Chapter 30: Atlantia

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I couldn't stop the tears that streamed down my face as I entered the Great Hall again.  I felt so violated. Granted I should have saw something was wrong when an eighteen year old was coming onto a twelve year old but my heart wanted to fall in love again and wouldn't let my brain think reasonably. I look up from the ground to see everyone staring at me with concern written on their faces. Draco was the first one to step up to me.
"Atlantia what's wrong?" He asks stepping up to me placing his hand on my arm. He meant to be comforting but after what just happened, I couldn't deal with a man's touch. I instinctively pushed his hand off. He quickly stepped back confusion and concern obvious on his face. I could see everyone growing even more concern and curious as they stared sat how I was reacting.
"Atlantia what happened?" Draco asked again. Before I could speak, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and I see Krum coming toward me. I react immediately quickly taking steps backwards away from Krum. He looks at me angrily before putting a smile on his face when he realizes where he is.
"Don't worry." He calls out to the crowd as he reaches me. I was unable to go any further with the crowd of students and teachers surrounding me. "Just a misunderstanding between us. She's fine." Krum swings his arm over my shoulder and I finally snap. I push his arm off my shoulders hard before using my earthquake power to push him to the ground a few feet away from me. I hear gasps of shock but I don't pay attention to them.
"I'M FINE!?!" I scream at him fresh tears streaming down my face. "YOU TRY TO RAPE ME AND YOU TELL PEOPLE I AM FINE?...I TRUSTED YOU. I GAVE YOU A FAIR CHANCE AND YOU TOLD ME WHEN WE MET THAT YOU WERE WILLING TO WAIT TILL I WAS EIGHTEEN IF WE ACTUALLY WERE TOGETHER." I take a shaky breath and say much softer but with the same amount of anger, "I wanted a chance to love again but you...tonight...have ruined that. You destroyed my heart...but you also demolished my trust. I will never trust you again. If you try to talk to me again outside of what is required for the Tournament, I swear on the River Styx that I will personally escort you to the Fields of Punishment where you will spend eternity regretting you ever tried to touch me in that way without my consent." After hearing the loud thunder signaling my vow was final, I turned to leave when Karkaroff spoke.
"Dumbledore surely you won't believe this girl's story that Viktor Krum would actually try to rape a student and especially someone he is courting." Karkaroff stated like the evidence of Krum raping me were not staring him in the face. My dress was torn where he grabbed me. I had tears streaming down my face. I was acting skittish. I would not allow anyone to deny what he did to me. I stalk up to Karkaroff and offered him my hand.
"Take it and see what your perfect student did to me." I growled at him. He looked at me confused before taking it. I allowed the memory to play put again. Once it ended, I gently pulled my hand away from him and turned back to the crowd. I realized that instead of just projecting it to Karkaroff, I projected it to everyone. I couldn't stand the sympathy looks so I ran out of the Great Hall. I didn't know where to go so I just ran. I don't remember making the decision to head to the lake. I don't remember jumping into the lake. I don't even remember swimming into the merpeople's village. All I remember is being held by the queen of the village and her daughters as I cried and retold my story to the king and his men. They looked extremely angry at Krum to the point of looking murderous. I don't know how long I stayed there with them holding me but eventually they push me back toward the surface with a promise that Krum would not have an easy time in this tournament challenge in February. I wouldn't let them hurt him physically because even though I swore on the River Styx that I would drag his soul to the Fields of Punishments, I could never do it. It wouldn't feel right. Eventually, I enter Hogwarts again and I see Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and Professional McGonagall waiting for me.
"Atlantia, we were worried." Professor Snape said looking at me concern obvious on his facial features.
"I couldn't stand to be in there with Kr...him lying about the whole thing." I admit, "I also couldn't stand to be in there with everyone looking at me with pity."
Dumbledore nods, "That's a perfectly fine reason for running off after such a traumatic incident. Now, we have to warn you of something that will probably upset you but you probably already figure this would happen..."
"Just spit it out already." I say anxious.
"Krum will have to stay in the Tournament because of the rules. Professor Karkaroff, Madame Maxine, and myself all deeply apologize for this and..." Dumbledore explains.
"Just stop talking." I say angry, "I hope the wizarding community actually has some type of reprimand for attempted rape or rape itself but I guess not. If you don't mind, I am heading to bed and tomorrow morning I wish to be left alone." I don't wait for a response before stalking past them and towards the Slytherin dormitory. I felt fresh tears begin to fall down my tears as soon as I turn the corner to head down the stairs to the dungeons. I felt a presence appear behind me. I instinctively produced a sword and turned at the same time. The edge of the sword came an inch from cutting Clothio's,one of the fates, neck. I remove my sword and bow my head once I realize who had appeared. I could see her sisters, Lahkesis and Atropos, standing behind her, flanking her.
"What do you want?" I say not caring that they could end my life here.
"We warned you this path you will deal with difficulties and pain. We didn't specify what pain. Heartache and betrayal are emotional pain." Clothio states somewhat sympathetic.
"Why, is it always me?" I cry out to them, "Don't you have someone else's life to destroy?"
"Although this may not seem like it, this path will lead you to be in your happiest state." Lachesis saids.
"Trust us. Trust your housemates. Trust yourself." Atropos says.
"Your life depends on it." The Fates say together. "Others life depend on it." They flash out leaving me with tears streaming down my face. I stare at the spot they were in before making my way to the Slytherin dorms. When I entered, I saw Draco, Pansy, Millicent, and Blaise waiting for me.
"We couldn't go to sleep until we knew you were safe." Draco explained when I looked at them confused
"Come on," Pansy said standing up and offering her hand. "You can talk to me and Millicent in our room away from guys since you probably feel uncomfortable with Draco and Blaise around." I allow her to pull me up the stairs and into our shared room. This is what lead me to cry in someone's else arms for the second time that night.

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