Chapter 61: Atlantia

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Professor Umbridge took every opportunity following my meeting to ensure that I would score high of the O.W.Ls. I would bet all the money I had in my vault that Fudge had told her to try to get me to join the Ministry in some way but it seems she keeps driving this Auror job at me which I find quite annoying. It was quite a nuisance when June rolled around because it meant that this O.W.L testing was right around the corner. The teachers had stopped giving so much homework to the fifth years and instead focused on reviewing as much as they could.
Professor McGonagall was the one who gave us our testing times once the testing was next week.
"As you can see," Professor McGonagall has said to the class as we wrote down the times that applied to us. I was one of the few who had to attend every testing session because I had taken so many courses thanks to Dumbledore. "your O.W.L.s are spread over two successive weeks. You will sit the theory exams in the morning and the practice in the afternoon. Your practical Astronomy examination will, of course take place at night. Now I must warn you that the most stringent Anti-Cheating Charms have been applied to your examination papers. Auto-Answer Quills are banned from the examination hall, as are Remembralls, Detachable Cribbing Cuffs, and Self-Correcting ink. Every year, I am afraid to say, seems to harbor at least one student who thinks that he or she can get around the Wizarding Examinations Authority's rules. I can only hope that it is nobody in my house and I figure Professor Snape is also hoping nobody in his house doesn't try to cheat . Our new headmistress," She said the word with disgust, "has asked the Head of Houses to tell their students that cheating will be punished most severely because of course your examination results will reflect upon the headmaster's new regime at the school...However that is no reason not to do your very best. You have your futures to think about."
"Professor, when we get out results?" Pansy asked.
"An owl will be sent to you some time in July," Professor McGonagall replied.
"Excellent." I heard Blaise say next to me. "So we don't have to worry about it till the holidays."
With the Charms Exam on Monday, everyone was studying like crazy. I have never seen this year study this much for anything or in case of some people actually studying at all. I was probably the only one who didn't study. And when Monday rolled around, no one speaking to anyone more focused on getting some last minute studying. Once breakfast was over, everyone milled around waiting for it to be half-past nine. Finally, we were led into the Great Hall by class where the house tables were replaced by single desk table all facing one direction. Once everyone had been seated, Professor McGonagall stated, "You may begin." and turned over the hourglass next to her. I began to read the first question and found it to be quite simple so I was able to quickly answer it. As time went on, I found I was right not to be worried about the O.W.Ls since they were all basic charms that they were asking about. Two hour later, we walked out of the Great Hall some with proud expressions and other with nervous ones. During lunch, you could see every fifth year cramming more knowledge about the charms so they could ace their practical. The fifth years were all gathered into a chamber off the Great Hall and in alphabetical order, we were called in small groups into the Great Hall. When I was called, I followed the four other students into the Great Hall. Flitwick directed me to a Professor Tofty.
"Atlantia Brook, right?" Professor Tofty asked checking his notes, "Well, this will be interesting to watch. Can you begin by making this egg do cartwheels..." When I finished, I knew there was no way that I was not getting an Outstanding in Charms. That night everyone began to cram for the Transformation exam which I of course knew would be quite simple so I just spent the time reading the Potions textbook to remind me of their names. Like I expected, the Transformation written exam was very simple and the practical exam was very easy. He asked me to vanish an iguana and to turn a glass into a bird. The Herbiology the following day was very easy for me with my mother being Persephone. The plants were very happy to see me so I could easily care for them. Defense Against the Dark Arts was actually pretty fun and I bet for all the D.A members it was very easy. I had to demonstrate many basic defensive spells as well as create a magical shield which I did by using my powers but they didn't seem to notice. Many of the students had Friday off because they didn't take Ancient Runes but Hermione, myself, and the Ravenclaws had to go through the testing for another day before a break. It was very easy and unlike the others who sketched the runes first on the paper before on the stone, I sketched it right onto the stone which impressed the examiners very much. The weekend provided the fifth years a chance to study for the upcoming exams that were scheduled for this week. The Slytherin Dormitory was quite messy with so many practicing creating potions for the exam on Monday. When the weekend sadly ended, the Potions exam was upon us. The written exam was quite simple since they basically asked for either the name of the potion or what each potion did. The practical was very easy because all the asked of us was to create a Polyjuice Potion and a Calming Draught. Everyone seemed more relaxed without Snape staring down their neck which I found quite funny. Tuesday was Care of Magical Creatures and I think the examiner was quite surprised when every creatures came running to me when she asked me to find it.
"Well, this has never happened before but from what I have heard of you, I shouldn't be so surprised." The older witch said smiling at me before gesturing I could go. I could see Hagrid looking out of his hut with a proud expression when he saw me coming out of the forest. I guess he was watching my exam hoping for someone to get a good score. Wednesday brought the Astronomy practical in the morning. I mean it was basically just naming stars, moons, and planets which was so basic for someone who has family up in the stars. We have to wait till the sun sets to do the practical so for those who had Divination, they had to take that exam in the afternoon. The exam had no written portion so we all waited for an examiner to come and call us to take the test. I ended having to read the future of a older wizard who didn't seem to happy with the future I gave so maybe I won't get a good score even though I know I read the future correctly. When it was time for the Astronomy exam, we were led up to the Astronomy Tower. As we set up our telescopes, the examiners handed us our star charts that we would have to fill out. I was able to finish it an hour and was just using the time to check my answers when I heard a roar from Hagrid's hut.
"Try and concentrate, now, boys and girls." Professor Tofty said trying to keep us focused on our exams. When some of the student didn't return to their exam, including myself, he added, "Ahem—twenty minutes to go." I turned my head back to my chart but after hearing a loud bang, glanced down again and could see Hagrid waving his hands angrily while 6 humans shot red spells at him which I guess meant they were trying to stun him.
"Be reasonable, Hagrid." I heard a man yell.
"Reasonable be damned, yeh won't take me like this, Dawlish." Hagrid roared. Fang was also trying to protect him. Eventually after the hundred attempts, one stun spell hits him bringing Hagrid to his knee. He immediately recovers tossing the culprit like 10ft and the man does not get up. I see another figure making him/her way down the lawn.
"How dare you!"I hear the figure yell recognizing it to be Professor McGonagall. "How dare you! Leave him alone! Alone, I say. On what grounds are you attacking him? He has done nothing, nothing to warrant such—"
She couldn't finish her yelling because the remaining five figures shot stun spells at her causing her to collapse to the ground. I hear some girls scream. I react instantly. I hand my chart to Professor Tofty before jumping out the window. I open my wings when I am clear of the building. As I make my way down, I could see Hagrid throwing the remaining figures. There was one person left along with Professor Umbridge and that person was not willing to run after Hagrid after what he did to his colleagues. Professor Umbridge attempts to stun Hagrid but misses so Hagrid disappears into the Forbidden Forest. I could sense everybody was alive so I used my powers to take everybody to the hospital ward. Madam Pomfrey instantly shooed me away probably not wanting another Cedric incident from me so I went back to the dormitory where I found everyone already in bed probably wanting to get as much as sleep as they possibly could. I followed suit hoping that the only exciting thing tomorrow would be the History of Magic exam.

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