Chapter 85:Atlantia

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I brought us back to my apartment and luckily no one way able to follow us. I stumbled after the shadows released us. I could feel I used so much energy using the Mist and cleaning up the mess in that office plus all the shadow traveling.
"Atlantia," Hemione cried out worried. She grabbed my shoulders but I shook them off. It wasn't a bad overuse. It wasn't even an overuse of powers. It was just a warning. I slowly made my way to the kitchen with the three of them on my heels. I opened a cabinet and pulled out a small glass jar filled with a golden liquid. I opened it and drained the jar. I felt more energy being restored. I look into the cabinet seeing I only had 4 jars left. I sighed. I hoped it would be enough to keep me alive till Voldemort is dead.
"What is that potion?" Harry asked looking at the four jars sitting in my cabinet.
I shake my head, "It's nectar, the drink of the gods. Don't drink it because it will burn your insides. I drink it because it heals my body. We don't have time for me to take a 3 day nap so I decided to use one since we don't have that much time...Now where is that locket? I should destroy it now." Harry looked at me before grabbing it off the table where I must have dropped it trying to get a bottle of nectar.
"Atlantia, are you sure you have the strength to destroy it." He asked concerned. I nod.
"I'll be okay. Give me the locket." Harry stares at me for a moment before handing it to me.
"What should we do if you don't have the strength?" Hermione asks looking at me upset.
"Find another way to destroy the locket and the horcruxes." I say looking at her sadly, "Just leave me here and feel free to grab what you need from my home but be careful with what you grab since they could be extremely dangerous." Hermione nods and takes a step back as do Ron and Harry. I give them one last look before gripping the locket in between both of my hands. I summon all the power in me to suck out the piece of soul in this item and to destroy the item itself. I felt the soul shrieking as it was being dragged out and destroyed at the same time but I also could feel my body running out of energy. I pulled my Hades powers to the front of the power burst causing the soul to finally die and the locket to explode. I collapse to the ground and I could feel Hermione hugging me and calling my name.
"I'm fine," I say softly, "You three begin to look for the next horcrux. I need to sleep. I can't use the nectar. It would burn me if I attempt to drink another dose so close to the other dose." Harry, Ron, and Hermione all nodded to me. I smile at them before making my way to my bedroom and collapsing on the bed.
I was expecting to have a regular night of sleep with my dreams being filled with visions but instead I found myself standing again in a destroyed Hogwarts. I looked around and saw the Fates sitting on a rock spinning yarn. I walk over to them.
"Why must you keep calling me to this vision?" I say ignoring the bodies decorating the ground, "I understand this the future by why not show me something else? It must not be the only major event that is happening."
"You know why." Clothio said stopping her spinning. "This is the event that will end your life or end your suffering."
"I know that Clothio," I say exhausted. I collapsed to the ground, "You have been telling me this for 3 years now. Sometimes, I'm not sure those two choices are different. Some days, after my dreams, I find the Future is not bright for me. Maybe its time for me to join my family."
"And leave your family here?" Lachesis asked raising an eyebrow. She grabbed the golden yarn ball that Clothio was spinning. "Are you sure you want to choose that path? I know it will save all of your family's lived but are you sure? If you choose it, it can't be undone." I stared out at the bodies littering the grounds. I stare at them with tears in my eyes before looking back at Lachesis.
"I'm sure." Those two words sealed my fate. Lachesis turns to Atropos as she pulls out her shears. Lachesis holds out the ball and Atropos takes the shears and while looking at me cuts the yarn.
"Now that is taken care of," I say as Clothio places the ball into her basket, "You going to give me any information to help me?"
"Only information we will give you is that Gryffindor's sword is at the bottom of a lake," Clothio said staring at me sadly which shocked me since the Fates have never shown emotion, "The sword will only appear when you appear in the vicinity."
"Which lake?" I ask trying to gain as much information.
"Head to the Forest of Dean. You will find it there. Go alone." Clothio clarifies.
"On another note trust Snape. His past actions are not for the reasons you think they were for just like the actions your love did." Atropos added.
"Draco?" I ask.
"Yes my child," Lachesis said smiling sadly at me. "Good luck child. This is the last of our messages you will be given. Remember child you have the power to find the horcruxes. Use it." With that, Hogwarts fades away and I wake up back in my room. I look around and could tell from my window that I have been asleep for months since it is now winter. I quickly get up and change my outfit before walking out to find the trio. I find them in the kitchen and they look like they've just been outside with the snow around them.
"What happened?" I asked as I take in their damaged clothing. They turned shocked before running to hug me.
"Atlantia, we were so worried." Hermione said, "Don't do that again."
"Sorry," I mumble into her shoulder, "What happened to you guys?"
"We tried waiting for you to wake up for about 2 weeks and when that 2 weeks turned into 3 then a month, we knew we had to go on without you. We visited Godric's Hollow where Dumbledore used to live and Harry's parents were killed. We thought that perhaps Dumbledore left it there for Harry but instead we were attacked by Nagini who impersonated Bathilda Bagshot, an old friend of Dumbledore." Hermione said, "We escaped with our lived but as you can see Harry's wand didn't make it." I look at Harry to clearly see his wand snapped in two. I pull out my wand and hand it to him.
"Here," I say, "I don't actually use it or need to so you can use it." Harry looks at the wand and I knew are three of them could feel the power radiating off of the wand and were shocked I would even offer it to one of them.
"Atlantia, I couldn't..." Harry began but stopped when I thrust it into his hand.
"You need a wand. I don't. It's simple. Now, I know where the Gryffindor Sword is really at but I must go alone."
"Alright. We trust you." Harry said. "Good luck." I smile at them before fading int the shadows and appearing in the Forest of Dean. Immediately, a patronus in the shape of a doe came running toward me. It stopped in front of me before running in the opposite direction. I ran after it hoping it wasn't an enemy who made the Patronus. It led my through the forest and eventually to a frozen lake in the middle of this huge forest. I look into the lake and I see the sword laying at the bottom of the lake. I sigh before summoning fire and melting a hole in the ice covering the lake. I look around and after checking no one was around, I jumped into the lake. My tail appeared and I quickly shot to the bottom of the lake. I grabbed the sword and swam back to the surface. I couldn't feel the bite from the icy water since I had fire running through my blood so I understood why the Fates told me to go alone. When I reached the top, I pulled myself out of the water before drying myself off. I strapped the sword to my back before prepping to shadow travel when I felt a jolt in my stomach. I frowned because it wasn't a death but someone had broken my barriers around my apartment. I closed my eyes and entered Hermione's eyes and I saw Death Eaters had come into the apartment saying now that there was a taboo on You-Know-Who's name, anyone who's says it will instantly give up their location. They wrapped Harry, Ron, and Hermione in ropes and chains before apparating to Malfoy's mansion to see if they can call the Dark Lord. I groan. I left a message in Hermione's mind telling her I was coming before shadow traveling to my apartment. I was disgusted at my destroyed door and home but I left it as it was since I had more pressing matters. I walk to my cabinet and grab the four remaining bottles of nectar and then the 4 bottles of healing potion I had. I slip them into a bag that I swing on my back before shadowing traveling to Malfoy Manor to rescue my friends.
An: I am so sorry for not updating recently. I have just been really busy. I will be trying to update again tomorrow. Thank you all again so much for all the reads and the votes. I really do appreciate it.

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