Chapter 60: Atlantia

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Although it was nice seeing the other professors not helping Professor Umbridge, I knew it wouldn't do much. They were making life rough for her but in the end they couldn't do more than that. Well, except help Harry but I know from experience its not good to place all your eggs in one basket. If I had known this before, perhaps I wouldn't be standing alone in this world. I was separated yet again from my friends because of them believing in the Inquisitor group and for some of them being members. I haven't had a visit from the Fates in a while and I was expecting them to come visit me when I was in this upset state. And I was right.
I was walking in the hallway on my way to the library when I felt the familiar presence behind me. I turn and I see the Fates behind me.
"Its been a while." I say, "And you normally pick a more secure spot."
"You haven't needed us to warn you of anything until now." Clotho replies.
"Do you remember the vision you had in your vision spell in the beginning of the year?" Lahkesis asked. I nod my head.
"It must happen so don't stop it." Atrophis stated, "You will lose friends but it is for the best.
"It as been written since the beginning of this world."Clotho added.
"True happiness will follow this event." Lahkesis.
"Yeah, about my "true happiness", I'm not sure it is worth having so many people die." I say. Clotho took out the golden yarn ball that I knew was my life.
"Death will happen but it can be you or it can be them." They say in unison before they disappear. I sigh and turn to continue my walk to the library but standing in front of me or rather behind was Professor Umbridge.
"Who were they?" Professor Umbridge said in that annoyingly high pitched voice.
"They're the Fates. They control everyone's life by those yarn balls spin. Once they cut the yarn, you die." I explain not really want to talk about them to her, "Now if you excuse me, I must head to the library so I can complete the huge pile homework that was given to me this week." I step around her but before I could fully pass her, she grabbed my arm.
"I heard them talk about a vision that you must let happen. What was shown? What must you let happen?" She demanded still holding me arm.
"Look, you shouldn't have seen the Fates talking to me. It is not good for your future if you see them. I won't tell you what event they were talking about because it can effect the future in a bad way. Now if you don't mind, I am going to go study." I shake her hand off of me before walking toward the library leaving a stunned professor standing in the hallway.
I was a little worried about what she could do but I knew she couldn't do much against me since she knows I could actually make my threat from a while back a reality. She ended up placing an article in the Daily Prophet calling me a liar and a fraud because I wouldn't share information about a serious event in the future that I had seen in a vision. Based on the letters that I received from it, it seemed she didn't pushed my supporters away and instead brought them closer to me and against Professor Umbridge. It just added more support in my fight to get rid of Umbridge by the end of the year.
I noticed that it seems everyday that Umbridge was adding more decrees or I guess new rules now that she was headmaster. One of the rules I found that Filch was allowed to use a whip to punish the students now which just gave me bad memories from my time in the hands of the Giants so I hoped I wouldn't see anyone get whipped.
I was almost sure that the Weasley twins were going to get whipped when I was on my way to this career meeting that all fifth years were to attend with their House-head. I was on my to Snape's office and I was just heading down the stairs that led to the fourth floor when I hold a loud squirt behind me. I turned and looked up. I gasped. The whole corridor near the stairs on the fifth floor was turned into a swamp. The students who were in the hallway was covered in moss and the gunk that lived in the swamp. I saw Professor Umbridge chasing after Fred and George with the Inquisitorial Squad following. I chased after them with the other students and eventually we ended up in the entrance hall. I could see everyone had surrounded the duo and Professor Umbridge was standing in the exact spot she stood when she tried to sack Professor Trelawney.
"So," Professor Umbridge said triumphantly, " think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"
"Pretty Amusing, yeah." Fred said without an ounce of fear. Filch then came elbowing into the circle breathing heavily and waving a parchment paper.
"I've got the form, Headmaster," he said hoarsely, "I've got the form and I've got the whips waiting...Oh let me do it now..."
"Very good, Argus." She said smiling before pointing at the Weasley twins, "You two are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."
"You know what?" Fred said, "I don't think we are." He turns to his brother, "George, I think we've out grown full-time education."
"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself." George agreed.
"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" Fred asked smirking.
"Definitely." George smirked.
Before Professor Umbridge or her lackeys could do anything, they shouted, "Accio brooms." I watch as their brooms zoom down the stairs still dragging the chains that kept them in Professor Umbridge's office. They stopped right in front of the twins dropping the chains onto the ground with a loud clink.
"We won't be seeing you." Fred said to Professor Umbridge mounting his broom.
"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch." George said also mounting his broom.
"If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three Diagon Alley—Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes." Fred shouts addressing the crowd, "Our new premises."
"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this bat." George added gesturing to Professor Umbridge.
"Stop them." Professor Umbridge shrieked. The Inquisitorial Squad closed in but it was too late. The Weasleys kicked into the air. Fred hovered above the crowd and made eye contact with Peeves.
"Give her hell from us, Peeves." He ordered before flying off. Peeves then did something he only does to me. He took off his belled hat and saluted George and Fred as they flew out the front doors basting in the golden sunset.
Because of the Weasley's escape, my career meeting it been pushed back a couple of days. I was in a good mood as I walked to Snape's office. Many students are trying to take the place of the Weasleys as the troublemakers so there have been so many dungbombs and stinkpellets launched. It frustrated Filch because he was unable to punish someone with his whip since there were so many pranks, he couldn't pinpoint who were doing them before another came up. Peeves was doing everything in his power to cause trouble and when I saw him on the chandelier trying to unscrew it as I walked to Snape's office, I whispered as I was under him, "It unscrews the other way." When I was past him, I heard it drop and shatter on the ground. I turned and smiled at him and in response he tilts his head in thanks before cackling as he flies off. When I step into Snape's office, I was a little surprised when I saw Professor Umbridge sitting in there with Snape.
"Good Evening, Atlantia." Snape said smiling at me, "Please take a seat." He gestures to the chair in front of them. I sit before he begins.
"So, as you know this meeting is to help you choose which classes you will need to take for the career you choose." He began, "Do you have an idea of what you will like to do?"
"I examined every job that was mentioned and I wasn't entirely drawn to one. I mean, I didn't really come here to learn magic but because Dumbledore asked me to protect Harry so I am unsure of what I should be "studying" for."  I honestly state.
"That's fine because of your situation." Snape said smiling pulling out a sheet of paper. "I would recommend possibly because of your background that you become an Auror. You have the grades since they would require a minimum of five N.E.W.Ts and nothing under Exceeds Expectation. You have Oustandings in every course as I can see so I believe you will be fine in making the N.E.W.T level of the classes."
"The Ministry would be happy to have you as an Auror." Professor Umbridge giving me a smile that I knew meant the Ministry would be happy to be my boss. "You would be a great addition. We haven't had anyone new since three years ago so when you graduate from Hogwarts,we will instantly take you in."
"Thank you for the suggestion, Professor. I am not sure it is the right path for me but I will follow the path for the job but I won't be sure if I will actually do the job at the end of my seventh year." I state because I didn't want to be under Professor Umbridge's and Fudge's thumb.
"I think that it a great choice." Snape said writing it down on a parchment paper. "Thank you, Atlantia. I will make sure you stay on track for this job even if you end up you don't choosing it." I smile in thanks at him before standing up to leave. Before I could leave, Professor Umbridge stopped me.
"Choose wisely, Atlantia." She said smiling sweetly, "Remember my warning."
I turn glaring at her while smiling the tightest smile, "Remember my warning, Professor. I don't want to be your enemy...Oh and for your information" I put my hands on the desk in front of her and made direct eye contact with her. "I made an oath to make sure this is your only year here at Hogwarts and I intend to keep that oath." I nod my head in goodbye to Snape before stalking out the door.
An: I am so sorry for not updating. I know you guys are probably tited of hearing my excuses so I am going to just thank you guys for your support through the reads and the votes. Thank you so much guys.

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