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"Capture him" the royal guard said as he looked at the person who was selling vegetables and fruits in his cart in front of some shops in the local market.

Other guards moved towards him and arrested him. The man protested in their hold.

"What are you doing. Leave me" he shouted at them.

"Enough of your shouting. You have borrowed 1000 gold coins from the government and you haven't returned it yet the royal court has issued an arrest warrant against you" the guard said showing him the scroll.

"But I'll return you the money I promise." the man pleaded as he was fearing being thrown in the cell.

"Mr. Jeon Junghyun it has been 6 months since you promised to return the money and you haven't returned the money yet. And you very well know that the punishment for violating rules is imprisonment."

"No please forgive me I needed the money for my children and wife. We are a poor family and i can't see them starving" junghyun lied.

"Well, we are very well aware of the fact that you lost the money in gambling so your lies won't affect us. We will have to take you to the judge for lying and not returning money. You said you wanted the money from government for starting your business but you lost it in illegal works." the guard said and dragged him with them. He had to be presented in the court of local judge that solves the local cases.


In the evening a tired Junghyun returned his home.

"You're back, what took you so long? " his wife asked.
In the meantime his brought him a glass of water and he scoffed at him and drank the water. Instead of handing him glass back he threw it on the floor.

"My life have been ruined since the day this damned creature was born. Why don't you just go somewhere and leave us alone" he yelled at his youngest son Jeon Jungkook who didn't reacted much as he was used to this scolding every day and his father loved to blame things on him. He simply picked up the glass and went inside the small kitchen.

"What happened. Is there some problem?" eunha asked again.

"The Royal court is demanding the gold I borrowed from them and i don't even have a penny to return them." he told her.

"Who told you to gamble money. We don't have enough money to eat properly and you are doing more damage to us" she scoffed.

"What are we going to do now" she asked after sometime.

"I'll have to pay them money in a week or else they will arrest me and throw me in the cell." Junghyun said and started to think of ways to pay his debt.


"You think you can win from me" Taehyung said as he struck his sword with sword of his opponent who happens to be his friend and cousin Park Jimin.

"Who says i think, I'm sure I can win_" Jimin was cut mid speech when another harsh hit caused his sword to fly away and it fell on the ground.

"I won" Taehyung smirked and Jimin just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" jimin muttered.They both got up and dusted their clothes.

They were in the training grounds when jimin challenged him a fight and as usual he won.

"Crown Prince Queen is looking for you" A maid came to him and informed. He nodded and moved towards queen's chambers to meet his dear mother.


"Hello Mother" he entered her chambers and greeted the Queen who was sitting gracefully in a long green colored gown decorated with expensive stones and her neck adorning a beautiful emerald necklace. Her fingers full of diamond and gold rings and a particular diamond crown that was meant for the Queen and mate of the king placed beautifully on her head with her long hairs tied in a bun designed with gold pins and clips. Even in this old age she was looking gorgeous.

In The Moonlight _ Taekookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن