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"You know It's not possible Crown Prince" Jimin said in a serious tone.

"I don't know what you're talking about" taehyung said and went inside his room from the balcony. He opened a drawer of his table and pulled out his crown. He had to go to courtroom.

While he was taking out his crown from the drawer his hand brushed passed another crown. The flowers of crown were wilting and it was shedding petals. Taehyung slightly stroked the other crown and closed the drawer.

"Let's get going" he ordered and they both went out of his room. Jimin didn't said anything else to him after that.


"Jungkook !" jihyo called him and he went near her.

"Yes Noona" he asked.

"you have to go to Queen's chambers for cleaning . The maid assinged for her work is not well today and only you are the best cleaner after her suitable for this job. Just do your work in silence and don't mess anything. Queen can be scary sometimes" Jihyo advised him and he nodded.

"Okay Noona don't worry." he smiled at her and went to clean queen's room. After checking his entrance pass for cleaning guards permitted him to enter the Queen's chambers. He nervously went inside. Queen was sitting on her thrown with a beautiful girl beside her. He bowed at them but they didn't even looked at him. He began dusting the furniture and vases. Another worker beside him was cleaning floors.

"Soo ah darling I'll soon announce you the fiancee of Crown Prince. You're exactly what i want in a daughter in law for my Tahyung" Although jungkook didn't intended on heraing the words were automatically heard.

"Oh the crown Prince's name is Taehyung" he thought to himself.

"Thank you aunt. I'll be honoured " Soo ah replied shyly.

She is beautiful jungkook looked at her and thought.

"Are you new here" Queen asked in a stern voice directed towards him.

'Y-yes" he bowed slightly. Queen remained silent after that and he continued his work. They bowed again when they were done and left.

"Isn't he too beautiful for a Beta" Soo ah mumbled, amazed by his beauty and Taehee just shrugged it off.


The sky was dark and stars were shining around full moon who was present in it's full glory. Crown prince Kim Taehyung was strolling in his palace. His steps unconsciously took him to the royal grounds. His mind was preoccupied by the political matters running in the courtroom.

Kaghan was on the verge of war with one of it's rival kingdoms Gangnam and the situation was worsening. They had many evidences that led to the conclusion that Gangnam was involved in killing the soldiers of Kaghan , stealing from traders and harming the international trade. They had a strong army just like Kaghan but still kaghan was leading in power and impact.

Even if there was a war Kaghan can overpower Gangnam but the problem was there were some traitors in Kaghan and they had access to the senstive information of the kingdom. King had ordered to search all ministers rooms and all of them willingly agreed to let army search their quarters and belongings. Everyone was worried about the black sheep present among them and that was harming the dignity and welfare of the Kingdom.

Taehyung was walking aimlessly when he reached the end of the garden. He decided to turn back to his Chambers but then he suddenly heard giggling from one side of the garden, mainly from behind a large tree. He carefully moved towards the tree and hid behind the bushes. There he saw a young worker who was plucking flowers and running around like butterfly and gathered all the flowers on the bench. Taehyung was amused by his actions. The boy was a mere worker and he was looking so carefree and that it automatically brought a smile on his lips.

In The Moonlight _ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now