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Jungkook is so Beautiful 😍
Stream BE and LGO ❤
No Proofread.

Taehee stood face to face with taehyung.

"Kim Taehyung we need to talk" she said.

"Yes mother I'm here, we can talk" taehyung replied standing still while jungkook was standing near the bed.

"Alone" she said glancing at jungkook who got embarrassed and immediately moved to leave the room. While he was passing by Taehyung held his arm strongly, and pulled him in front of him, jungkook's eyes widened when he was suddenly held and pulled in front of his king.

Now jungkook was facing Taehyung while his back was towards Taehee.

Taehee furrowed at her son's actions but stayed silent.

"We can talk like this mother" he said glancing at jungkook while fixing the collar of his old white shirt.

"If you want it to be this way then fine. I'm here to talk about your marriage" Taehee said.

"What about my marriage mother" he momentarily glanced at taehee but then again fixed his gaze at jungkook while playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"I think it's time you marry princess Sooah. It's been a long time since you two got engaged. I'll call her parents and then we'll start marriage preparations. I found a suitable date and that's one month from today. We should start sending invitations to our alliances" Taehee said. Taehyung wae listening silently while jungkook was looking downward.

He felt like his mind will explode hearing taehee talk more about marriage of his mate to another woman. But it's not like he can say anything, it's upto taehyung and his mother. Tears started to form in his eyes.

Taehyung turned him around so now he was facing taehee. He placed his head on one of his shoulders while other was full on sight for the queen mother. Taehyung had adjusted his shirt so that his a part of his bare skin was now visible. The same part of jungkook's neck that had taehyung's mate mark.

Taehee visibly gasped at seeing the mark on jungkook's neck.

"You marked him" she almost yelled.

"Yes mother i marked him and even consummated our bond. You see i couldn't stop myself when i saw my true mate" taehyung back hugged jungkook who stiffened under the strict gaze of taehee.

"How can you say such vulgur things to your mom" taehee said angrily.

" what's vulgur about having sex with your destined mate" taehyung asked innocently while jungkook was turning red.


"Enough" he said sternly this time.

"This, right here is my mate and i won't tolerate you hurting him by fixing my marriage to another person"

"That another person is your fiancee"

"She used to be my fiancee and we both know how and why. But anyways i already ended that meaningless relation."

"Taehyung you can't end it like that" 

Taehyung approached taehee with a cold face. He cupped her face gently with his both hands.

"Mother you should take some rest in your room. I'll visit you later. Ok?" he asked but taehee only glared at him. She threw a last glance at jungkook and left the room.

Taehyung sighed and turned towards jungkook who was stoned at his place. 

"You want to eat something?" he asked to the younger

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