Chapter 47: Draco

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I was very confused when Professor Umbridge asked for Atlantia to remain. From where I was sitting, she did nothing wrong. She actually was probably the most behaved one there. I whispered in her ear that we would meet her in the Great Hall. She nods as she cleans up her desk. I gathered my stuff and follow the others out the door. When I get outside, I decide to wait for Atlantia. I nod for everyone else to keep going.
"Save us seats." I called to Blaise as they walked away. I stood hidden in the shadows. Eventually the last of the Slytherins leave. He nods to me as he walks by but doesn't say a word. After a few moments, I hear Atlantia's familiar heels clink against the floor as she makes her way to Professor Umbridge's desk.
"You wanted to see me, Professor," I hear Atlantia say politely.
"Yes, where's your uniform?" Professor Umbridge asks. This is why she asked to see her?
"I beg your pardon?" I guess Atlantia wasn't expecting that either.
"Was I not clear? Where is your uniform?" I could tell through that sweet tone that Professor Umbridge was getting annoyed.
"I don't have to wear one. It's part of the deal I made when I agreed to come here."
"It's a privilege to be here but you make it sound like its not. If you don't buy robes, then I have no choice but to expel you." From my angle, I couldn't see Atlantia's face but I could see Professor Umbridge's and hers is showing signs of fear. Then I felt the temperature drop dramatically and I saw the shadows peel themselves off the wall acting threateningly toward Professor Umbridge.
"You...know. I don't care if I'm expelled. I haven't learned a single thing here." I watch as she lifts her hand and examines it. Shockingly, electricity begin to dance around her fingertips.
"I have already what you guys call magic. My mother is Hecate, for gods sake. The goddess that blessed those wizards and witches long ago giving you the ability to do magic." That is something I can tell my father to pass on to Voldemort. "If I'm expelled...Fine with me! I can do what I was doing before this world was made known to me."
"You will be found and killed once you are expelled." Professor Umbridge threatens. What?
"Oh, on what reason?"
"Collaborating with the enemy. Suspected of communicating with You-Know-Who's followers." I mean she is kinda right. She talks to me, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Millicent, Pansy, and my parents.
"You can try and kill me, Professor but I promise you it won't happen."
"We know you're powers. You've shown us." She really thinks thats her only powers? Atlantia just laughs and let me tell you that that laugh is the scariest laugh I have ever heard.
"I've only shown you a quarter of what I can do. Leave me alone and we will get along fine. Don't threaten me with that the Ministry of Magic will hunt me down if I misbehave. You guys are not as powerful as you think." I saw her turn toward her desk so I sprinted down the hall to the Great Hall. When I arrive I told the group to just pretend I was here the whole time and I will explain later. A few minutes later, Atlantia walks in and she smiles when she sees us.
"Hey, guys." She said sliding into the empty seat next to Blaise.
"Hey, Atlantia." Blaise said sliding a sandwich onto her plate, "What did Professor Umbridge want?"
"Oh, she wanted to know why I wasn't wearing a uniform. I kinda ended up threatening her." She said sheepishly. I mentally snorted at her just simply saying she threatened her. That was  almost like she was going to kill Professor Umbridge. The rest of the day was quite normal. During Care of Magical Creatures, I teased Potter. I could see Atlantia had her disappointed look in when she saw us teasing but I just ignored it like I always did. After class, we had a break since Astronomy had to wait till it was dark. I wanted to send a letter to father so I told them I would meet them in the dormitory before walking toward the Owlery. I stood there writing a letter before carefully wrapping it around the black owl that Father got me this past summer. After making sure no one was even close to this part of the building, I pull out one of the gold coins Atlantia had given me in June. I quickly create a rainbow before throwing in the coin and saying underneath my breath "Oh Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Lucius Malfoy at the Malfoy mansion. The rainbow fades and I see father sitting at dinner with mother and some guests but I knew they were Death Eaters so I knew it was fine.
"What is it Draco?" Father said looking annoyed at me for calling him. "I told you to only use this for emergencies."
"Atlantia just unleashed a show of her power on Professor Umbridge when the Professor threatened to expel her and have the Ministry hunt her down and kill her." I say quickly not wanting to upset Father. Father's face quickly went from surprise to anger to happy before resting on a proud expression.
"Well, done son." Father said, "I knew you would find valuable information for Voldemort. So the Ministry is becoming afraid of our Master's granddaughter? Well, this is your opportunity Draco, my son. You need to win over her heart and teach her the Ministry, Potter, Dumbledore, and muggles are no good for her."
"I will not disappoint you Father, but it must be carefully done." I say carefully, "She has been taught the opposite of what I'm about to explain to her. It's going to be hard to undo that. Give me time. I don't want to undo the friendship that has grown in the last year."
"Ahhhh,"Father said grinning slyly, "You are falling for her."
"I...I...I am not." I say a little shocked. I thought I hid it well.
"No need to be embarrass son. No,no. It's perfectly fine and I think that's the right girl for you. She's rich, the granddaughter of our master, she may not be a pureblood but she still has the perfect heritage. Perfect choice! Now go. You need to head back to Atlantia before she suspects something." Father smiles tightly at me before swiping his hand through the image leaving me with the only choice of heading to the dormitory to do homework.

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