Chapter 34: Atlantia

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When I returned to Hogwarts, I had immediately walked back up to Dumbledore's office and explained what happened during my vacation. He was not shocked and dismissed me rather quickly so he could talk to the Ministry. I tried to just relax and enjoy the company of friends but it was hard to with what happened recently and what would happen in the third challenge which I had no idea what it would entail. Luckily I found out in the last week of May. Snape came up to me after our potions class to let me know to head down to the Quidditch Field at 9pm because Mr. Bagman needed to explain the third task. So later that night, I relaxed in the Slytherin Common Room before excusing myself at 8:45. I shadow traveled down to path that according to Draco led to the Quidditch Field. I met up with Cedric and Harry who were slowing making their way down the path. I ignored their conversation they seemed to be having before I arrived but was pulled from my thoughts when Cedric exclaimed, "What've they done to it?" I looked around and unlike the smooth field that was at the Quidditch World Cup, there were humongous hedges decorated the field.
"They're hedges!" Harry said, bending to examine the nearest one.
"Hello there!" called a cheery voice. I looked toward the middle if the field to find Ludo Bagman and Krum and Fleur standing there.
"Well, what d'you think?" Bagman said gesturing to all the hedges. "Growing nicely, aren't they? Give them a month and Hagrid'll have them twenty feet high. Don't worry," I saw him looking at the unpleased faces of Harry and Cedric, "you'll have your Quidditch field back to normal once the task is over! Now, I imagine you can guess what we're making here?" No one spoke but then just before I was going to answer Krum spoke.
"Maze." Krum said trying to ignore and stand as far away from me as possible.
"That's right!" Bagman said happily, "A maze. The third task's really very straightforward. The Triwizard Cup will be placed in the center of the maze. The first champion to touch it will receive full marks."
"We seemply 'ave to get through the maze?" Fleur asked in disbelief. I mentally rolled my eyes at that since I knew they would most definitely make it that easy.
"There will be obstacles," Bagman explained. "Hagrid is providing a number of creatures . . . then there will be spells that must be broken . . . all that sort of thing, you know. Now, the champion who is leading on points will get a head start into the maze." Bagman grinned at me." Then Harry will go. Followed by Mr. Krum will enter. Cedric will follow him. Finally, Miss Delacour. But you'll all be in with a fighting chance, depending how well you get past the obstacles. Should be fun, eh?" I just nodded even though I knew what kinda creatures Hagrid most likely provided.
"Very well . . . if you haven't got any questions, we'll go back up to the castle, shall we, it's a bit chilly..."
Time Skip: 1 Month
My heart was pounding the morning of the third task. I was quite nervous not because of the actual task but because I felt something bad was going to happen. I decided I would take a glance at the future to calm my nerves or at least prepare myself for what's to come. I closed my eye and I was so frightened by what I saw that I instantly ripped myself from the visions. When I opened my eyes, I saw the Fates standing in front of me.
"Be careful of the path you choose." They say in unison , "Harry and Cedric are destined to touch the Twiwizard cup. You will bring unhappiness and possibly death to your life if you touch the Twiwizard cup before they do. Choose Wisely." They disappear just as quickly as they came. I knew I had to get down to breakfast so I quickly got dressed and walked up into the Great Hall.
"You doing alright?" Draco asked when I sat down, "You looked like you've seen a ghost." The rest of our friend group also had concern written across their faces. I decided to tell them about the Fates.
"So, the Fates control everyone's life and decide when they die?" Blaise asks for clarification. I nod.
"They have power over the gods and goddesses as well." I state.
"I don't know what you should do but if I was you I would follow their instructions." Pansy says taking a bite of her toast.
"You didn't see what I did." I say.
"I know that's why only you can make the decision if only you can know what the future entails. We trust you and whatever choice you make, we all will believe that you made the right choice for the majority of the population." Pansy assured. I feel a little more relaxed after that and begin to eat my breakfast.
Later that night
I stood just outside an entrance to the maze waiting for Bagman to signal that I should start running into the maze.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Atlantia is in first with 94 points representing the Hogwarts School. Harry is in second place with 84 points. In third is Krum with 78 points while Cedric trails with 75 points. Finally Fleur rounds out the group with 54 points." Bagman shouts with his magnified voice. "So . . . on my whistle, Atlantia," Bagman shouted. "Three, two, one..." He blows his whistle and I take off into the maze. I use my power to see the future to find how to get through the maze. As I make the second turn in the maze, I hear the second whistle. Minute later the third, followed by the fourth, and then the fifth. After five minutes, all champions were in the maze. I heard rustling in front of me. Knowing I was too far ahead of the other champions, I summon a sword. Out comes one of Hagrid's full grown Skrewts. After seeing it was me, it allowed me to pass without incident. I guess it figured out by its natural instinct that I was a daughter of Ares. When I was very close to the middle of the maze, I hear a scream that sounded a lot like Fleur. I instinctively wanted to run toward her but I knew what happened when I looked into the future so I just made my way to the middle and I finally saw the trophy. I sat down next to it hiding in the center waiting for Cedric and Harry. Eventually they come in sight from different directions. Harry was further away and Cedric was most likely going to be the first to grab the trophy. Then I saw a humongous spider coming from Cedric's left.
"Cedric duck," I yell revealing myself. I summon my throwing knives and throw one at the spider as Cedric hits the ground. The spider instantly explodes into a bunch of gold dust and I realized that Hagrid brought a Tartarus monster onto Hogwarts ground without realizing it.
"Atlantia, you saved my life." Cedric says as Harry runs up to us.
"Cedric you good?" He says offering his hand. Cedric takes it and pulls himself up.
"Yeah, thanks to Atlantia." Cedric says looking at me, "Why haven't you touched the trophy and won the game?"
"I saw the future and I can explain this later but the Fates told me this morning you two were destined to be the one to touch the trophy so I just stayed here so you guys would be the ones to touch the trophy." I explain. Cedric nods still a little confused but doesn't argue.
"I guess you and I should grab the trophy together." Cedric said swinging his arm around Harry's shoulder. I followed them back to the trophy and watched as they counted off to make sure they grabbed at the same time. Then they just disappeared. I knew what was happening so I took a deep breathe before finally making the decision I couldn't make earlier. To hell with my happiness. I searched for Harry's soul and shadow traveled to his location to see if I could rescue them before its too late.
An: Merry Christmas Everyone!!! What's been your favorite Christmas gift you received this year? Mine is a phone call from my brother at boot camp.

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