Chapter 13: Atlantia

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Arthur came knocking on the shield that I placed once we walked into the tent a few hours later. I woke and released the shield enough to see the rest of the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione to enter the tent.
"We need to get going so wake up and pack up." Arthur orders helping to pack our things. Once that was done, Arthur took down the tent and packed it into his bag. We then began to walk toward the place where the portkeys were held. When we got closer, we could hear multiple voices. When we arrived we saw many witches and wizards trying to leave the campsite as quickly as possible. After Arthur had a hurried discussion with one of the keepers of the portkeys, we were able to return back to the hill we left on with a portkey that was an old tire. We began the walk back to the Weasley's home. As we rounded the final corner, the Weasley's home came into view.
"Oh thank goodness. Thank goodness.". We hear Molly say as she ran toward us. She ran straight for Arthur and wrapped her hand around his neck. A newspaper fluttered out of her hand and I saw the headlines for the attack at the Quidditch World Cup. Molly continued to fret over her family so I excuses myself so I could have a chance to visit my parents. I shadowed traveled firstly to the Underworld so I could speak to Hades because I figured he would have the most clue if Voldemort had returned. When I arrived in his throne room, I could hear Hades arguing Perspephone about her garden again.
"I tell you again and again to stop meddling with my garden so stop telling your skeletons to care for the garden." Perspephone yelled at him.
"You're a queen. You shouldn't be taking care of a garden. Let my servant skeletons take care of it." Hades argued back.
"Your skeletons kill my plants with a touch of their hands so it would be counterintuitive to have them take care of the garden." Perspephone spat back.
"Well, a queen should not be taking care of a garden. Hire some one else to do it. I am the god of riches. Errrr, rather my Roman side is." Hades said not wanting to lose the argument.
"Oh just shut your trap father and let mother take care of the garden." I finally shouted at them tired of the argument.
"Atlantia my child. Why are you hear? Come to see you birth mother?" Hades asked.
"No, I came to ask if Voldemort was rising. You see apparently he is my grandfather and his followers Death Eaters, terrible name, want to kidnap me and bring me to him so I would appreciate to know if he has risen or he never died." I explain.
"Well, his soul never reached the Field of Punishments so he is still alive but don't share that news with anyone. According to Apollo, that will badly ruin the wizarding world and your mother Hecate won't be happy is her world got destroyed." Hades says," If you do find Voldemort, would you mind killing him? He not dying is causing a lot of paperwork and I would like it to stop."
"Yeah, yeah. I wasn't going to let him live." I say waving off the order. I get ready to return to the living world when Hades speaks.
"Wait," He says,"Go visit your other parents. They miss you and since you drained our powers in the Giant's War, we cannot have any more children nor can we visit or watch your life so please visit them before they come here to bite my head off for not telling you to go visit them." I sigh but do as he asked. When I arrived at Olympus, my parents immedietly fussed over me but once they saw me and talked to me for a minute, I just left. I can only deal with their crazy antics for so long. When I returned to the Weasley's home, I realized a week has passed since the Quidditch World Cup. Immediately when I entered the kitchen, Molly ambushed me.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" She screams.
"Sorry Molly, I wasn't planning on being gone a week but I had to visit my Greek parents and time in the Underworld is quite different then up here so for an hour down there was a week up here." I apologize.
She visbily relaxes," It's alright dear. I'm just glad you are safe. Now you might want to work on your uniform since you leave tomorrow so you might want to have at least one done by tomorrow since you have to wear it when you arrive at school. Also pack your suitcase full of your books when you get up there. Do you also need to create a fancy gown or did you buy one?"
"I need to create one but I have time. The gown is a lot simpler then the uniform." I explain."Could I work down here?"
"Yes of course. Go grab your supplies and you can work on the kitchen table," Molly said clearing a spot. I thank her before running up the stairs to my shared room. When I enter, I find Ginny and Hermione packing their suitcases. Ginny immedietly runs and embraces me in a hug.
"You're alright." She says.
"Yeah, sorry for the scare." I say. I explain what happened and them the continue to pack the situation now resolved. I grab my enchanted sewing kit and the magical wielding cloth and walk down the stairs to the kitchen table. I begin on my first outfit as Molly cooks what I assume to be dinner later. Some time later, she asks me if I remember where the Dress robes we bought were placed.
"I believe they're in the living room in that box near the couch." I say looking up from the jumpsuit I was creating. It was all black but I was adding the Hogwarts emblem just above where my left breast. I liked the design because it allowed me to easily fight and move in. I get up to show Molly where they were and then help her to bring them up to her sons. We knock on Harry and Ron's room before entering.
"Here is your dress robes." I say handing each of them the one we bought for them.
"Mom, these look like they cost a fortune. How were we able to afford these?" Ron asked looking at the material.
"Yeah," Harry agreed," This cost more them even what I could afford."
"Well, I didn't buy them, dears. Atlantia did. She wanted to do something for me so she made me agree to allow her to buy the robes. Now we must get going because Atlantia still needs to finish her uniform." Molly explained before ushering out of the room. We went up to Fred and George's room and gave them their robes before heading back to the first floor and continuing our chores. By the time dinner rolled around, I was able to finish 2 uniforms I figured I could finish on the train that Molly told me was going to take me to Hogwarts. I cleaned up the table and brought them back to my room. I quickly packed my suitcase before heading down for dinner. At dinner Molly remembered something.
"Oh Atlantia I just remembered. Professor Dumbledore sent a letter. He said a Ministry wizard would be stopping by to take a copy of your memories from that night at the Quidditch Cup and memories from your earlier years." Molly explained.
"Why do they want a copy of my childhood?" I ask.
"Didn't say. I think it's just a precaution to make sure you are telling the truth and to prove to everyone that you are indeed telling the truth so you are not bullied when you head to the Hogwarts." Molly reasons. I nod and eat my dinner in silence as the other Weasleys talk about the upcoming schoolyear. After dinner a Ministry wizard by the name of Harold stopped by and used a spell to take copies of my memories before bidding us goodnight. It didn't hurt just felt a tad weird since it seemed to tickle my brain as he extracted the memories. After he left, I asked Molly how we would be getting to the train.
" Well, we were going to take Ministry cars but Arthur couldn't get any. Alas I probably will have to phone for some Taxis." Molly told me.
"If you don't mind leaving say around 9am, I can get you a ride. You told me the the train leaves at 11 right?" I ask Molly.
"If you don't mind dear, it would be extremely helpful and it is better to leave at that time since it will take us at about an hour and half to get there." Molly replied grateful.
"Well, let me send a message before I go to bed." I tell her. She nods her approval so I step outside the house to send an Iris message.
I throw a galleon into the rainbow I create since that's all I had."Oh Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Apollo at Olympus." Immediately the water shifted to show Apollo alone playing a lyre.
"Father, I have a favor to ask." I say. He stops playing and looks up and smiles when he sees me.
"Daughter, what do you need. You know I can't do much anymore." Apollo said grinning.
"You still drive the sun in the morning right?" I ask for clarification.
"Yep. You need a pick up?" He asks.
"Yeah, I need you to drive me and 10 other people to the King's Cross Train Station tomorrow. Pick up around 9 am at the Weasley's family home." I inform him.
"Got it. See you then. I am guessing I can show off when I arrive because they know about you being my daughter." Apollo said grinning.
"Yeah. Don't embarrass me." I warn him before wiping my hand through the picture ending the call. I then walk back into the house bidding good night to Mrs. Weasley and assuring her the ride is taken care of and heading up the stairs to get a good nights rest before I have to attend a Magic school even though I can do magic just fine.

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