Chapter 83: Atlantia

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When the ground stopped spinning, I found that who ever apparated us took us far into the mortal world in London. We were far away from the Leaky Cauldron which meant we were alone in our defensive if Death Eaters came after us. I was confident in my abilities to protect the four of us but if there were too many Death Eaters, I am not sure I could protect all of us.
"Come on?" I say pulling on their hands, "We need to find shelter so we can change out of these clothes."
"Atlantia, we don't have clothes to change into." Harry says, "And I should not be seen out in public since the Death Eaters are mainly looking for me." I sigh and wave my hand and allow for the mist to cover his body.
"There you are visible to me,Ron, and Hermione but to everyone else," I shrug, "You are an empty space. And the change of clothes will be simple. I can either steal some or create some...Now come on we need to find somewhere to discuss where we can go." We silently walk searching for a place that was open where we can hide. We passed a bar where there was a group of drunk men standing outside it. Hermione and I were still in out dresses and I also had all my jewelry on including my crown so I knew we probably attract the attention of them.
"Hey pretty ladies," The drunkest of the men slurred at us, "Ditch Ginger and come have a drink with us." He sauntered over to us and placed his hand around Hermione and on her butt. I summon a knife and whip it out right near his neck and I summon a gun in my other and point it at his friends.
"You take your disgusting drunk hand off my friend and I don't hurt you and your friends." I say in a deadly tone. Hermione looked thankfully at me as the man slowly takes his hand off her butt.
"Now let's not get all worked up about nothing right, young lady? We just wanted to have some fun with you two and let you two have fun." He said in a sweet and calm voice for a drunk person. He takes a step forward toward me. "And I know you don't know how to shoot that gun. You women only buy it to scare us off." I aim the weapon between his shoes and shoot before aiming it back at him.
"Think again." I say calm. "Now, you guys are going to leave and if I hear about some poor women being hurt, I am going to know it's you four and I will chase you down. I have friends in the police squad." His friends had already ran when I fired the bullet and the man stared at me frighten before running after them. I put away the weapons as I spot a cafe that was open 24 hours. "Come on." I beckon for them to follow me into the shop. I order four cappuccinos before sitting with the three of them at a booth in the back of the cafe.
"Sorry, guys if I scared you with my act back there." I say removing some of my jewelry and discretely using my powers to put them away.  
"The men frightened me more then you." Hermione said honestly, "I was scared that they were going to do something and Ron and Harry could only do so much against 4 big grown men."
"Where are we going to stay?" I ask "I mean I have enchantments at my apartment if we want to head there?"
"I think that may be the best option." Harry says, "Snape knows of Sirius's home which means Voldemort knows so it might be good to head to your apartment." Just then the bell above the door to the cafe jingles. I glance over Ron's head to see two black cloaked men walking in. I frown.
"How did they find us?" I ask quietly.
"I don't know." Hermione answered back pulling out her wand. I watch the Death Eaters look around the shop before laying their eyes on us. They pulled out the wands and aimed it at us. I placed up a shield at the same time they fire off a spell. The spell reflects off the shield hitting the coffee cups sitting at the counter. The barista screams and ducks behind the counter.I push myself up onto the table and jump out of the booth releasing a burst of energy at the Death Eaters. One dodges it but the other takes the hit. He gets knocked to the ground. The one who dodged the burst of energy gets hit by Harry's Stupify and goes down next to his friend.
"What should we do with them?" I say looking at the Death Eaters.
"I say kill them," Ron blurts joining me, "They are only going to kill us so we should kill them before they kill us."
"Why don't we just erase their memories?" I say stepping forward and placing my hand on each of the Death Eaters' heads. I called on my power over memory and altered their memories so they did not know what happened here. Once I did so I stood up.
"Come on," I say offering my hands, "We need to get to my apartment so we can be safe." Harry and Hermione take my hand and both grab Ron's before I called on the shadows to take us to just outside my apartment building. "Before I left two years ago, I placed a spell so nobody could travel inside my home unless I let them to and even then only through the front door." I explain at their confused look. "Let's go. The elevator is this way." We step into the elevator and take it all the way to the top floor before walking into my apartment. We spend the next few days hiding in the apartment with no messages or news of what happened at the Wedding. But one day, we had a Patronus in the shape of a weasel came running in. It spoke in Mr. Weasley's voice.
Family safe, do not reply,we are being watched
It was nice to know that they were safe. I decided that now would be a good time to search for the missing locket that holds a part of Granddad's soul so I opened my eyes to my time power to search the past, the present, and the future in search of the locket. I was aware that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were looking curiously at me from the table were we were eating breakfast but I just ignored it. Then after watching the past of where the locket was I spotted it where it was currently and I was definitely not expecting that. I shoot my eyes open.
"Dolores Umbridge has the locket!" I say surprised.
"What?" Hermione says looking at me, "Are you sure? How do you know?"
"I was looking into the past so I can figure out where the locket was taken and I discovered Sirius brother, Regulus, took the locket and gave it to Kreacher so he could destroy it while Regulus died in the cave, where the locket was hidden. So I looked into Kreacher's past and found that he could not destroy it which actually was expected. Kreacher hid it in his bed for many years bug Mundungus stole it when he raided the Order for some junk to sell. Mundungus tried to sell it in Diagon Alley but Umbridge took it because he didn't have a trading license." I explain.
"So what do we do now?" Hermione ask, "Break it the Ministry? It is filled with supporters of Voldemort. How are we going to get in there, find Umbridge, and then find the locket?"
"Don't worry." I say smiling, "I have a plan."

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