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Jungkook was froze in his place. Is it true? It's really his true mate? 

As he was thinking he heard more rustling of leaves and the eyes were coming closer. Finally the eyes came at a distance that he can now see the figure of a person. The figure slowly approached him and he gulped. His heart beat raced as he realized he was going to see his mate for the first time ever. But before he can see the person he vanished in the bushes again. Jungkook ran towards the bushes to look for him but he couldn't find him.

His mate left....

Jungkook  curled in a ball on the bench and he eventully fell asleep.


"What are you doing. Hurry up. Don't you know the Crown prince's gonna wake up soon. Hurry up and bring his tea" the head palace worker yelled and all the workers ran to get supplies needed to prepre tea. After it was ready a maid put in a tray along with some napkins and went to put it in Crown Prince's room before he wakes up. 

The tea was carefully placed on the side table in crown prince's room and the maids left the room and guards closed the door behind them and stood outside the doors.

After sometime taehyung stirred and finally woke up. He inhaled the aroma of tea and sleep vanished from his eyes. He got up and drank his tea. After that he rose from the bed and took a shower. He had to attend the meeting that was to be held courtroom with his father.

He got ready in his elegant dress and sprayed expensive rare perfume and went to attend the court.The guards were walking beside him and he was in front of them. His head held high and his steps straight.

All the workers immediately bowed in front of him when he passed and he barely acknowledged their presence. Some young maids awed at his beauty and some were dreaming that maybe he'll look towards their way. He passed from the hallway where a lot of workers were doing there work.

Taehyung looked out of the windows of the hallways and he saw some wokers in the royal gardens. His steps slowed for a brief moment and then he again picked up his pace and went straight to thw throne room. 

He stood in front of the entrance of throne room and two guards standing outside opened the large doors for him and he entered the room and went to sit beside his father. And the court was started after  few minutes.


"Jungkook go and help other workers in laundry" Jihyo told him and he nodded. It has been a week since he was brought here and six days since he saw or more like took scent of his mate. He couldn't see him again after that and that made him sad. He was holding the basket of clothes that he had to take to the laundry room. 

He was doing a good job at hiding his identity so far but he had to take a bath every now and then with the given powder to hide his scent. But what will he do once he was out of the said powder. He don't even know what it's called and from where to get it in case he ran out of it. He was so lost in his thoughts that he couldn't see the person coming in front of him and he crashed in him.

"Ahhhh' he shouted and fell on the ground with the basket of clothes and all clothes piling around him. He looked forward and he saw the Royal commander who also fell on the ground due to the impact. Jungkook was lying on top of him and his eyes widened.

he immediately got up and furiously bowed again and again.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't saw you coming. I'm really sorry." he apologized.

"Can't you see us. Are you blind" a guard yelled at him but Yoongi raised his arm up and pointed at the guard to keep quiet.

"Are you okay. Where are you headed to?" yoongi asked him and he nodded.

In The Moonlight _ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now