Chapter 2: Molly

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Albus leads us around what I recognize as New York City before I finally ask him if he knows where he's going.
"Albus you actually know where you are going?" I asked kindly
"I have the address and what the place looks like but I don't know where it is." Dumbledore responds showing is a piece of parchment with an address written on it. I grab it and walk to the nearest person.
"Excuse me," I say to this man walking by," Do you know where this is?" The man looks at the address.
"You will need to take a taxi there. Just show the taxi driver this address and he will take you there." He said hailing a cab big enough for us.
"Thank you." I reply. He smiles at me before walking away. I beckon to the others to climb into the cab. Albus, Fred, and George all climbed into the back row and Arthur and I took the middle row. I handed the man driving the car the piece of parchment telling him we want to head there. He takes one glance at it before pulling into traffic. We drive through the center of the city that never sleeps for about a half hour before pulling onto a street that took us out if the city. We begin to drive on a motorway for a little while but we seen turn off the motorway to take a small street. We begin to see less buildings and more lushes trees,grass, and flowers. We then turn a corner and we see this beautiful mansion(up above). I was absorbed in admiring the beautiful building that I didn't realize that we had stopped at a gate in front of the home. The man began to ask for money but we didn't have any muggle money with us let alone this american money. He began to get really angry with us demanding that we pay him or he is going to call the cops. Before he could do that the gate in front of the house opened and out walked a young girl who could not be more than 12 but she is dressed like someone would as a person in the spot light. She walks up to the taxi and opens our doors and beckons for us to get out. Then she walks to the taxi driver's door and knocks on the window. As we get out he opens the window. She smiles at him before saying.
"I'm sorry about that. How much do these people owe you?" The girl asks pulling out her wallet.
The taxi driver stares at her wide-eyed,"Your that actress who stared in Born Good Raised Evil." So she is an actress.
"I am." She replies still smiling.
"Can I have an autograph?" The taxi driver asked still in shock.
"Sure," The girl made a signed picture of her appeared out of nowhere before snapping her fingers in his face," I didn't just make this picture magically appear. I went inside to grab it." Thats weird. Why would she say something like that?
The man just nods taking the picture and carefully setting it on the passenger seat.
"Now, how much do they owe you," The girl continued.
"They owe me $150." The taxi driver tells her. The girl takes out 4 bills and hands them to him.
"Here's four hundred. Keep the change.Think of it as compensation for driving them all the way out here." She says backing away from the taxi and letting it get on its way back to the city. After watching the car drive around the bend, the girl turns to us.
"Who the hell are you guys?" I look at Albus expecting him to respond.He does.
"Atlantia this may be best if we talk inside as this will take a while to explain and it may be hard to hear." Dumbledore said calmly beckoning toward her house. She glares at us for a little bit. I guess she wants to figure out if we are trustworthy or not.
"Fine," Is all she says before walking past us and up the drive toward her home. We follow looking at everything. I have to pull Arthur away from the car she has sitting in front of the front door. He wants to examine it most likely. I see the girl, I guess she is Atlantia, looks at Arthur curiously. When we entered the front door we see a grand entrance that could rival Hogwarts's  entrance. She leads us to what I assume to be the living room and gestures for us to sit.
"Start explaining," Atlantia says when we had all sat down. We all look at Albus.
"There is no easy way to say this but we have information on your grandfather." He begins.
She stiffens immediately," Which grandfather?"
"Your mother's side." Arthur answers
"Which mother?" Atlantia asked slightly annoyed but a little relieved.
"Your mortal mother, Coral. Your siren mother." Albus clarified,"You see wizards and witches are real and your grandfather is very evil but also very powerful. We are unable to defeat him. We need you to come to Hogwarts to learn magic and to protect you since Voldemort, your grandfather, knows you are alive. He had tried to kill your mother before this. We don't know if he is planning to kill you or recruit you but we know you are in danger."
The girl just nods," I can handle this Voldemort just find, I can do magic just fine, so I don't need to go to this Pigwarts school of magic so you guys can just leave." I stare at her shocked.
"I know you could handle him easily but I am also requesting your help to protect a boy. His name is Harry Potter. His parents were killed by Voldemort..." Albus begins.
"Can we please stop saying You-Know-Who's name?" I ask pleadingly.
Albus nods,"Very well. His parents were killed by You-Know-Who when Harry was a baby but Harry somehow survived and destroyed You-Know-Who. Now, You-Know-Who wants to kill Harry so I ask again to come to Hogwarts to study and protect Harry and his friends." Atlantia looks deep in thought as if she is trying to figure out if its worth risking her life.
"Fine," Atlantia finally says," I'll come to Hogwarts."
"Excellent.Here is a list of supplies. Molly here will take you to Diagon Alley to get your supply. Molly make sure you stop at Gringotts tomorrow. I know Coral left multiple bank accounts with the keys at the bank." Albus said handing a piece of parchment paper to Atlantia.
"Atlantia dear, Would you mind me asking how old are you dear?" I ask her very curious.
She looks up from reading the supplies," I will be turning twelve on September 15. Which I guess is in 4 weeks."
"Your twelve?" Fred said finally speaking.
"Yeah, do I look younger?" She asks.
"Yeah you look younger but act older." George answered.
"Well that may because of what I've been through." She answers,"But I don't completely trust you guys yet so I am not going to tell you."
"You take your time dear but may ask will you eventually tell us?" I ask her. She nods in response.
"Right shall we head home." Albus said standing.
Atlantia looked confused,"I am home."
"Oh, how silly of me. I forgot to mention this part. You will be staying with Mrs. Weasley and her family until the school year starts on September 1." Albus replies chuckling.
"Fine." She answers," Let me pack some of my things." Atlantia gets up and walks out of the room but just before she exits, she turns around.
"The kitchen is around the corner. Help yourself to anything." She says before fully walking out of the room. I get up and walk to the kitchen with my family and Albus following.

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