar dusty and dark kitchen that I remember from the summer.
"Alright, it's safe to let go now," I say letting go of Ginny and Ron. A few seconds later I hear footsteps coming toward us and I see Sirius running into the room. He was unshaven and had a smell of alcohol radiating from his body.
"What's going on?" Sirius said when he came in, "Phineas Nigellus said Arthur's been injured..."
"Ask Harry." Fred replied rubbing his arms around his shoulders. I guess he is feeling the effects of shadow traveling.
"Yeah, I want to hear this for myself." George said turning to Harry.
"It was..." Harry stuttered, "I had a...a kind" He goes on to explain about how his dream sort of ended up changing to where he was a snake and he or the snake rather attacked Mr.Weasley. At that moment he was awoken by Ron and the rest of his dorm mates.
"So, why didn't you see this before Harry? Why was Harry the one who is seeing the future or rather present?" Sirius asked turning to me.
"Yeah, why didn't you see that he was going to be attacked. Or did you and you just let him get attacked?" Ron accused.
"Firstly," I say putting my hands up, "Just because I can see the future does not mean I spend the whole day looking at the future. Second, I get a migraine every time I see death or pain in a vision. And guess what is popular in the visions I get? I am plagued by the visions as I sleep. I wake up every morning in pain but I hide it because hey that's what you do when you're the girl with the visions. You're just there to make sure everyone survived with the least amount of pain and you get blamed for when things go wrong. I did see your father get attack in a nightmare a couple nights ago. The first thing I did was see if I can interfere. I couldn't. If I did, Mr. Weasley would have suffered a more horrible fate so I rather this event happens then the other one because that one was less pleasant. So don't blame me that your Dad is injured." The Weasley children, Harry, and Sirius stare at me after that. It was eerily silent following my little speech. The silence was thankfully broken when a flash of fire appeared in the middle of the room and a piece of parchment paper fell to the ground followed by a golden phoenix tail feather.
"Fawkes." Sirius shouted running toward the parchment, "That's not Dumbledore's must be a message from your" Sirius thrust the message into Ginny's hands who began to read the message out loud.
"Dad is still alive. I am setting out for St. Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will send news as soon as I can. Mum."
"Still alive..." George said after Ginny finished reading the letter, "But that makes it sound..."
"He won't die." I say, "I can feel he is hovering too close to Death's door but he is not in danger if entering it. It is not his time." My words don't relieve the worry in their bodies. Everyone sinks into a chair at the kitchen table and just sit there waiting for Mrs. Weasley. Eventually at about 10 minutes past 5, the front door open and in walked a tired but relieved look on her face. Everyone looked at her hoping for the best but I already knew the answer and they did too but they chose not to trust me.
"He's going to be all right." She said in a tired voice, "He's sleeping. We can all go and see him later. Bill's sitting with him now, he's going to take the morning off work." There were many relieved reactions when they heard the news. I sat there trying to ignore the headache that was coming on since I am keeping the power open so I can watch everyone's future.
"Breakfast." Sirius said suddenly jumping to his feet, "Where's that accursed house-elf? Kreacher! KREACHER!" No house-elf appeared so I just summoned Hestia's powers and placed a nice breakfast on the table. Sirius looked at the breakfast shocked.
"" He stuttered looking around at everyone.
"It's Atlantia, Sirius." Molly reassured, "Her mother is the goddess of the hearth so she can create home cooked meals." I smiled at him when he looked at my way in amazement before everyone began to eat. I could see Harry was worried about something and when he asked to speak to Sirius alone, it confirmed my suspicions but I waited till everybody had gone to take a nap to confront him. I stayed awake sitting in a chair in the front room reassuring Molly that I didn't need sleep. Truthfully I just wanted to escape having to sleep with visions for one day so I stayed awake sipping the cup of coffee I conjured up. I could hear everyone fast asleep except Harry so I went upstairs to see what was bothering him so much that he won't sleep. I crack open the door and I could see Harry sitting on the bed in the most uncomfortable position. I beckon for him to follow me wordlessly and crept back down the stairs once I was sure he would follow me. I sat back down in the chair I originally occupied and waited for him to come down. When he arrived, I told him to sit in the chair across from me. Once he did I spoke.
"Harry, what's bothering you so much that you won't sleep? Is it something about the vision?" I ask him. He says nothing just staring toward the ground but I patiently wait for him to talk.
""He finally begins, "When I was in Dumbledore's office with you guys, I felt like I was still the snake and I wanted to attack Dumbledore. I know it may be a little silly but I am worried if I sleep, I will turn into that snake again and hurt Ron or anybody else in this house."
"Harry, there is no way you will turn into that snake. If you think that you actually teleported yourself from your bed in Hogwarts to wherever Mr. Weasley was, changed into a snake, attacked him, then changed back, and teleported back to your bed, then you are wrong. Harry, something happened that night when you survived Voldemort's curse. It somehow interlocked you souls together. It's not such a big overlap but its enough that you two could possibly or just you I am not sure to feel the other's emotions and perhaps part of an event that is happening at the present. Don't worry Harry, go get some sleep. If you are still worried, I can sit up there and keep watch for you."
"That won't be necassary." Harry said quickly, "You already made me feel better with this talk." I nod my head in understanding.
"Sleep well, Harry." I say as he walks up the stairs. I watch as he goes up the stairs before beginning to clean up the dust that covered the house since we left. I didn't see anyone for the rest of the morning. Harry actually slept so I was quite happy when everyone woke for lunch. After lunch, everyone changed into regular people or as they say muggle clothing before we set off with Tonks and Moody as our escort who had shown up after lunch. We made our way to the train that would take us into London where apparently St. Mungo was hiding. Once we got off the train, we made our way down the streets which was filled with people shopping for the holidays. We walked past many Christmas shoppers lugging their plastic bags full of gifts for friends, family, or themselves. Eventually we came to a stop in a front of an old fashioned department store. It was quite depressing with the broken dummies in the window with outdated clothing. The sign on the door said "Closed for Renovation." A woman walked by with her friend both had milultiple bags in each of their arms saying,
"It's never open that place..."
"Right." Tonks said beckoning everyone closer to the window, "Everyone ready?" Once everyone nodded, Tonks leaned closer to the window and said to the dummy, "Wotcher...We're here to see Arthur Weasley." To my surprise the dummy nodded and Tonks seized Molly and Ginny by their elbows and pulled them through the window. I followed Fred, and George with Ron, Harry, and Moody bringing up the rear. When I stepped through, we found ourselves in a quite a big waiting room filled with wizards and witches. Tonks pulled us toward the reception desk where a small line was formed. When it was finally our turn,Molly was the one to step up to the desk.
"Hello," She said, "My husband, Arthur Weasley, was supposed to be moved to a different ward this morning, could you tell us..."
"Arthur Weasley?" The woman glanced down at the long sheet in front of her, "Ah yes, first floor, second door on the right, Dai Llewellyn ward."
"Thank you," Molly said, "Come on, you lot." We followed her through the narrow hallway that the woman had indicated and we soon arrived at the door to Mr. Weasley's room.
"We'll wait outside, Molly." Tonks said, "Arthur won't want too many visitors at ought to be just family first." Moody grunted his agreement before leaning against the wall. I was about to join them as well Harry when Molly pulled both of us toward the door.
"Don't be silly Harry. Arthur would want to thank you and Atlantia I want you there just in case you can heal something." I allowed her to pull me through the door and immediately I spotted Mr. Weasley down by the window propped up in his bed with two other patients around the room. I followed Molly toward him and when he spotted us he smiled broadly.
"Hello," He called, "Bill just left Molly, had to get back to work, but he says he'll drop on you later..."
"How are you Arthur?" Molly said bending down to kiss him on the cheek. "You're still looking a bit peaky..."
"I feel absolutely fine." Mr. Weasley replied holding out a hand to hug Ginny, "If they could only take the bandages off I'd be fit to go home."
"Why can't they take them off?" Fred asked.
"Well, I start bleeding like mad every time they try," Mr. Weasley replied summoning seven chairs for us with his wand, "It seems there were some rather unusual kind of poison in that's snake's fangs that keeps wounds open...They're sure they'll find an antidote, though, they say they've had much worse cases then mine, and in the meantime I just have to keep taking a Blood-Replenishing Potion every hour...But that chap over there." Mr. Weasley said lowering his voice and nodding with his head, "Bitten by a werewolf, poor chap. No cure." Molly became worried instantly but I just ignored her and took Mr. Weasley's hand and tried to draw out the poison to the wounds and allowed for my Apollo power to close the wound. I heard Molly trail off when she noticed me doing something. When I was sure the wounds were closed and the poison was out of his system, I began to unravel his bandages. Molly protested but stopped when she saw the wounds stayed closed. She instantly took over unwrapping the bandages and I took the chance to walk over to the changing werewolf. I took his hand which shocked him before singing the same song I sang to bring Cedric back from death.
Ocean hear my cry
Let your power in me shine
Reverse the clock
heal what once was fine
Save the who was hurt
Change the Fate's design
heal what once was fine
bring back what once was mine.
It wasn't as draining as bringing Cedric back to life but it still drained a good amount of my energy. I could see the man through my weary eyes expressing that he had no pain and was calling for a Healer. I ignored his thanks and walked to the nearest chair and collasped in it. I closed my eyes and allowed for sleep to overcome me.

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