Chapter 88: Atlantia

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I don't know how long we had been sitting on the dragon's back but it was long enough that the sun began to set. Then to my surprise the dragon went into a dive before pulling up just above the lake that I can see right below us.
"We need to jump now." I shout over the wind. They all nod before all pushing themselves off and into the water. I followed suit feeling the cold water hit my skin before my tail formed and the water temperature became bearable. I looked through the water to see the other three kicking themselves to the surface. I surfaced as well and pointed to them toward the bank. They began to slowly kick their way to the shore so I used the water to push them to the shore. They pulled themselves onto the bank before Ron and Harry turned to help drag my body onto the bank. I began to dry myself as Hermione reached into my bag and pulled out the healing potions and together they share a bottle.
"So, how are we going to destroy the horcrux? We can't have you out for three months again, Atlantia." Hermione said as she took her sip from the bottle. I pull myself to standing before dippong into my bag and pulling out one of the three remaining bottles of nectar.
"I can destroy it." I say holding the bottle of nectar out to Hermione, "but you'll need to pour this down my throat after I do so."
"Alright," Hermione said hesitant as she handed over the goblet. I took in my hand and like the locket I began to push my powers into the goblet. Hades's power was in the front with me trying to drag You-Know-Who's soul out. I heard the soul screech in agony and fright before the whole goblet exploded. Hermione caught me as my legs gave out and tipped the bottle into my mouth and forced me to drink the nectar.
"Thanks," I say smiling at her. Ron whoops once he sees that I am alright.
"Two down, two to go." He says beeming, "Where are the other ones, Atlantia?"
"We need to head to Hogwarts..." I trailed off when I noticed that Harry was holding is hand on his scar. "Harry." I shout running over to him. His eyes fly open and he looks at us worried.
"He knows." Harry says quickly, "You-Know-Who knows we are hunting the horcruxes but he doesn't know if we have destroyed them." He looks at us worried and I make the decision to talk to Voldemort.
"I think I should talk with dear old granddad." I say closing my eyes. I call on Morpheus's powers and enter Voldemort's mind in sort of a daydream. I appear inside of a deatroyed Gringotts with dead goblins and wizards decorating the floor and in the center stood my dear old granddad looking completely livid.
"Something wrong granddad." I say innocently stepping around the bodies that littered the floor. He turned around and snarled at me.
"Granddaughter," He said hatefully, "You cannot stop me. You can't destroy the horcruxes. You are not that powerful."
I laugh, "Granddad, feel inside of you. You can't feel the missing pieces of your souls? Well, if you can't, then you're more soulless then I thought."
"You will be joining me, Granddaughter and trust me." Voldemort says walking toward me seething, "I will make you pay for all the pain and trouble you caused. I won't kill you though. I need you to create powerful offspring to ensure the wizarding world is the most powerful. Once you have proven yourself, I will even let you choose who you marry. Perhaps you want Draco or perhaps young Blaise?" I used my powers to quickly appear right in front of him grabbing him by the neck.
"I may not be able to kill you now but don't think for a second that I don't have to wait till we meet in person. You can die in dreams, Grandaddy. Did you know that? You are seeing me in sort of a daydream but don't think I can't kill you." He snarled at me.
"It is time you and I meet and end this once and for all." Voldemort growled, "Hogwarts will be our battlegrounds."
"No, Granddad. It will be your final resting place." I smirk at him before returning to the bank near the lake. I could tell Ron, Hermione, and Harry were worried.
"Atlantia, where did you go?" Hermione asked frightened. "We heard you threatening You-Know-Who."
"Just giving him a little warning." I say standing, "Come on. We need to get to Hogwarts."
"How can we get there undetected? There is bound to be spells to alert them to our arrival." Harry said.
"Why do we need to go to Hogwarts?" Ron asked at the same time. I turn to them.
"It is time for the final battle. Plus the last horcruxes will be found at Hogwarts." I say staring at them gauging their emotions. "It's time to make our final stand against my Granddad." I offer my hands to them, "If you wish to fight take my hand, otherwise, apparate back to Fleur's and Bill's home." The three of them exchange a look before placing their hands in mine.
"We are with you till the end, Atlantia."Harry said smiling. I smile back at him before using vapor travel to appear in the middle of Hogwarts.
"Ok, you three make your way to the Room of Requirements and think about Neville, Semus, and the rest of Dumbledore's Army. Explain to them the situation." I say handing them Harry's Invisibility cloak.
"Where are you going?" Harry asks taking the cloak.
"Its time to end Voldemort's hold on this school and that begins with removing his followers from the school." I say looking at them with determination before turning and sprinting down the hall before using the water vapors to take me to the Ravenclaw tower. I stepped up to the door and the statue of an eagle opened its mouth and asked,
"Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?" It asked in a soft musical voice.
"It is a circle which has no beginning or end." I answer confused in how the Ravenclaw thought this was the best way to guard their common room.
"Well, reasoned." The voice said as the door swung open. I stepped inside and I knew immediately where Alecto Carrow was hiding.
"Come out, Alecto," I call teasingly summoning a knife. "I know you are here."
"Its time for you to join your family, Atlantia." I hear behind me. I turn and smile at her. "Your Grandfather will be less harsh if you kill Potter and join him. Use your head girl! You are losing!"
"No, Alecto." I said shaking my head, "Its you who is losing." I throw my knife and it hits her in her leg. She cried out in pain and releases a green colored spell at me. I dodge it while running toward her. I slam her head into the ground effectively knocking her out. I heard shouting and the soft musical voice from outside the door.
"Alecto, did you persuade her or killed her? Alecto open this door?" I recognized Amycus her brother was standing outside the door. I looked at where her arm was and I realized she had touched her Dark Mark and was calling everyone here. As I was about to open the door and fight when I heard Professor McGonagall outside and Ravenclaw students coming down the stairs.
"Hide." I say to the Ravenclaws before walking over to the door. I could hear Professor McGonagall stalling outside the door trying to give him a hard time. I swung open the door and instantly used the winds to knock him against the wall outside. Professor McGonagall gave a cry of surprise when she saw me.
"Hello, professor." I say summoning vines to wrap Alecto and Amycus.
"Atlantia, what are you doing here? You shouldn't have come. Where is Harry? Ron? Hermione?" Professor McGonagall said frantically. I put my hands up to stop her.
"They're fine. They are gathering the members of the D.A who have found refuge in the Room of Requirements." I explain, "Now can you..." I trail off when Snape walks down the hall noticing me.
"Atlantia," He says nodding at me, "I see you have returned to Hogwarts. You most likely have not returned alone so please kindly tell me where Harry..." He never finished because Professor McGonagall attacked him. She shot a spell which would have hit him if Snape hadn't been so quick to put up a Shield Spell. The spell reflected off of the Shield into Professor McGonagall knocking her into a bookshelf. I heard footsteps coming from the hallway outside of the Ravenclaw dormitory as Snape turns and runs toward the window. He breaks and jumps out of the window as Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprouts ran inside the dormitory with Professor Slughorn bringing up the rear panting heavily.
"He jumped" I say in disbelief as I stared out the window noticing a giant bat shape flying off into the distance. "Huh, that's smart. Get away so he can fight against us with all the Death Eaters at his side..."
"What are you doing here, Atlantia?" Professor McGonagall asked standing directly behind me. I turned and faced them once again.
"I need you to gather everyone into the Great Hall." I say grimly, "Voldemort is coming." Professor McGonagall gasped as the others just looked shocked before they all nodded and quickly disappeared to gather the students. I sighed as I took out a galleon. I summoned a rainbow before tossing it into the water.
"Oh Fleecy do me a solid, show me Harry Potter in the Room of Requirement." I mumbled under my breath. The rainbow disappeared before Harry appeared surrounded by so many students and Order members.
"Harry," I called.He turned surprised.
"Atlantia, what's the word?" He says as everybody noticing me got closer to the rainbow.
"I need you guys to prepare to fight." I say, "Voldemort is coming. If you are of age and are willing to fight, I need you to prepare the school for the battle. Do anything that can hurt the Death Eaters and give us a shot of making out of this alive." I take a breath, "I know I am asking a lot of you guys but if you are wiling to fight, I need you to." I see everyone exchanging looks before I see one boy step in front of Harry. I realize its Neville but it looked like he been to Hades and back with a bruised eye and swollen cheeks with cuts covering different parts of his face.
"Neville," I say quietly in shock.
"Hey, Atlantia." He said smiling at me, "I think I speak for everyone who is standing here. We will stand by you always. I may not have gotten the chance to know you that well but I know you are not like your grandfather and are ready to end this. We will be by your side in this battle gladly." I looked at them with tears in my eyes as I saw everyone nodded with Neville's speech.
"Well, then" I said smiling, "Let's give them Hades." I slash my hand through the rainbow before walking out of the Ravenclaw dormitory. I walked down the hall near the Great Hall but stopped when I heard Voldemort speaking.
"Atlantia, I know you can hear me." I stop in my tracks and immediately look around the hallway but he is not in Hogwarts. "You give me Harry Potter and join me, I will spare everyone you care for. Every student and every teacher. Even the members of the Order. You have till midnight." I could tell from the shouting and noise from the Great Hall that everyone had heard his message. I took a breath before walking past the Great Hall. I was turning the corner when I heard someone calling my name. I turned and saw Blaise standing outside the entrance to the Great Hall. He looked to be in bad shape. He had a busted lip, black eyes, and bruises and cuts all over his face and body.
"Blaise?" I say concerned, "What...what happened to you?" He began to walk toward me.
"Some of the Slytherins began to disrespect your name." He said shrugging his shoulders before obviously wincing, "So did some of the Death Eaters. I stood up to them." I touched his arms healing his injuries once he had gotten close to me.
"You shouldn't have done that." I said, "It was just words. They wouldn't have hurt me." He shook his head before meeting my eyes.
"I couldn't allow the people you called family to say stuff like that when you weren't there." I stare at him shocked at him for doing this before slamming my lips onto his. He was surprised but instantly began to kiss back. We didn't need words. The kiss said it all. When we finally pulled apart, I grabbed his hand.
"Come on, I need you to help me destroy a horcrux." I pull on his arm before sprinting down the hall. He stumbled before running beside me.
"So I guess that kiss meant you chose me." He said with a smile on his face.
"Yeah, I just followed my heart." I said smiling back at him as we jogged up the stairs, "Draco may have had it when I first came here, but you definitely have it now." When we appeared outside of the Room of Requirements, I told Blaise to think of a place where everything is hidden. He looked confused but did as I asked. I did the same and the door appeared right in front of us. I pushed it open and saw piles of different objects that went to the ceiling that was at least 12 feet high.
"Come on," I say beckoning for Blaise to follow me as he looked in awe at everything. "We need to find the Ravenclaw diadem." He began to scan the piles we pasted. Then I felt three other presences.
"Hold it there, Atlantia."

An: I am so sorry for not updating. It has been another weird week with the coronavirus epidemic. It is rising so fast in my area. Then I am also worried for my brother since he is on a Marine base that is in lockdown because a group that came in has some soldiers that have the coronavirus. Anyway, I hope you all doing ok and are safe. I thank you all for staying with me as I work to write out the chapters. Thank you always for the votes and reads. Stay safe everyone.

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