Chapter 19:Atlantia

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On my way to dinner, I noticed that Gryffindor boy Neville acting weird but I didn't stop to ask him if he was ok with Draco pulling my arm toward the Great Hall. At dinner is when Draco finally exploded.
"Who does he think he is?" Draco exclaimed angrily. "First he turns me into a ferret and then he puts a spider on my face. I'm Draco Malfoy I shouldn't be treated like this."
"What does your father say?" Pansy asked.
"He says he'll deal with it and stop disgracing the Malfoy name." He grumbles. They continue to talk but I ignore them as I finish my dinner before heading up to get some rest.
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~
The next week started pretty well with Professor Trelawney looking in admiration at Draco and his gang for writing about all the horrors they will experience in the next month. She admired it so much that she told them to do it again for the month after next. They didn't look to happy at that. Potions on Tuesday was so much fun with Snape trying our antidotes on each of us.
"I will be giving you a small dose of Veritaserum. Then if you don't want to spill your secrets to the class, I would recommend you take your antidote and pray that you did it right." Snape directed the last part toward the Gryffindors. He then walked to the first desk and began the test.
I began to learn so much about my classmates because it seems a lot of them are not good at following directions. A Gryffindor girl admitted to having a crush on Harry. Ron admitted to his most embarrassing moment while Harry admitted his true feelings about Snape.(That didn't end well.) Hermione was able to make a good enough antidote to counteract the Veritaserum. Finally it was my turn, and when Snape gave me a dose of Vertiserum before ordering me to drink the antidote.
"Tell me about your relationship with Krum." He asks me.
"Why should I?" I ask him smiling.
"Well done 10 points to Slytherin." Snape nodded to me before directing his words to the rest of the class, "To the rest of you who are not Atlantia, Draco, or Hermione who were able to create the antidote correctly, you will need to write a 5 page essay on how to correctly create a Vertiserum antidote." That made for some unhappy students as they exited and went onto their class.
~~~~~Time Skip to Thursday~~~~~
In DADA class, Moody decided we should learn  how a Imperius curse feels so he decided he would be placing it on each of us. However, Hermione just had to speak up.
"But—but you said it's illegal, Professor," said Hermione uncertainly as Moody cleared away the desks with a sweep of his wand, leaving a large clear space in the middle of the room. "You said—to use it against another human was..."
"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," Moody interrupts focusing onto her,"If you'd rather learn the hard way...when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely...fine by me. You're excused. Off you go." He points to the door. Hermione immediately shut up and mumbled something about not meaning to express that she wanted to leave. He beckons to everyone to form a line so I make sure I am last as the first person steps up. I watch as, I think his name is Dean Thomas a Gryffindor, begin to hop three times around the room while singing the British national anthem. Another Gryffindor, I believe her name is Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel while Neville performed gymnastics that he shouldn't have been capable of in his normal state. Draco ended up acting like a monkey and Pansy ended up being forced to dance in a crazy way. Everyone it seemed could not fight the curse. When Harry stepped up though, nothing happened. However, a few moment later,he jumped but it looked like he was trying to stop himself from jumping so he ended up crashing into a desk. I could sense the shattered kneecaps so I sent a little healing magic toward him but I was stopped by an invisible force. I could sense it radiating off of him so I knew he was stopping me from healing him. I'll ask him after class.
"Now, that's more like it." Moody exclaimed,"Look at that, you lot...Potter fought! He fought it, and he damn near beat it. We'll try that again Potter, and the rest of you pay his eyes that's where you see it...very good Potter, very good indeed. They'll have trouble controlling you."I could see Draco glaring at Harry as Moody forced him to go under the curse 4 more times before moving onto the final students. He eventually got to me.
"Imperio." He yells pointing his wand at me. I feel absolutely nothing.
"I don't think it worked." I say. Moody looked at me very confused.
"Let me try it again...Imperio." He says frustrated. I shake my head and after asking for my permission, he began to try other spells on me but none of them worked.
"Extraordinary." Moody said in awe," I think you being a child of all those gods and goddesses have made you invincible to our magic. I want to try the killing curse. May I?"
"Are you crazy?!? If it does work, I'll be dead!" I exclaim a tad angry.
"Yeah, you're right. I'll let Dumbledore know. Homework is to write a 2 page essay on the Imperius Curse.Class dismissed." Moody said waving us off. I walk and grab my stuff and I then to catch up with Harry because I wanted to heal him.
"Hey, Harry." I called catching him just outside the classroom.
"What do you want Atlantia?" He asks annoyed.
"Whoa, what's with the attitude?" I ask confused.
"This attitude is because you are part of the same house your grandfather was in and you expect us to believe that you are not evil? Well I'm not going to trust your story even if Mrs. Weasley put Vertiserum in your drink so you could tell the truth about your background." Harry spat out.
I was taken back."You know what...I can't deal with this now. I came over here to offer to fix your kneecaps and to help you Ron remove the lingering Imperius Curse but it seems you can't get past me being in Slytherin. You can't say everyone who is a Slytherin is evil since that is not true and only people who are evil are in Slytherins since that is also not true. I can personally give a tour of the Fields of Punishment to point out where the Hogwarts's evil wizards and witches are from. There were some from all 4 houses. I will not stand here and being treated badly for something I have no control over...My house and who my grandfather is. You know, the only reason I came to Hogwarts was because Dumbledore asked me to come here to protect you and you don't seem to care. I don't need to be at this school. I already know everything for every course. I knew had to care for Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts, I know how to create potions, I can tell the future, and I can easily do magic with a mother as the goddess of magic so why should I be here?" I scoff as I walk away. I break down Harry's shield and heal his knees before healing Ron from the lingering Imperius curse. I realized I had an audience but I ignore them.
"Good for you!" Draco called out to me,"It's time you ditched those losers for a better set of friends." I was on my last nerve so I used my wind power to force him against the wall.
"I will never be your friend. You are a coward for being a bully and hiding behind your father's name. Grow up." I say releasing him before storming off.

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