Chapter 84: Atlantia

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"I hate this plan." Harry said messing with his beard that appeared with the polyjuice potion. I had disguised them as members of the Ministry and the four of us were going to make our way through the Ministry in search of the locket.
"It is the only way for you three to be able to get into the Ministry undetected." I explain as we walk down the street toward the Ministry's newly "approved" entrance.
"And why are you not dressed like a Ministry official?" Harry asks bitterly.
"Because I am using the Mist to keep the Ministry from spotting me." I say joining the short line of wizards waiting to enter the Ministry. "It will ensure they can't see me."
"She is in the most danger since Voldemort knows she is the only one that has the power to defeat him." Hermione adds, "She can easily protect us if no one sees us." We fell silent after that as other wizards joined the line. I saw ahead that we were entering the Ministry from a portable bathroom. I could heard the toilet flushing and then the next wizard or witch in line stepped inside. When it was finally Harry's turn. I slipped inside with him and stepped into the toilet with him.
"Atlantia, you in?" He whispered since he couldn't see me.
"Go ahead," I tell him. He flushes the toilet and together we are shot through a small chute and appearing in the Ministry through one of the fireplaces. I look around and notice the Ministry had change. Instead of the beautiful golden fountain, I saw a disturbing dark statue of a wizard sitting on top of naked mortals or muggles with very ugly faces. I felt disgusted at the statue and felt more strongly to take down Voldemort. I tear my eyes from the disgusting statue to spot Ron and Hermione in their disguises looking for Harry.
"Come on," I whisper to him gently pulling him toward the other two. When I reached them,I said,"Alright let's find Umbridge's office." Before anyone could move, we hear someone shouting Ron's wizard's name.
"Cattermole!" I turn and see Yaxley, a Death Eater making his way to us, "I requested somebody from Magical Maintenance to sort out my office.It's still raining in there."
" your office? That's not good." Ron said nervously.
"You think it's funny, Cattermole?" Yaxley said darkly.
"No," Ron said scared, "no,of course..."
"You realize that I am on my way downstairs to interrogate your wife? In fact, I'm quite surprised you're not down there holding her hand while she waits. Already given her up as a bad job, have you? Probably wise. Be sure and marry a Pureblood next time." Hermione gasped in shock while Ron stuttered trying to think of something to say.
"But if my wife," Yaxley continued, "were accused of being a Mudblood—not that any woman I married would ever be mistaken for such fiflth—and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing, I would make it my priority to do that job. Do you understand me, Cattermole?"
"Yes," Ron whispered frightened.
"Then attend to it Cattermole, and if my office is not completely dry within an hour, your wife's Blood Status will be in even graver doubt that it is now." Yaxley nodded curtly at us before stepping into an open elevator and leaving us. Once we stepped into our elevator, I spoke to the other three.
"Ron and I will go clean up Yaxley's office, you two go find Umbridge's office and I will find you two." I whisper to them squeezing behind Ron so I wouldn't give away my presence to the other wizards and witches in the elevator. I fell quiet as the elevator stopped moving and the elevator called out Level 4. Some got off and a few stepped on. One greeted Harry and the other just stepped silently into the elevator. Once the elevator stopped at level 2, I grabbed Ron's hand and pulled him from the elevator.
"Come on," I say to Ron pulling him toward Yaxley's office. When we arrived, I saw room was overflowing with water from the rain. I look around and saw no one was around so I revealed myself and turned to Ron.
"Keep watch...if someone is coming just pretend to be using your wand as I fix it being invisible." I say turning to the room.
"Why don't we do that from the beginning?" Ron asked confused.
"Because it is a lot harder to use the powers needed to get rid of this storm while controlled the Mist. I rather not have a headache if we are going to have to fight our way out of here." I explain. Ron shrugs and turns around looking up and down the hallway for someone.I turn back to the room and called on Zeus's powers to stop the storm. The storm dissipates but the room is still filled in water so I began to evaporate it while keeping the items in the room still useable.
"Someone's coming." Ron hisses a few seconds after I begin the process. I call on the mist as Ron brings out his wand. I continue to evaporate the water as Ron does random wand movements. I glance to see a witch walking by. She glances at the room but doesn't stop. I sigh in relief. I finish cleaning the room before walking with Ron back to the elevator so we could find Harry and Hermione. As we went up, Harry stepped into the elevator.
I frown, "Where's Hermione?"
"Umbridge needed her in the courtroom. She couldn't refuse..." He trailed off as the elevator doors opened. Arthur Weasley came walking in talking to a witch.
"Hello, Reg," Arthur said nodding at Ron, "Isn't your wife in questioning today?"
" that's where I was heading right now." Ron mumbled.
"Well, I hope the Ministry doesn't find her as a Muggle." Arthur said smiling at him.
"Thank you D-Arthur." He said smiling at his dad. Arthur turned to Harry glaring at him which was weird seeing him do it toward Harry.
"I hear you laid information about Dirk Cresswell, Runcorn." Arthur said darkly.
"Sorry," Harry said playing dumb.
"Don't pretend, Runcorn," Arthur said fiercely, "You tracked down the wizard who faked his family tree, didn't you?"
"I—so what if I did?" Harry said trying to play up his character.
"So Dirk Cresswell is ten times the wizard you are," Mr. Weasley said softly, "And if he survives Azkaban,you'll have to answer to him,not to mention his wife, his sons, and his friends..."
"Arthur, you know you're being tracked, don't you." Harry interrupted probably not wanting to listen to Arthur yell at him a threat that was meant for someone else.
"Is that a threat, Runcorn." Arthur said coldly.
"No, It's a fact." Harry exclaim. I realized he was trying to warn Arthur without giving away his identity, "They're watching your every move..."He doesn't get to finish because the elevator finally stops and Arthur steps off not before giving Harry a scathing look. I sigh as the lift closes. I release the mist for a minute so I could talk to Harry and Ron with them seeing me.
"Harry, put on your cloak and cover Ron as well. We're going to head into that courtroom. I want you to stand behind Hermione and try to find a way to get her out if there." I say calmly.
"What are you going to do?" Harry asks slipping on the invisibility cloak while Ron also slipped under.
"I'm going to help free her as well. I'll be on the ground ready to help when you need me." Is all I say.
"You saw something, didn't you?" Harry asks looking at me with sad eyes. "You saw the path you want to take because it results in the most lives saved."
"Yeah," Is all I say. The elevator opens and I step out summoning the mist over me while walking with Harry.
"Will we survive?" Ron asks.
"You and the rest of the ones you care about have a 99% chance survival rate." I say after a minute.
"What's your rate of survival?" Harry asks softly.
"Unknown." Is my reply. Both couldn't ask anything more because we turn the corner to find dementors guarding muggle-born wizards with their families as they wait their trial. The wizards were sobbing and shivering in fright of the gliding dementors. I sigh. I reveal myself to the Dementors and the wizards.
"Be gone ." I say strongly. The Dementors turned to me. I summoned my control on the shadows creating chains. "Return to the Underworld and check in with my Dad...You don't want me to drag you there myself, do you?" I look at the Dementors twirling the shadow chain in my hands. They hover in their spots before they fade into the ground and shadows returning to the Underworld where they belong.
I turn to the wizards, "Stay here. I will help you escape and then I want you to get out of the country. Get as far as you can from here. Here." I hand them all giant money bags, "This should help you survive." I see heads nod at me before I beckon discretely for Harry and Ron to follow me into the courtroom. I saw who I assume to be Mary Cattermole since Umbridge asked if she was married to Reginald Cattermole. I ignore what is being said searching for Hermione before gesturing to Harry and Ron to let her know we are here. They nod before I summon the Mist and I fade away from view. I walk and stand right next to Mary,right where I sat when Harry was on trial.
I looked up to Umbridge noticing the locket was hanging around her neck and just in time for her to say, "No, I don't think so Mrs. Cattermole. Wands only choose witches and wizards. You are not a witch..."
"On the contrary," I say revealing myself, "She is most definitely a witch Dolores." I heard gasps and murmurs around the room and I could see Harry, Ron, and Hermione looking at me in shock. "If you don't believe me,we can go on a little journey like we did in Harry's trial."
"Atlantia," Umbridge said smiling fearfully at me, "I...I wasn't expecting you here."
"I bet you weren't." I said releasing Mary from the chains that bound the sitter into the chair. "Do you remember my vow I made to you in that classroom when you "taught" at Hogwarts?"
"The threat you mean?" Umbridge scoffed, "Yeah I do."
"Well, considering the Ministry has fallen to Voldemort and one of his Death Eaters is seated next to you and that I need the locket you are wearing, consider this as me following through on that threat." I summon and release two knives. One going straight into Yaxley's chest and the other into Umbridge's. There were shouts of shock and outrage as I stepped forward to grab the locket that had dangled from Umbridge's neck. I offered Mrs. Cattermole my hand which she graciously took. I guided her out of the room with Harry, Ron and Hermione right behind me. I gestured to the other wizards waiting trial to follow me so we can escape this place.
"Everyone stick to someone with a wand." I say, "It's not going to be easy to escape." Harry and Ron shook off the invisibility cloak. I saw the polyjuice potion had faded off on them as well as it had begun on Hermione.
"Who are you guys?" Mary asks sharply looking at Hermione to Ron to Harry before understanding crossed her face, "You're Harry Potter, and Atlantia Brooks. You are here to stop You-Know-Who."
"Yep, and you wizards are leaving London until it is safe to come back." When the door to the elevator opened to the Atrium, I saw many wizards blocking the entrances of the fireplaces.
"What are we going to do?" I hear Hermione whisper nervous, "We can't fight that many..." I summon my staff and hit the ground hard with it sending a shockwave of my pure power into the ground. The wizards instantly collapsed and I turned to Mary and gave her a moneybag similar to the ones I gave the other wizards.
"Find your husband, get your children, and get out of the country." I tell her before grabbing Harry's and Hermione's hand and fading into the shadows.
An: So so sorry for not updating these last few days. I've been just really upset with my brother leaving again for the Marines so I didn't have any energy to write another chapter.I feel better now so I should be all good to publish one tomorrow. Thank you always for all the reads, and votes.

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