Chapter 90: Atlantia

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I hear the screams from the crowd at the top of the stairs as Harry falls to the ground. Blaise drops to try to help him but I knew he couldn't pull out the knife with the enchantments I had on it. I heard Ron and everyone else trying to head down there to help him  save Harry but I knew they couldn't break the shield I had discretely put there as I had walked down the steps.
"How is killing Potter killing me?" Voldemort asked laughing with delight. The Death Eaters were also laughing as they stared at Harry's dying body. I just smiled at Voldemort.
"Have you heard the prophecy fully, Granddad?" I asked as I began to walk toward him. The flash of anger in his eyes told me everything, "Well, granddad it went like this: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. Born to the family who twice defied him, born as the ninth month ends. And the Dark Lord will mark the one she must save who was born as the seventh month ends mistaken for the one born as the ninth month ends. Either the Dark Lord or the one born as the seventh month ends can live while the other must die. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born at the end of the ninth month and will decide who lives." I stop walking when I finish reciting the prophecy.
"So you have chosen?" Voldemort says smiling. He gestures to Harry. "He is lying there dead. This means you have chosen who should live and the prophecy has been fulfilled." I shake my head. I turn my head looking at Blaise and Harry's body.
"The prophecy is not fulfilled until one of you are truly dead." I say calmly. I turn and face Voldemort, "And I am making sure it is Harry." I released earthquakes straight at his chest causing Voldemort to fly back into his followers. He quickly recovers and stands up brandishing the elder wand stolen from Dumbledore.
"What you don't know, Granddad." I say walking toward him calmly but powerfully, "is that knife is blessed by the God of War, Ares, my father. He ensured it can only destroy horcruxes and only the horcrux leaving the host unharmed," I raised my hand and called the knife to my hand. It flew straight to my hand and immediately I heard Harry breathe.
"No..." Voldemort whispered angrily staring at Harry. He turned back to me as he shouted, "Avada Kadava!" I dodged the spell and summoned a sword. I cursed under my breath as I felt my blood burning hotter as I used my powers. I ignored it knowing this was the only way. I ran toward Voldemort calling for a storm to form. I shot electricity from my fingers at Voldemort who tried to dodge it but still got hit by a strand. He hit the ground hard and looked back at me and I knew from his eyes that he was frightened at what he saw. The storm that was forming in the sky darkened the sky as the electricity danced from my fingertips. I knew my eyes had turned white with the power inside of me itching to leave my body.
"You thought you could control me?" I shouted at Voldemort, "You thought I would kneel to you? A mortal who thought he could cheat Hades out of his soul? This is your Granddaughter, Tom!"I shifted so my wings and claws could come out. "A siren...the child of every Greek...Roman...Egyptian...and Norse god and goddess! The daughter of Coral Brooks and the granddaughter of Oceania Brooks! The last of the rulers of the ocean!" I look straight into Voldemort's eyes. "I may be your family by blood but you will never be my granddad." I called on the lightening onto Voldemort and I heard him scream as my powers engulf him. All you could see was a white ball of power as you listened to Voldemort's screams. Then the screaming stopped and the ball disappeared and all that was left was a giant hole in the ground. The Death Eaters all immediately fled except for Draco's parents who had apparated up to their son. I collapsed to my knees as I felt the pain in my blood get worse. I could feel my blood heating up from overuse and I knew I couldn't do anything to stop what was coming. So I did the only thing I could, I screamed.
Point-of-View Change: Blaise
I knew there was something wrong with Atlantia after I poured that golden drink down her throat but I just took her word that she was fine. I even knew I shouldn't have allowed Mrs. Weasley to pour a second dose of that potion into her mouth but I did nothing. I allowed her to walk to Harry and ask for the knife. I allowed her to call for Voldemort. I allowed her to be the one in charge as she walked down the steps toward Voldemort. When she stabbed Harry, I tried to save him instead of the one I loved. I let her fight Voldemort even though I could see she was in pain. I just watched as she destroyed him completely before she dropped to the ground screaming in pain.
I rushed to her side and wrapped my arms around her calling for someone to help. Some how the barrier keeping everyone from coming down during the battle dropped so everyone immediately rushed to her side. No matter what anyone did she kept screaming until a bright light erupted from her chest causing all of us to look away. When it disappeared, Atlantia was lifeless in my arms.
"Atlantia," I cried shaking her, "No...No...No, I can't lose you. Come on Atlantia, please."
"She's gone." I hear a voice behind the crowd. The crowd immediately parts revealing three old ladies carrying a golden shroud in their arms.
", she can't be." I say turning to try and wake her again.
"I'm sorry child." One of the old ladies said touching my shoulder, "She chose this path to save all of you." I look up at that.
"What?" I say hoarsely.
"Your love chose to die to save you her family and her love." The old lady on the left said, "She was happy here but she couldn't allow for anyone to die for her like her previous family had."
"Her one flaw was loyalty just like another hero who died as well." The old lady in the center said smiling sadly at Atlantia, "and it has sadly as well cost Atlantia her life."
"I just can't accept that she's gone." I said crying holding her. "I just can't. She's only 15 years old. She's too young."
"You're right she's too young." A new voice said. I turn and I am surprised to see hundreds of weird looking men and women standing around us. "Our daughter has always been asked to accomplish things that always had the high chance that she would die." A man stepped forward and from what I remember from Greek mythology, I was staring at Zeus, the king of the Greek gods.
"I guess we finally pushed her too far." Zeus said standing over me with tears in his eyes as he stared down at his daughter. "And we can't accept that she should be gone. We are not as powerful as we used to be alone but together we are just as powerful. This is not the end of our child." I nod my head in understanding.
"Please  bring her back." I say close to begging. Zeus smiles at me before gesturing to the other gods and goddesses to join him. They didn't make a sound but I felt a warmth surround me as I look down at Atlantia. I sat there feeling the warmth for at least five minutes waiting for Atlantia to move. But then as the gods were about to give up, we saw something that we all thought we would never see again. Atlantia took a breath.
An: Happy Easter everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing alright and is having a great Easter! Stay safe and thank you for the votes, comments, and reads!

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