Chapter 50: Atlantia

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The rest of the day I didn't see Professor Umbridge luckily so I was able to enjoy the classes without her annoying presence watching the professor teach his/her class. However, the next morning I found that she was in an annoyed mood when she came to teach our class.
"Good Morning Class." She said when she entered. We all chanted the greeting back as we got put our textbooks and quills.
"Wands away please." She stated when she saw some wands on people desks.
"We will be reading Chapter 4 today so please turn to that page and begin to read and take notes. Next week we will be reading Chapter 5 and the following week you will be tested on how well you know the information in the first five chapters so I recommend that you carefully read and take notes on this chapter before we discuss it. You have an hour to read the chapter. This does not require talking. Begin." She turns on her heel and sits at her desk once she finishes talking. Since I am not in the mood to fight her on something I did that she considered wrong, I just quietly opened my textbook to the 20 page chapter and began to read and take notes. The rest of class went by smoothly without any hiccups so after she assigned us another essay, she dismissed us for lunch. After lunch we made out way down to the forest for Care of Magical Creatures where I felt my heart sink when we arrive. Standing by the table with bowtruckles was Professor Umbridge talking to Professor Grubly-Plank.
"You do not usually teach this class, is that correct?" I heard Professor Umbridge ask as I got closer.
"Quite correct." Professor Grubly-Plank stated, "I am a substitute teacher standing in for Professor Hagrid."
"Hmmm." Professor Umbridge began to talk in a quieter voice but thanks to my advanced hearing I was easily able to hear her. "I wonder...the headmaster seems strangely reluctant to give me any information on the matter...can you tell me what is causing. Professor Hagrid's very extended leave of absence?" I was curious as well but kinda had a feeling I wouldn't get an answer.
"Fraid, I can't." Professor Grubly-Plank said. Knew it. "Don't know anything more about it than you do. Got an owl from Dumbledore, wondering if I would like to work for a couple of weeks and I of course accepted...That's as much as I know. Well...shall I get started then?"
"Yes, please do." Professor Umbridge said pulling out her clipboard. Professor Grubly-Plank called out for everyone to pair up and take one of the caged bowtruckles to one of the tables so they can study it and label the different body parts and their uses. She told us that it would be due at the end of class. Professor Umbridge immediately begins to walk around asking students questions about random magical creature and quite frankly everyone did pretty well. Huh, at least this is one class everyone pays attention.
"Overall," Professor Umbridge said to Professor Grubly Plank after conducting lengthy interrogations with random students, "how do you, as a temporary member of staff and an objective outsider, how do you find Hogwarts? Do you feel you receive enough support from the school management?"
"Oh, yes. Dumbledore is excellent." Professor Grubly-Plank stated, "No, I'm very happy with the way things are run, very happy indeed."
Professor Umbridge had a look on her face that showed she thought that Professor Grubly-Plank was wrong but said nothing as she wrote on her clipboard before continuing, "And what are you planning to cover with this class this year, assuming of course that Professor Hagrid does not return?"
"Oh, I'll take them through the creatures that most often comes up in O.W.L," Professor Grubly stated thoughtfully, "Not much left to do...they've studied unicorns and nifflers,I thought we'd cover porlocks and kneazles, make sure they can recognize crups and knarls,you know..."
"Well, you seem to know what you're doing, at any rate," Professor Umbridge said writing on her clipboard. She then turns toward us, "Now, I hear there have been injuries in this class?"
"That was me." Draco hastily said, "I was slashed by a hippogriff."
"A hippogriff?" Professor Umbridge said with wide eyes as she frantically wrote in her clipboard.
"Only because he was too stupid to listen to what Hagrid told him to do." Harry said angrily. I heard Ron and Hermione audibly groan which kind of confused me.
"Another night's detention, I think," I heard Professor Umbridge say softly, "Well, thank you very much, Professor Grubly-Plank I think that's all I need here. You will be receiving the results of your inspection within ten days."
"Jolly good," Professor Grubly-Plank said before Professor Umbridge set off back across the lawn toward Hogwarts. I had a bad feeling so I decided to visit Harry after Astronomy but I knew that the time I was actually available to talk to him would be during curfew so I decided I would just vapor travel to the Gryffindor Common room and pray that he was the only one there. So later that night, I dressed for bed and crawled in the covers and waited till I heard the steady breathing of Millicent and Pansy before calling for the water vapor to take me to the Gryffindor common room. When I arrived, I found Harry with his hands in a solution and Hermione and Ron sitting next to him.
"Atlantia, how did you get in here?" Hermionr said looking at me in surprise.
"This is very bright room." I say looking around the room. "I am not sure I would have liked to live in this bright of a dorm."
"Atlantia, why are you here?"Harry said trying to get me focus.
"Oh yeah. So Monday night I had a nightmare and it was about...Oh my gods it's true." I said when I stepped closer and could see his hands. "Professor Umbridge actually used that quill?" I gently took his hand and since it wasn't life threatening just summoned my healing power from my core instead of singing the song.
"You knew about it?" Harry asked slightly angry but relieved when the pain fades and the marks leave his hands.
"I have visions of the future when I sleep and Monday night I had a vision of you being hurt writing those lines with that cursed quill." I say letting go of his hand.
"So is that why you came, to warn me?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, I didn't know it already happened or I would have been here sooner." I say, "Here give me your hands again." He hands it to me and I use my magic powers from Hecate to allow his hands to form the hand marks and for me to receive the pain if he has to go through the "detention."
"What did you do?" When Harry took his hands and he could see the inscribed words back on his hand.
"I'm using the mist to make it that only you and Professor Umbridge see the words and would naturally fade like it normally would. I also have a spell that allows the words to be inscribed on your hand but you won't feel the pain. I will instead." I say.
"No!" He cries out in horror, "I can't ask you to take the pain."
"You're not asking Harry. I'm insisting. Harry, I was captured by Giants and monsters at age 10, dragged through Tartarus and you think I can't deal with this pain? I'll be fine Harry. I can deal with it." I smile at him as I say this. "Well now that's over, I will leave you."
"Wait, I want to hear your opinion on this idea." Hermione cried out stopping me.
"Sure. What's up?" I say stopping.
"Do you think it would be a good idea to teach ourselves Defense Against the Dark Arts spells? I mean we know...Vol-domort is rising and we are not learning anything to defend ourselves and we will not be ready for the O.W.L." Hermione states.
I nod, "I mean it's a good idea. Who will teach you?"
"Well, I was thinking Harry." She said looking at him.
"What? Why me?" Harry asked, "You're better at DADA then me Hermione and Atlantia is the best to teach us. She doesn't seem to be struggling with anything and when she saved me and Cedric from Voldemort last year, she didn't seem fazed at all. She fought with him and easily got us away."
"While I am flattered, I can't teach you guys anything. I mainly use my powers and not the wands. I can try to teach you but I am pretty sure I will be bad as a teacher." I say honestly.
"If I find people who are willing to learn from you, will you think about it?" Hermione pleaded.
"I will think about it. I mean I thinks it's a good idea to teach you guys to perform the spells since Professor Umbridge isn't doing anything to prepare you." I state.
"Thank you," Hermione said breathing a sigh of relief. I smile before allowing the water vapors to take me back to my bed.

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