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Happy Birthday to our Winter Bear Kim Taehyung. May you have a happy, healthy and successful life. Love you sm❤
And gift for Tae's birthday for my dear readers. Also there is an announcement in the end of the chapter do read it too❤

Jungkook was in his parents house but this time he wasn't alone. While there were dead bodies on top of them was standing a black shadow. He couldn't make out anything out of shadow just his amber eyes that were boring in his blue eyes. He wanted to shout and call for help. 

He wanted to call for Taehyung but his voice wasn't coming out. His lips were moving but no sound could be heard. He tried running but his feet were fixed on the floor with the blood slowly creeping up his feet. The dark colored liquid was moving up staining his beautiful clothes and shoes. The amber eyes were nearing him. The monster like wolf was growing big with each step forward until he towered above jungkook. The blood that was creeping up had suddenly stopped moving up. It stopped at his stomach. Jungkook was frozen at his place. Fear filled in every fiber of his body. The shadow slowly lifted it's arm and touched jungkook's face. The touch burned him but he could do nothing to prevent it. His tears were flowing continuously. The shadow leaned forward and whispered

I'm coming for you

Both of you.

Jungkook woke up in cold sweat and crying loudly. Luckily taehyung was there to hold him and calm him. Jungkook was thrashing around scared of Taehyung but when he realized it was his alpha he clung to his body still crying. 

"You're fine, you're okay. I'm right here" Taehyung reassured him by pecking his face every now and then, whispering sweet nothings. After sometime Omega's breathing became stable and he looked up at his mate with teary eyes.

"h-he k-killed them" he said sobbing.

"Shh shh relax baby"

"h-he killed and will t-take me away" taehyung's body stiffened.

"Nobody can take you away from me I promise " taehyung strongly held him.

"I-I don't want to go with him" jungkook mumbled and taehyung frowned in worry.

Who is this person?


Jungkook was still recovering from the trauma from seeing dead bodies of his parents. He would wake up midnight and start crying and shivering badly begging Taehyung to save him. On the other hand taehyung was extremely worried about the situation. It had been a month since the death of the couple but  jungkook would cry every night after waking up from a new nightmare and they still couldn't find the murderer yet. 

From the last week Jungkook's condition was better and he was going on strolls to the royal garden with yoongi and jimin. They were accompanying him whenever taehyung had to leave. Jungkook wasn't left alone even for a minute everyone made sure he was feeling safe and secure. 

"Hyung where is taehyung?" he asked jimin who was present in his room and reading a book while jungkook was drawing something on a large canvas. 

"Oh Jungkookie, Taehyungie is extremely busy these days in handling political affairs. So he will come late tonight. But don't worry I'll stay with you." Jimin said with a smile and jungkook nodded not liking the fact that he won't be able to spend time with alpha. Jimin was a great friend and tried to help him cheer up but still he wanted Taehyung to be with him. He ignored his heart and continued his drawing.

"I'll be back in a minute. Is that okay with you?" Jimin asked and Jungkook smiled at him.

Jungkook was almost done with the painting. He took a few steps back and stared at his work. 

In The Moonlight _ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now